But you are a student of Jyotish so have to tally what you read with your study charts and your personal experience. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 9th House I am learning so much about myself. As always things will dramatically change after you cross 36yrs of age (Saturns maturity age). I appreciate all that is revealed to us here. The native achieves peace and happiness in life. If you can think of some social cause you can participate in, this energy will be balanced. Else Saturn will teach you this lesson thoroughly by making you emotionally cold, abusive, create intimacy issues, issues with inheritances etc to resolve your karma. Saturn in the 12th house gives an inherent fear of being imprisoned, confined, disabled, insane, helpless dependant etc. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Saturn retrograde here can feel like a real challenge to your skills, especially if youre not able to make as much progress at work as you would like. Ive been thinking so much about Saturn lately and now its been manifested in the form of a lovely post. The native has great skill in political affairs. Receiving readings in my email every day before I get on with my business has really helped me to align with my higher purpose and given me the bravery to confront each day with acute deliberateness. Natal Saturn retrograde in the 12th house will likely face heavy emotional issues early on in life. The lesson is you have to learn to share your innermost feelings with your loved one. You have to learn this balance in this life. If there are issues with the birth family, they must remember that friend groups and other authority figures can often fill those roles. The native gets the mothers affection and advantage of property and transport facility. I have Saturn in 4th, but I also relate to some extent with what youve said about Saturn in 8th, so wondered (i have Saturn in Scorpio). Thank you Kelli Fox . Many love affairs. Those with this placement may find that they overcome this feeling that you don't belong around the time of their Saturn return. Saturn is often blamed for placing roadblocks in our path but thats just this teacher planets way of making you step up and take the initiative. Effects of Saturn in 5th House in Horoscope. Here, Saturn's influence is on material possessions, finances and personal values as well as daily routines. But now Saturn will give you the opportunity to rectify things. Kelli's, readings can be very inspiring and uplifting. You want no change in partnerships but it does not work like that. Their spouse can be older and mature than him. You should be aware of this and not let the agents of the 11th house take advantage of you. These individuals take their obligations very seriously indeed but are plagued by a feeling of not being good enough and not wanting to let others down. But when Mercury is retrograde, they should keep their inclination towards the paranormal subjects under check. . Taking an example, suppose retrograde Saturn is placed in the fifth house of a horoscope in Virgo with malefic Mars. Thanks so much. You will face restriction, trouble and humiliation here, but persevere and work. Do not Copy, Publish, Distribute or Reproduce without Permission. Copyright Infringement is an offense under Section 63 ofIndian Copyright Act 1957 and it is punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than6 months but which may extend to3 years and with fine which shall not be less than Rs. The native is always worried. If you resolve these in time, only then will their positives increase with time. Although I have always been a very social person most of my life, I have slowly started craving to live / move to a more isolated distant location. I consider myself fortunate that I can ask you questions of esoteric nature when the actual answer may not be available in mainstream platforms so thank you again. So if you can do some simple spiritual practice things will change for the better. Whenever he is placed he will bring the things to the forefront. I wonder if you could elaborate a little bit on the soul group, who are they, how do they decide to travel together, are they family members only or anyone and everyone who one might encounter with karma to resolve in a lifetime? The 8th house in astrology is associated with birth, death, rebirth, and transformation. The native has able children but shows some enmity towards them and suffers from separation. You hesitate before going to social events. As the traditional ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn is the master architect of the zodiac by representing the way we respond to authority, status, and discipline in our lives. You will have to take on the responsibility of your ancestral properties, lands etc which will be an unwelcome burden on your heart. Perhaps grown children are leaving home, or an older relative may move into care and no longer need so much of your help this can bring sadness, for sure. Allegiances to groups are being tested during this retrograde period. Those with natal Saturnretrograde in this house may have a harder time setting boundaries at work, which may lead them to overextend themselves and deal with burnout. 4.Libra Ascendant: Saturn lordship over 4th & 5th house. Greetings from my heart to yours, always. She seems to be on the pulse of whats happening in my life. How Saturn in 7th, where it is having directional strength helps in karmic repay. you will become a true philosopher by the time he is done with you. Saturn in the 6th house, the maha-dusham-sthan. Thank you, so many times we feel lost in this world and you've made things clearer. You expect negative value in partnerships so are unhappy in business or marriage or spiritual practice. Simultaneously, Rahu's fundamental nature of being insatiable will remain there. Or you are completely restricted from this aspect of life, ie the positive energy of the entire house remains unavailable and things connected to it become a burden on your soul. even in the 7th house unless he is capable of positive rsults he brings unhappiness in marraige, late marriage is common, partner is generally a burden, etc But then a beneficent retrogression can bring money and success in various fields of science and engineering. Do yr spiritual practice it helps fr all sorts of negativity. Saturn in the 2nd house will make you conscious about money. The native earns some money with his smart efforts and tries to get fame in the government and society. Never take advantage of your partners, it will rebound on you badly. If well aspected by Jupiter reverse results. Try to focus on who you are becoming, rather than on who you currently are. You feel vulnerable when your loved one tells you that he/she loves you. Absolute