1966, June 14, August 16, and October 31, 1967, and January 5, March 14, April 5, May 29, June 18, August 5, and October 10, 1968, USS Guadalupe (AO-32) [Oiler] operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966, USS Kennebec (AO-36) provided fuel to vessels while in Ganh Rai Bay during August 1969, USS Ponchatoula (AO-148) operated on Mekong River Delta during July 1971(see other category), USS George Clymer (APA-27) [Amphibious Attack Transport] navigated Saigon River to Saigon Port during January 1963 (see other category), USS Calvert (APA-32) entered Qui Nhon Bay during October 1965 (see other category), USS Cavalier (APA-37) entered Qui Nhon Bay on February 2, 1968 (see other category), USS Magoffin (APA-199) entered Qui Nhon Bay to offload troops during October 23-24, 1965 (see other category), USS Talladega (APA-208) operated on Saigon River during October 1967, USS Navarro (APA-215) transported Thai Queens Cobras troops from Thailand to Saigon via Saigon River during September 1967 (see other category), USS Okanogan (APA-220) navigated Saigon River to Saigon for delivery of Thai troops during August 1968 (see other category), USS Pickaway (APA-222) operated on Rung Sat Special Zone from March 31 to April 5, 1966 (see other category), USS Paul Revere (APA-248) assisted with salvage of the USS Card (ACV-11) in Saigon Harbor on Saigon River during May 1964 and transported Korean troops through Qui Nhon Bay during October-November 1965 (see other category), USS Weiss (APD/LPR-135) [High Speed Transport/Small Amphibious Transport] conducted operations in the Saigon River from March 1 to 18, 1963, and later conducted inland waterway troop-landing operations with Marine and SEAL units at various locations in the Mekong River Delta, Rung Sat Special Zone, and Saigon River and routinely surveyed river mouths and canal entrances for amphibious landings from November 1965 through February 1969, USS Markab (AR-23) [Repair Ship] conducted repair operations on Ganh Rai Bay during November 1967, USS Current (ARS-22) [Salvage Ship] conducted salvage operations on Saigon River during July 1964 and April 1967 and Qui Nhon Bay during May 1967 and August 1971, USS Grasp (ARS-24) conducted salvaging operations on Song Cua Dia River and other inland waters from February through April 1969, USS Safeguard (ARS-25) operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Mekong River Delta during December 8, 1965 (see other category), USS Bolster (ARS-38) crew operated on land to extract USS Clark County (LST-601) from beach after grounding at Duc Pho from November 18 to December 1, 1967, USS Reclaimer (ARS-42) operated in Saigon Harbor to salvage USS Card (ACV-11) from sinking in Saigon River during May 1964 and in Rung Sat Special Zone of Mekong River Delta salvaging ships during early 1966, USS Chanticleer (ASR-7) [Submarine Rescue/Salvage Ship] traveled up the Saigon River and docked at Saigon during February 1963, USS Tillamook (ATA-192) [Auxiliary Ocean Tug] operated on Qui Nhon Bay during April 1965 and on Long Tau branch of Saigon River during January 1966, USS Mahopac (ATA-196) moored in Saigon during October 6-9, 1965, and operated on Mekong River from October 30-November 3, 1966, USS Mataco (ATF-86) [Fleet Ocean Tug] provided tow on Saigon River and delivered vessels to inland river base at Nha Be during June-August 1968 (see other category), USS Tawasa (ATF-92) moored in Saigon from June 30 July 4, 1964, USS Moctobi (ATF-105) provided tow on Saigon River with deliveries to inland river base at Nha Be during September-October 1967, USS Quapaw (ATF-110) provided tow on Saigon River with deliveries to inland river base at Nha Be during June 1966, USS Tawakoni (ATF-114) operated in Saigon Harbor to salvage USS Card (ACV-11) from sinking in Saigon River during May 1964, USS Currituck (AV-7) [Sea Plane Tender] travelled up Saigon River to Saigon during early 1964 and operated in Mekong River Delta during June 1965 (see other category), USS Newport News (CA-148) [Heavy Cruiser] operated on Song Huong Estuary during February 1968 and on Mekong River Delta in vicinity of Vinh Binh Province during December 1968, USS Canberra (CAG-2) [Guided Missile Cruiser] operated on Saigon River from March 31 through April 1, 1966, on Mekong Delta Ham Luong River during January 15, 1967, and on Cua Viet River ( Song Thach Han) during December 10, 1968 (see other category), USS Oklahoma City (CLG-5) [Light Guided Missile Cruiser] docked in Saigon during 21-24 July 1964 and operated in the mouth of the Thach Han River during July 20-21, 1966 (see other category), USS Providence (CLG-6) operated on Saigon River 3 days during January 1964, on Song Huong (Perfume River) during February 15, 1968, and on Cua Viet River during August 1972, USS Radford (DD-446) [Destroyer] operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Saigon River during December 1967, USS Nicholas (DD-449) [Destroyer] operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1965, Mekong River Delta during January 1967, and Ganh Rai Bay and Mekong River Delta during August 1968, USS OBannon (DD-450) operated on Saigon River during May 22-24, 1966, USS Taylor (DD-468) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during August 1967 and