When Rex asked if Castle actually had a son and where he was, Beth tried to end the conversation by telling Rex that Castle may not want to answer these questions, before Castle had then just explained that he did not get to see his son in the way that he wanted to. If you go to your friend, she's as good as dead, you know it, don't you. Castle then suspected that Lewis Wilson from Hoyle's support group was the bomber on the radio and had Micro look up his address. As Castle had promised on his honor as a Marine to let Russo walk if he let Hoyle go, Russo noted that he could let Hoyle bleed out, as Castle promised to call Homeland Security if he did that. However, he did not confront Castle. So Castle attacked a base for the Dogs of Hell, massacring almost all the members inside the base with his shotgun and taking control of one of the trucks to be used in his plan. While they were distracted, the Punisher cut off the head of one of the mercenaries and strapped a grenade to it, before simply tossing the bloody head at them as they all looked on in horror. With the distraction in place, Castle jumped on the roof of the truck carrying the weapons and stole it. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The Punisher and Bendix then walked out of the mansion, seeing Pilgrim standing with his two sons who he had saved, before they overheard the sound of Schultz shooting himself. Once he had what he wanted, Castle prepared to leave, but the greedy Clint tried to convince him to stay by offering pornographic films. to Castle's horror, Roy Olsky had locked the door and were walking away, trapping Castle in a small corridor filled with all of Dutton's most loyal men. Just as Paulie had started the car and attempted to drive away, Castle followed him downstairs, firing a single shot which hit Paulie square in the side of the head, killing him instantly. In response, Castle did not say a word, since he did not deny that he was involved with another conflict which had become his priority, until Madani then demanded he speak, to which he just advised Madani to get some sleep. Before he takes his final breath, Daredevil takes off his mask, revealing his true identity as Frank's friend, Matt Murdock. A nurse then walked it, but it turned out to be Amy Bendix. After he reluctantly grabbed a sandwich from Chavez, Castle's scars were discovered by him, covering up to avoid any suspicion. Since they needed to get the pictures developed without being seen, Castle and Amy Bendix went to an illegal Photo Studio, with Bendix dressing as an underage girl, in order to make it appear like they had wanted to shoot underage pornography there. However, Leo noted that Castle always knew her father was alive the entire time, which Castle confirmed and apologized for. I call him for help and suddenly there's goons everywhere. With the offer to take a new job with Anvil overseas still on the table, Castle left to think it over and decide what would be the best move for him; however, Russo began planning for his friend's assassination, fearing that Castle could expose Cerberus Squad and ruin everything he had been building since leaving the United States Armed Forces. While serving in Afghanistan alongside with Billy Russo, where the duo became close friends, Castle and Russo joined the black-ops team, Cerberus Squad under the command of CIA Officer William Rawlins aimed at capturing, interrogating, and executing high-value targets. He did not use bullets so he did not kill them, but saw abtaser coming his way, so he redirected it. I don't give a damn about the past, and you don't owe me anything. With Kazan watching in complete and utter horror, the Punisher then proceeded to punch the Russian into the face three more times, destroying his face and killing him, as the Russian's lifeless corpse dropped onto the floor. Until he made it into Russo's arms at the end of their gauntlet. As Castle walked down the corridors of the prison, the inmates watching his arrival yelled out abuse and threw paper and various other materials at him. [27], I think that the people I kill need killing, that's what I think. Putting inside his laptop, Castle watched the disturbed contents of the disc and was angered by it as it shows a recording of an incident in Afghanistan where he was part of Operation Cerberus and showed the murder of Ahmad Zubair. Unwilling to allow this to happen though, Castle responded by punching Micro out to stop him. Sarah calls Frank for help with Zach. Fisk then ordered all the guards to remove Castle's handcuffs and informed him that he would set him free, when Castle asked why, Fisk explained that he wished the Punisher to massacre all other criminal empires in New York City so that when Fisk got free, he could easily become the new Kingpin of Crime. There's only one problem. Dismissing Castle's questions about how she had started working for Fiona, Bendix then continued discussing how she had watched her friends bleeding out in their motel room and she had been unable to run away as Pilgrim had come back into the room. As a result, Johnny had approached Castle, intending to start a fight, as he began poking at his chest. In order to discuss Castle's brain injuries, Nelson and Murdock called in Andrew Lee to discuss the bullet wound Castle sustained during the massacre in Central Park. That shot was carefully, deliberately placed, and did exactly what it was meant to. [26], After Castle's alleged death, a makeshift memorial was created outside police lines at Pier 81. Page made it clear that she was having second thoughts about staying beside Castle, considering the fact that she was not a lawyer and therefore was now lying to the police. Frank and Captain America engage in a battle, which is one of the final fights in the story. Having finally gotten the answers he needed about the photographs, the Punisher then released Kazan from his grip, before knocking him unconscious with