1, eff. To eligible to run for the Texas House, you must, To be eligible to run for the Texas Senate you must. As of the 2020 Census, Texas state representatives represented an average of 194,303 residents. 1, eff. June 2, 2019. Sec. Which state does not pay its legislators a salary except for a per diem expense based on federal policy? September 1, 2007. (b) This section does not apply to a contribution from an out-of-state political committee if the committee appointed a campaign treasurer under Chapter 252 before the contribution was made and is subject to the reporting requirements of Chapter 254. (g) The commission shall study possible restrictions on amounts of reimbursements under Subsection (a) in connection with the offices of state senator and state representative and shall make appropriate recommendations to the legislature on those matters. The contribution limits work a little differently for presidential campaigns. CONTRIBUTION AND EXPENDITURE WITHOUT CAMPAIGN TREASURER PROHIBITED. Ballotpedia features 395,557 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. The contest was unusually competitive for an election in Texas, with most polls showing Cruz only slightly ahead. June 2, 2019. (7) "Statewide judicial office" means the office of chief justice or justice, supreme court, or presiding judge or judge, court of criminal appeals. 531, Sec. Why did the state of Texas draw new district lines in 2003? Select one or more years, states and race types, then click "Apply Filter" to see results. 100% As of 2010 census, there were about 811,147 constituents per state senate districts in Texas. 253.1601. D. The legislature of each only meets once a year. (f) A person who converts a political contribution to the person's personal use in violation of this section is civilly liable to the state for an amount equal to the amount of the converted contribution plus reasonable court costs. 899, Sec. 899, Sec. Sept. 1, 2003. Using these suppositions, analyze the Table AMS $10.1$ data and write a report for presentation to the team that indicates your findings. Most campaign contributions for Texas legislature races come from super PACs About __% of Texas House seats are considered competitive. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. Sec. PUNISHMENT OF AGENT. June 2, 2019. Sec. Which of the following is the most likely reason a Legislature would attack a closed rider to a bill? (2) does not receive compensation other than reimbursement for actual expenses for engaging in communication described by Subdivision (1). Sec. A. Most campaign contributions for Texas legislature races come from what source? June 2, 2019. 1, eff. 2, eff. The date indicated by the post office cancellation mark or the common or contract carrier documents is considered to be the date the contribution was placed in the mail or delivered to the common or contract carrier unless proven otherwise. 1087 (H.B. Transparency USA matches the lists of candidates who filed to run for Texas House of Representatives or Texas State Senate in the last two election cycles with records of campaign accounts and affiliated political action committees (PACs). Why was the Legislative Redistricting Board's multi-member plan invalidated by a federal court in 1971? 20005. Published Nov. 24, 2020. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. (c) The prohibitions prescribed by Subsections (a) and (b) include the personal use of an asset purchased with the contribution and the personal use of any interest and other income earned on the contribution. Of the following groups like Democrats, Hispanics, Females, Incumbents, what group benefits the most from gerrymandering? 937, Sec. Sec. 384 (H.B. 2, eff. Sec. e court then ordered a second resale, 253.039. (g) A specific-purpose committee that converts a political contribution to the personal use of a candidate, officeholder, or former candidate or officeholder in violation of this section is civilly liable to the state for an amount equal to the amount of the converted contribution plus reasonable court costs. 3903), Sec. Sec. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. (e) Subsection (d) does not apply to a corporation or labor organization making a campaign contribution to a political committee under Section 253.097 or an expenditure to communicate with its stockholders or members, as applicable, or with the families of its stockholders or members as provided by Section 253.098. 241, eff. June 2, 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as a Georgia state senator from 1963 to 1967, and as the 76th governor of Georgia from 1971 to 1975.. Carter was born and raised in Plains, Georgia, graduated from the United States Naval . Section 253.155 does not apply to an individual who is related to the candidate or officeholder within the second degree by consanguinity, as determined under Subchapter B, Chapter 573, Government Code. 899, Sec. (c) Repealed by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. NONPARTISAN VOTER REGISTRATION AND GET-OUT-THE-VOTE CAMPAIGNS. Were the amounts spent for transportation during the month more or less than the amount budgeted? | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | Texas is near the top of the nation in measures of social connectedness that lead to civic engagement. 2065), Sec. 1, eff. 5.08, eff. 17(2), eff. 5.07, eff. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. (b) A person may not knowingly make or authorize a political expenditure in the name of or on behalf of another unless the person discloses in writing to the person on whose behalf the expenditure is made the name and address of the person actually making the expenditure in order for the person on whose behalf the expenditure is made to make the proper disclosure. A political contribution that is received and refused during that period shall be returned to the contributor not later than the 30th day after the date of receipt. Most campaign contributions for Texas legislature races come from? 384 (H.B. 5.07, eff. Sec. 304, Sec. 3233), Sec. contract to purchase real property in Maryland 1, eff. June 16, 1995. 