clarity of communication is the lesson here, so practice being truthful but firm. With Shani, there are two ways the energy can work. She knows exactly what has happened in my life and she's helping me to get to my life, destiny and my purpose. You are generally hard-working and practically oriented. You might fare better in technical work or work involving the hands. Another sibling has Moon/Saturn in 8th of Sagittarius, then another Moon with exact Sun/Saturn in 9th house of Cancer. There are over 30 filters, or ways of seeing your world, in astrology. Pluto Capricorn in the Sixth House (House of Virgo and Mercury or Chiron) An overhaul of work life. His position in the Navamsha will give you his innermost potential and hidden results which will be more evident after you start your relationship with your loved one/ most significant partner. I need you forever. Namaste Madam, Such retrograde Saturn can bless the native with children who may be physically, intellectually, emotionally, creatively and/or spiritually better or much better than average. Last part of life happy, Sickness while travelling. Saturn gets debilitated here. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. It may happen when such Saturn is influenced by one or more malefic planets, and/or an overall malefic horoscope. Could you describe some remedial steps for each house placement? eg the same soul can be your mother, father, daughter, wife, business rival etc in several lives as you work out the differnet facets of karma with it, being born in the same family doesnt mean that all will do the same practice! There is a loss of status in the society and the native suffers from a financial crunch. Yalls website gives me information and an escape from my mind when I feel my negative side taken over so thankyou. How to interpret transit for the charts having moon in dushma sthan? Those with this placement should learn to overcome feelings of inferiority and self-doubt. Exploring healing modalities that go deeper. Fast-moving planets were interpreted as being active and able to bring about their significations, while slow-moving planets, like ones in retrograde, were deemed too sluggish to do their job properly. The native may not have his first child till his age of 40/45, and his wife may witness 1 or 2 miscarriages, before she may give birth to an alive child. Saturn aspects on 3rd, 7th and 10th houses. In this case, the native may not find a permanent profession throughout his life, though he may earn well. Copyright 2019 - 2023 www.Astrojai.com, Elements Of Planets- Mercury, Jupiter & Venus, Elements For Planets- Saturn, Rahu & Ketu, Planets in All 12 Houses for All 12 Ascendants, Jupiter in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Mars in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Moon in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Sun in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Venus in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for aquarius ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Mercury in All 12 Houses for Aries Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Aries Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, venus in all 12 houses for cancer acendant, saturn in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, ketu in all 12 houses for cancer acendant, jupiter in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Taurus Ascendant, moon in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, mars in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, venus in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, saturn in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, ketu in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, jupiter in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, moon in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, mars in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, mercury in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, venus in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, saturn in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Leo Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for leo ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for leo ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Virgo ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Virgo ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for virgo ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for virgo ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for virgo ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for libra ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for libra ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for libra ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Sun in all 12 Houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Mars in all 12 house for Scorpio Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Medical Astrology Consultation & services. Also the 7th house is not just material stuff, it is the spiritual too. RELATED:The 10 Most Challenging Zodiac Placements In Astrology. The 7th house in astrologygoverns partnerships, including romantic relationships, friendships, and business partnerships. During this phase, their attitude towards occultism and the higher states of mind may not take them in the right direction. The native is quarrelsome and talks in a crooked way. Anyway, I love your presentation and I hope it continues. Saturn in Fifth House. Saturn is exalted here. Are you grabbing it or giving it up? Saturn Retrograde Transiting 10th House Catastrophic events leading to self-transformation now restricted by Saturn. I know the day I will get a bank card and do as you say will be the day I will never forget in my life. Listen to it, recite it .. keep the shri yantra as ur phone wallpaper.. The native lives long. I thank her very much and I hope to always have her on my side cuz I'm going to research you all my life. Are you and your love interest meant to be? the soul group is simply a group of souls who have interconnected karma. Choosing Your House System in Astrology. After all I don't have anything to lose by trying this out. Years ago I was going through Shani sadesati and it was sheer hell. Those Saturn retrograde in the 2nd house in the natal chart is associated with valuing material things. This is the house of the Ascendant sign, which provides insight into your past life. I have this placement in Sagittarius, aspected by and aspecting the 9th Lord (7/7). Thank you for the opportunity to help me know more about myself. The native is most selfish. These are called NODES in Western Astrology, Rahu is known as Dragon's head and Ketu as Dragon's tail. Meeting and interacting with people is helpful in