a punch to the head. I could keep you out of it?""What? However, Castle remained determined to not only save all his fellow soldiers, but to return home to his family, so he swallowed his pain and got back onto his feet. It stinks and it smells like shit and I can't get the stink out of my nose. Hoyle asked if she said how bad he had been. Bendix had then also noted that Madani would be annoyed that they did not bother leaving town as she instructed, although Castle claimed that Madani would never even notice, also noting that Madani was never happy, which was a comment Bendix had also previously made. Spider-Man is positioned as the primary antagonist throughout the story, mainly because he was patient zero in the outbreak. With his conflict seemingly concluded, Castle had then headed over into St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, as he had finally made the decision to join in with Curtis Hoyle's regular therapy sessions, in order to deal with the trauma of losing his family. Castle would make a hole to another room where they hid and they ambushed Olin's crew, killing three of them. Spotting the last gang member enter the warehouse, Castle donned his new Skull Vest and grabbed his weapons before walking to the warehouse. I'll let you walk out that door. Castle likes pancakes, Lombardi's sausage, and mushroom pizza. O'Rourke then revealed that Castle killed his cousin from the Kitchen Irish; O'Rourke wanted revenge. But if he don't remember us, who would it be?Frank Castle and Curtis Hoyle. Castle said he got some advice. When Wilson Fisk is released from prison, Murdock must decide between hiding from the world or . Follow him on Twitter and Instagram and tell him to post more often: @jimmydangus, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, Power Rangers New Red Ranger Zord Breaks A Decades-Old Franchise Trend. [6], Look, Madani, it's all in that tape, okay. Let him go, Bill. At Larkville County Sheriff Station, Castle was going under the name "Pete" has no file, no known address, nothing. You don't like the way that it smells? I should have known. The base was put on alert in order to find the intruder. Given that the character has already starred in three feature films not to mention 42 years of history on the page of Marvel comics most people tuning into Season 2 of Netflix's Daredevil are likely at least passingly familiar with the origin story of the Punisher. Castle managed to track down Lewis Wilson to the Royal Hospitality where he intended to assassinate Senator Stan Ori. As Castle attempted to sleep, however, he found himself haunted by dreams of the Massacre at Central Park during which he had lost his entire family, having visions of Maria Castle waking him from his sleep before Castle would then remember that his family had been taken from him, bringing back painful memories. Massive strength and power apparently have their limits, and even The Hulk has a small weakness. Castle and Beth Quinn had then left Lola's Roadhouse together, as Quinn walked them up to her car, before asking Castle to promise her that he would not be an asshole, to which Castle had then jokingly commented that this would be the sort of promise that any asshole would lie about. Russo stood there, bewildered that who he thought was his brother was actually the man who messed him up. Castle and Madani had then begun discussing where they would locate Billy Russo, with Castle noting that if Russo had actually been lying about all of those mental and physical injuries, then it would be more likely that he would already be dead, as Madani had then asked him to explain exactly what he meant by this. ""My buddy, Curtis. Castle try to figure out how to disarm the bomb, Hoyle then told Castle to leave him and let him get exploded. Punisher nukes the moon, killing all the heroes and villians that were there (even the ones that should be able to survive such a blast). The big bad Punisher. I'm not the one that dies, kid. Frank intervenes in a battle between Venom and Spider-Man in the sewers. Acting on information from Micro, Castle went to see Turk Barrett and from him, steal a shipment of weapons he supposedly got from the Greek Mob. Checking the mirrors around the Carousel, the Punisher managed to find where Russo was hiding as the two began exchanging gunfire, using the horses as cover before the Punisher made a tactical retreat, forcing Russo to hunt him down. Sticking to cover, the Punisher ensured that Russo was out of sight before then stepping onto the Carousel himself while keeping his weapon raised and ready to be fired. List of Punisher supporting characters. He's the Punisher. Or you live. Castle's prediction was correct as he took up a sniping position directed at Hoyle's Apartment where he had Hoyle move Russo by a window where Castle could shoot him. Castle immediately got mad, telling her to go, but Bendix refused. Although Madani insisted that she would simply arrest Russo through legal means, Castle recommended that she not hesitate before shooting Russo dead, as Russo would not hesitate. He firmly believes that the truly evil deserve no mercy, and as such he holds no regret in the deaths of any criminal he kills. Now, see, I called you when I needed you, and you didn't do a goddamn thing, right? Castle then confirmed that he had already slaughtered everyone who was involved with this, while Bendix questioned if doing this had ever actually made him feel better about losing them all, only for Castle to answer that it only did sometimes, with Bendix then questioning what exactly Castle had meant by that comment. It has to be said that the series became a huge hit among the Marvel fans; so much so that they started looking for other appearances from The Punisher in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.. RELATED: 5 The Punisher Scenes Fans Didn't See Coming (& 5 They Did)
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