1127 (H.B. NOTE: Figures include contributions from spouses and dependent children. (b) A corporation or labor organization may not make a political contribution in connection with a recall election, including the circulation and submission of a petition to call an election. \text{Food} & & \$160.00 & \$175.70\\ An offense under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor. 3233), Sec. (a) A candidate or officeholder or a specific-purpose committee for supporting, opposing, or assisting the candidate or officeholder may not knowingly make or authorize a payment from a political contribution if the payment is made for personal services rendered by the candidate or officeholder or by the spouse or dependent child of the candidate or officeholder to: (1) a business in which the candidate or officeholder has a participating interest of more than 10 percent, holds a position on the governing body of the business, or serves as an officer of the business; or. Who submits a recommended budget to the Texas Legislature? What is the term used to describe former legislators who become lobbyists? They are shielded from corruption laws as former legislators. Legislature meets every other year The size of legislature raises issues, as smaller legislatures may be more what? 426 (H.B. Sept. 1, 1999; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 253.003. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 2, eff. (e) A person who violates this section commits an offense. As of the semiannual reports, Republican candidates for the Texas State Legislature had raised $28.3 million, while Democrats had raised $24.9 million. 384 (H.B. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Groups that represent which of the following interests tend to dominate the Texas legislature? 5, eff. In its 2013 Shelby v. Holder decision about voting rights, the Supreme Court found out what as far as portions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965? (a) The commission may impose a civil penalty against a person as provided by this subchapter only after a formal hearing as provided by Subchapter E, Chapter 571, Government Code. Ad volumes . Watch the animation on campaign spending by employees of different industries and determine which of the following statements are accurate. (2) a county executive committee that accepts political contributions or makes political expenditures that, in the aggregate, exceed $25,000 in a calendar year shall file: (A) a campaign treasurer appointment as required by Section 252.001 not later than the 15th day after the date that amount is exceeded; and. While our totals capture all the donations to candidates whether large or small, there is no detailed donor information for those who contribute less than $90. To request permission for commercial use, please contactus. Using this, answer: What is the capital per worker at steady state? | Out-source | 220 | 350 | 300 | Based on Table 3.2, how does a Texas legislator's salary compare to other populous states? (f) Repealed by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 253.134. (e) In this section, "legislative caucus" means an organization that is composed exclusively of members of the legislature, that elects or appoints officers and recognizes identified legislators as members of the organization, and that exists for research and other support of policy development and interests that the membership hold in common. What was the result of the case Hunt v. Cromartie (1999) in terms of political gerrymandering? Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. How will these differences be reconciled prior to the bill being sent to the governor for consideration? (4) has filed an affidavit with the commission stating the committee's intention to operate as described by Subdivisions (2) and (3). 76.02, eff. After the 2010 Census, each member represented 167,637 residents. 384 (H.B. PAYMENTS MADE TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY OR TO RENT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY PROHIBITED. It is important to understand which receipts are considered contributions because: Contributions count toward the threshold that determines whether an individual has qualified as a candidate under the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act). (a) For purposes of the contribution limits prescribed by Section 253.155 or 253.157 and the limit on reimbursement of personal funds and repayment of certain loans prescribed by Section 253.162, the general and primary elections are considered separate elections for a candidate whose name appears on the ballot. (a) A write-in candidate for judicial office or a specific-purpose committee for supporting a write-in candidate for judicial office may not knowingly accept a political contribution before the candidate files a declaration of write-in candidacy. (d) A person who violates this section is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed three times the amount by which the reimbursement made in violation of this section exceeds the applicable limit prescribed by Subsection (a). A former candidate or former officeholder who lawfully accepts political contributions may use those contributions to make an expenditure to defray expenses incurred by the person in performing a duty or engaging in an activity in connection with an appointive office of a state board or commission. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. ~~~~~\text{Newspapers. Sept. 1, 1997. RESTRICTIONS ON CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES. (b) A statewide officeholder, a member of the legislature, or a specific-purpose committee for supporting, opposing, or assisting a statewide officeholder or member of the legislature may not knowingly accept a political contribution, and shall refuse a political contribution that is received, during the period prescribed by Subsection (a). After submitting the high bid at When someone receives the benefits of collective action without contributing, it is known as which of the following? 