this position. There is infinite mental energy available here. The native gets some difficulty from his father, but he is skillful, industrious, capable, and courageous. Analyse his power to give results using Shad-bala, Ashtakvarga etc as per your level of understanding. The native is dissatisfied with his mother. I appreciate her help and will remember. Rahu in Virgo in fifth house will transform Rahu as Mercury as Rahu alters its nature as per the lord of sign it is positioned in. Expect to process some deeply held emotions, especially those regarding your past or any trauma youve experienced. Now you have to work on this belief aspect and come to a conclusion about your own truth and foundational philosophy. Taking responsibility for the whole self -- mind, body, spirit. If you feel that youre struggling to cope, reach out for help and it will be given. Great knowledge and spiritually intriguing. Over time, the power of Saturn retrograde in the natal chart can be harnessed towards success; if we can learn to filter the inbound messages from our inner critic, we can focus on what's helpful and ignore what's unnecessarily hurtful. Nice video site on the different aspects of the Sun signs. Similar to all retrograde transits, Saturn's retrograde periods are excellent for reviewing what we have learned thus far from Saturn's transits with a view to continuous improvement. Sun in fifth house/ Sun in 5th house for Virgo ascendant. Characteristics of Saturn in 5th House for Virgo Ascendant The native acquires good education. Once you understand this, you will be able to systematically work for your goals in life and succeed. Getting genuine protective shelter is difficult, this protection is in the form of nurture, nutrition, spirituality, advice, etc. Those with this placement may struggle with coming into their own, relying on others' opinions to form their own self-concept. Also strictly follow morals and ethics in life so that Saturn remains satisfied with your behaviour. The 9th house in astrology governs your personal philosophies, ethics, and experience gained through travel and cultural exploration. Saturn in fifth house of Navamsa. fourth is house represent inner emotional well being, and seventh house represents spousal equivalent and people. In this case, the native may come across very good amount of success, money, recognition and growth through gym business. Romance takes a . In this case, the native may start a gym, and he may witness good amount of success, money, recognition and growth. Either you went through these issues or perpetrated them on others. TRY IT!!! The native acquires little education but is inherently intelligent. It came to me at a time when I most needed it and I have always felt close to Shanidev since. Saturn goes retrograde every year and lasts for a few months at a time, meaning it's certainly possible to be born during Saturn retrograde. i dislike generic statements, Much love and gratitude. Spend some time thinking about how you react to things you cannot control, and how this is affecting your mental health. Restrictions on self-love, personal genius, creativity, conscious link to the divine, expression of individuality, enthusiasm etc are all there, especially when younger. Saturn is associated with karma and karmic destiny and its during Saturn retrograde that this becomes more obvious. Think carefully. This dominion rules over love, romance, sex, pleasure, creativity, and intelligence. Thank you. The native is quite unfortunate. It means that overall Saturn is neutral for Virgo ascendants. The 11th house in astrology is the house of friends. This transit is all about control and your karmic need for it or indeed, your karmic fight against it. Do not use immoral or unethical means to get ahead in the profession else humiliation and public disgrace can happen for sure. Rahu in the 5th house This 5th house is very sensitive as it defines your intelligence. Malefic retrograde Jupiter is placed in the sixth house in Libra with malefic Rahu, malefic Ketu is placed in the twelfth house in Aries, and benefic Sun is placed in the eighth house in Sagittarius with Mercury. This is an opportunity to dump your baggage and to more forward with a clearer head and heart. This mind-set makes you attract bad company. You and your partner both fail to accommodate each other, might behave unethically, cruelly, selfishly, might get into financial trouble and finally behave in a mean minded way with each other. If debilitated Moon is placed in the seventh house in Scorpio, and Venus is placed in the eighth house in Sagittarius with Sun and Mercury, the equation may become worse. DK mercury in 8th(combust) In D9 ascendant is saggitarius, AK moves to Virgo and is conjunct with moon in 10th house. The native always faces hurdles and hindrances in life. It represents auspiciousness, honesty, justice, positive qualities and happiness. If the horoscope shows and evolved soul and the Saturn is auspicious then he can work as a highly spiritualising force in your life. Accept the help offered. Lucky, respected, loss of ancestral property in early part of life. He a Yogkarak for Taurus and Libra ascendants. The greatest advice and the way the planets line up and everything that's explained is very easy to read. Afflicted health with bile. Will be benefited through others wealth. Saturn retrograde periods are also ideal for revisiting form or structure and understanding how something may best be built to stand the test of time. As an effect, Saturn retrograde can inhibit one's abilities to create effective boundaries at work or in relationships; there may exist a persistent need to always respond in the affirmative. You cannot actively use the auspicious benefits of your past lives so feel helpless internally. The father is generally unloving or unavailable especially in the childhood thus there may be some psychological issues regarding expression of the self-ego. Hie maam. The native is fortunate, religious, and influential and lives long. Significance of Jupiter and Venus conjunction in Astrology. you owe a debt to your partners so you will have to pay, either as loss of money or loss of marital peace etc. most of them do not do anything extra, just the regular daily pujas, Saturn's new transit of your solar fifth house lasts until 2025/6. Is this a natural progression for when Saturn matures? However, theres always a positive with Saturn (even if you sometimes have to look hard for it!). The native is not happy with his children. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. However if you work with integrity you will be recognised. Use this pause to become even better at what you do, instead of allowing resentment to take over.
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