1, eff. 253.042. 253.159. Sec. 12, eff. (a) A corporation or labor organization may make one or more expenditures to finance nonpartisan voter registration and get-out-the-vote campaigns aimed at its stockholders or members, as applicable, or at the families of its stockholders or members. \text{EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF JULY} WRITE-IN CANDIDACY. A 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, charitable organization, 1100 13th Street, NW, Suite 800 3233), Sec. 384 (H.B. Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Consider the multiple linear regression model, $y=\beta_0+$ $\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2+\varepsilon$. By how much. 3.super PACs. $$ Sec. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. (b) An expenditure under this section is not reportable under Chapter 254. 7, eff. What is the pay of a member of the Texas legislature? Which of the following groups benefits the most from gerrymandering? Sec. 384 (H.B. Sept. 1, 1987; Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 1, eff. 253.176. What is the main factor that affects bond prices? ~~~~~\text{Credit payments} & & 50.00 & 41.74\\ A century or more ago, many states in the U.S. decided to adopt popular elections as their way of selecting their judges. The lieutenant governor is not formally a senator and cannot vote except in cases of a tie, yet he or she has a great power over senate. 905 (H.B. (c) A political committee may not knowingly make or authorize a campaign contribution or campaign expenditure supporting or opposing a candidate for an office specified by Section 252.005(1) in a primary or general election unless the committee's campaign treasurer appointment has been filed not later than the 30th day before the appropriate election day. (2) a copy of the out-of-state committee's statement of organization filed as required by law with the Federal Election Commission and certified by an officer of the out-of-state committee. 3.57 & 4.38 \\ 1096, Sec. (c) A person who violates Subsection (a) commits an offense. (b) A political committee may not knowingly accept political contributions totaling more than $500 or make or authorize political expenditures totaling more than $500 at a time when a campaign treasurer appointment for the committee is not in effect. 253.097. In what ways are Texas, Montana, Nevada, and North Dakota similar? Those donations have added up, bringing in about $9.7 million for Abbott and $37.8. June 2, 2019. Incorrect Answer(s) 4, eff. Open Secrets following the money in politics, OpenSecrets Following the money in politics. Sec. Correct Answer(s) 1, eff. ~~~~~\text{Movies} & & 10.00 & 5.00\\ - biased information. 2.09, eff. Which of the following are strategies that interest groups use to promote their concerns? - California has more lobbyists per capita than Texas, Study the following table, and determine which of the following statements are accurate. June 2, 2019. CASH CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING $100 PROHIBITED. (b) For purposes of this subchapter, a contribution by a child of an individual is considered to be a contribution by the individual. How does Texas compare to other states in terms of the number of permanent and session-only staff supporting legislators? Across all contested General elections, candidates raised $51.2 million. 3903), Sec. denial of government benefits that derive from an interest group's lobbying. In 2020, 71 contested state legislative primaries took place, and 19 of them (27%) were decided by a margin of 10% or less. OFFICEHOLDER CONTRIBUTIONS USED IN CONNECTION WITH CAMPAIGN. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. A corporation or labor organization may make campaign contributions from its own property in connection with an election on a measure only to a political committee for supporting or opposing measures exclusively. For example, among the states studied, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin all held gubernatorial elections alongside their state legislative elections in 2018 but not 2020. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; Communications: Alison Graves Carley Allensworth Abigail Campbell Sarah Groat Caitlin Vanden Boom Conference committees would work to solve the differences. The major criteria for distinguishing major from minor bills is what? liable for consequential damages, what is the extent of his liability? However, thanks to the Citizens United Supreme. 384 (H.B. The overall contributions favor the Republicans, both in the aggregate and per candidate. (2) deliver to the county clerk of each county a written certification of the county's population, if the county: (A) comprises an entire judicial district under Chapter 26, Government Code; or. 4 (S.B. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. June 16, 1995. 2, eff. 253.092. 304, Sec. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. June 2, 2019. A state court ordered the property to 4, eff. Which of the following are examples of incentives that interest groups use to overcome free rider problems? What percentage of the Texas Senate is usually elected during a presidential election year? Sec. Match each of the following examples of interest groups to the general types of interest groups that best describe them. \hline 4.13 & 3.71 \\ For permission to reprint for commercial uses, September 1, 2007. 253.155. 253.102. A) Super PACs About __% of Texas House seats are considered competitive. One more note: Candidates must provide detailed information (name, address, occupation, employer, and date of contribution) about their donors when the donor gives the candidate more than $90 in a given reporting cycle. If the legislature takes the action necessary to . \text{Fixed} \\ 3066), Sec. (2) the contribution, when aggregated with all political contributions accepted by the candidate or officeholder from the same law firm group in connection with the election, would exceed six times the applicable contribution limit under this section. An organization whose only nonlegislator members are the lieutenant governor or the governor remains a "legislative caucus" for purposes of this section. Added by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. The date indicated by the post office cancellation mark or the common or contract carrier documents is considered to be the date the contribution was placed in the mail or delivered to the common or contract carrier unless proven otherwise. According to Table 3.6, which chamber is less competitive overall? Sec. Most campaign contributions for Texas legislature races come from: A A. Super PACs 14 Q Each election yer, about ______ of the House members face opposition in the general election A B. Correct Answer(s) 3580), Sec. 1, eff. 9, eff. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. Research: Josh Altic Vojsava Ramaj Sec. 3233), Sec. (a) A candidate or officeholder or a specific-purpose committee for supporting, opposing, or assisting the candidate or officeholder may not knowingly make or authorize a payment from a political contribution to purchase real property or to pay the interest on or principal of a note for the purchase of real property. An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree. TREATMENT OF INCORPORATED POLITICAL COMMITTEE. resulting in a nal price of $130,000. COERCION PROHIBITED. When someone receives the benefits of collective action without contributing, it is known as which of the following? Sec. 253.035. SEPARATE ACCOUNTS. They are public servants who do not personally profit from their backgrounds. 1009 (H.B. a foreclosure sale, David Simard entered into a The rights to associate with others and to petition government are not guaranteed by either the U.S. or the Texas Constitution. September 1, 2007. Which type of legislative committee is most important? 1, eff. (b) If the contribution or expenditure is in support of a candidate, each opposing candidate whose name appears on the ballot is entitled to recover damages under this section. Collectively, U.S. House candidates raised more money by Aug. 27 than House candidates raised during the entire 2014 midterm election cycle, and Senate candidates weren't far behind. (d) A judicial officeholder or a specific-purpose committee for assisting a judicial officeholder may not, in any calendar year in which the office held is not on the ballot, use a political contribution to knowingly make a political contribution to a political committee that, when aggregated with each other political contribution to a political committee in that calendar year, exceeds $250. A.3d 1154 (Md. CONTRIBUTION TO POLITICAL PARTY. 253.096. June 17, 2011. The house and senate can override a governors get with a ___ vote. | In-house | 150 | 240 | 390 | Which of the following is the primary goal of an interest group? Most campaign contributions for Texas legislature races come from ______. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. - Of the eleven major types of groups discussed, all contribute more donations to Republicans than Democrats in the Texas legislature. Sept. 1, 1995. Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 253.031. 3233), Sec. Which of the following is the main goal of a lobbyist? Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. 7 (c) A person who violates this section commits an offense. (c) Repealed by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. - Labor contributed more money to Democrats than to Republicans What is the only state had more constituents per senator? Why? Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. contributions to the winning legislative candidate. September 1, 2009. (e) Reasonable attorney's fees incurred in the suit may be awarded to the defendant if judgment is rendered in the defendant's favor. (b) A candidate, officeholder, or specific-purpose committee for supporting, opposing, or assisting the candidate or officeholder may not use a political contribution to make a campaign expenditure for an office other than a judicial office or to make an officeholder expenditure in connection with an office other than a judicial office if the contribution was accepted while the candidate or officeholder: (1) was a candidate for a judicial office; or. ~~~~~\text{Savings} & & 100.00 & 100.00\\ According to Map 3.1, in which region of the country can legislatures with highest proportion of women can be found? 1009 (H.B. Most Americans do not make campaign contributions or lobby politicians. CONTRIBUTION FROM CORPORATION OR LABOR ORGANIZATION. 3.75 & 3.89 \\ Why was the Legislative Redistricting Board's multimember plan invalidated by a federal court in 1971? COMMUNICATION WITH STOCKHOLDERS OR MEMBERS. A voter who wants his representative to make decisions based solely on the will of the people desires which type of representative? (c) This section does not prohibit contributions made in the Capitol or a courthouse through the United States postal service or a common or contract carrier. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, PACs offer greater accountability and transparency. A state senator that usually considers all the options and chooses the one he or she believes is the best is demonstrating the ____ representational role. (a-2) In addition to the contribution limits imposed on each contribution in Subsection (a-1), a judicial candidate or officeholder may not accept a political contribution in excess of $50 from a general-purpose committee if the contribution, when aggregated with all political contributions from all general-purpose committees in connection with an election, would exceed: (1) for a statewide judicial office, $300,000; (2) for the office of chief justice or justice, court of appeals: (A) $75,000, if the population of the judicial district is more than one million; or, (B) $52,500, if the population of the judicial district is one million or less; or. 384 (H.B. CONTRIBUTIONS TO DIRECT EXPENDITURE ONLY COMMITTEES. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 253.094. Race can be a factor but not a predominate factor. Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. ~~~~~\text{Rent} & & 625.00 & 625.00\\ Sec. Sept. 1, 1997. RESTRICTIONS ON REIMBURSEMENT OF PERSONAL FUNDS AND PAYMENTS ON CERTAIN LOANS. 240, eff. Why? (2) the loan is made in the due course of business. (a) A person may not knowingly make a political contribution in violation of this chapter. 253.098. Who Raised the Most? -31; 4 -50; 6 -100; 2 -150; 2 and more. Texas has a higher percentage of registered voters than the national average. Similarly, Republicans had raised on average $152,953, while Democrats had raised on average $119,046. (e) Repealed by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. DC RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN PAYMENTS. 864, Sec. The reimbursement may not exceed the amount reported as a loan. Influence all branches of government at all levels. Sec. At the statewide or legislative level, fines for missed reporting deadlines start at $500. Sec. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How long is the Texas legislative session? June 2, 2019. (a) A judicial candidate or officeholder, a specific-purpose committee for supporting or opposing a judicial candidate, or a specific-purpose committee for assisting a judicial officeholder may not knowingly accept a political contribution except during the period: (A) the 210th day before the date an application for a place on the ballot or for nomination by convention for the office is required to be filed, if the election is for a full term; or, (B) the later of the 210th day before the date an application for a place on the ballot or for nomination by convention for the office is required to be filed or the date a vacancy in the office occurs, if the election is for an unexpired term; and. Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit OpenSecrets. (c) The total amount of both reimbursements and repayments made by a candidate or officeholder under this section may not exceed the amount prescribed by Subsection (a). What are the two different calendars for minor bills in the Texas state house? An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. "Pete Smith"). Incorrect answers: Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. The candidate can then raise an additional $115,340 in qualifying contributions that the state will match, for a total of $319,442. (e) A candidate, officeholder, or political committee that accepts political contributions totaling $500 or less from an out-of-state political committee shall include as part of the report filed under Chapter 254 that covers the reporting period in which the contribution is accepted: (1) the same information for the out-of-state political committee required for general-purpose committees by Sections 252.002 and 252.003; or. 5, eff. Sec. 1, eff. 1096, Sec. 253.093. - Texas Medical Association 839 (H.B. (a-1) A candidate or officeholder or a specific-purpose committee for supporting, opposing, or assisting the candidate or officeholder may not knowingly make or authorize a payment from a political contribution for the rental or purchase of real property from: (1) a person related within the second degree by consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code, to the candidate or officeholder; or. The Judicial Campaign Fairness Act (Texas Election Code 253.151-176) third party contribution limits restrict PAC contributions to a statewide judicial candidate to $25,000 and contributions to any other judicial candidate to $5,000 unless the contributor (individual or PAC) files a written declaration of intent to exceed these limits. Which of the following are the most common ways lobbyists influence members of the Texas legislature? According to Table 3.6, does the Texas House or Senate have a greater proportion of Safe Republican Seats? LIABILITY TO POLITICAL COMMITTEES. An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. To request permission for commercial use, please contactus. September 1, 2009. - Most campaign donations go to Republicans in the Texas legislature. The House and Senate can override a governor's veto with what kind of vote? Sec. June 16, 1995. Each election year, about ________ of the Texas House races face no opposition in the general election. Added by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. What percentage of the Texas House of Representatives is elected during a presidential election year? Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. They have a right to make a living. (b) The commission shall base the amount of the penalty on: (3) the amount necessary to deter future violations; and. Sept. 1, 1997. How long is the Texas legislative session? June 2, 2019. 2525), Sec. (b) A payment that is made from a political contribution to a business described by Subsection (a) and that is not prohibited by that subsection may not exceed the amount necessary to reimburse the business for actual expenditures made by the business. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. (A) a person designated "of counsel" or "of the firm"; (B) a partner of the law firm, whether an individual or an entity; (D) a shareholder of the law firm, whether an individual or an entity; or. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. In Texas, the Democratic and Republican parties each maintain two PACs, as they are required to segregate donations from corporations and unions.
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