November-December 1968, USS Conway (DD-507) operated on Saigon River during early August 1966, USS Cony (DD-508) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during November 6-7, 1967, USS Walker (DD-517) operated on inland waterway near Chu Lai during April 1966, on Mekong River during May 1967, and Saigon River during December 1968, USS Mullany (DD-528) entered Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965, USS Prichett (DD-561) operated on Mekong River Delta in September 1966 and operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River during August 1969, USS Stoddard (DD-566) operated on Saigon River during September 1965, USS Sproston (DD-577) operated on Mekong River Delta and Ganh Rai Bay during January 1966, USS Ingersoll (DD-652) operated on Saigon River October 24-25, 1965, USS Black (DD-666) operated on Saigon River during February 1965, Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965, and Saigon River during July 1966, USS Hopewell (DD-681) operated on Mekong River Delta during June 15-16, 1966, USS Picking (DD-685) operated on Saigon River during November 16, 1965, USS Uhlmann (DD-687) entered Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965, USS Ault (DD-698) operated on Mekong River Delta and Soirap River during May 26, 1967, USS Ingraham (DD-694) operated 10 miles up Saigon River on November 12, 1965, USS Charles S. Sperry (DD-697) operated on Saigon River during December 1965 (see other category), USS Hugh Purvis (DD-709) operated on Qui Nhon Bay during January 1969, USS Wiltsie (DD-716) operated on Saigon River during July 1966 (see other category), USS Hamner (DD-718) operated on Song Lon Tao and Long Song Tao Rivers, August 15-September 1, 1966; and on Song Gga in Rung Sat Special Zone November 14-15, 1967 (see other category), USS Epperson (DD-719) operated on Qui Nhon Bay during November 1965 (see other category), USS Walke (DD-723) operated on Mekong River Delta during September 2, 1969, USS De Haven (DD-727) operated on Saigon River during early March 1967, USS Mansfield (DD-728) entered mouth of Mekong River on November 29, 1965, and operated on Saigon River August 8-19, 1966 and December 21-24, 1969, USS Lyman K. Swenson (DD-729) traveled up Saigon River for a four-day visit to Saigon during May 1964, USS Collett (DD-730) provided naval gunfire support while in the Mekong River on August 19, 1965, USS Frank Knox (DD-742) operated on Long Tau River during June 16-17, 1969, USS Southerland (DD-743) operated on Song Nga and Saigon River during July 1966, USS Taussig (DD-746) operated on Soirap River in Mekong River Delta during June 15-26, 1966, USS Samuel N. Moore (DD-747) operated on Saigon River, Rung Sat Special Zone, and Mekong River Delta during November 1965 and September-December 1968, USS John A. Bole (DD-755) operated on Saigon River during July 4-6, 1966, USS Lofberg (DD-759) operated on Song Nha Be River during February 18-21 and April 14-15, 1969 and on Song Cua Dai River during April 10-12, 1969, USS Strong (DD-758) operated in Mekong River Delta and Rung Sat Special Zone during April 1968, USS John W. Thomason (DD-760) operated on Mekong River Delta for Operation Deck House III during August 1966 and on Nga Be River during 1969, USS Buck (DD-761) operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River during October 1966, USS Lloyd Thomas (DD-764) operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Saigon River area during December 28, 1970, USS Lowry (DD-770) operated on Mekong River Delta during October 1968 (see other category), USS De Haven (DD-727) operated on Mekong River September 1, 1963, USS Douglas H. Fox (DD-779) operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Rung Sat Special Zone during March 16-20, 1969, USS Rowan (DD-782) operated on Song Tra Khuc River and Qui Nhon Bay from April through July 1965, December 1967, and June 1969, USS Gurke (DD-783) operated on Ganh Rai Bay, Saigon River, and Mekong River during October 1966 and May 1969, USS McKean (DD-784) operated on Mekong and Saigon River Deltas during, USS Henderson (DD-785) operated on Saigon River during December 17, 1965, USS Richard B. Anderson (DD-786) operated on Mekong River Delta during May-June, 1966 (see other category), USS James E. Kyes (DD-787) provided naval gunfire support on Song Ca River during October 1967 and Ganh Rai Bay during June 1969, USS Shelton (DD-790) operated on Saigon River during January 16, 1966, USS Preston (DD-795) operated on Mekong River Delta, Ganh Rai Bay, and Saigon River during September 28 29 and December 27 29, 1965, on Mekong River Delta June 3, 1967, and Ganh Rai Bay on November 24, 1968, USS Chevalier (DD-805) operated on Saigon River during June 15-21, 1966, and Mekong River Delta during January 25, 1968, USS Higbee (DD-806) provided naval gunfire support from Ganh Rai Bay and Mekong River Delta during January-February and April 1966; March 1969; and September 1970 (see other category), USS Benner (DD-807) operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Rung Sat Special Zoneduring June 26-July 1, 1968, USS Dennis J Buckley (DD-808) operated on Mekong River Delta, Saigon River, and Ganh Rai Bay during July 1965 and from December 19, 1966 to January 16, 1967; and on Mekong River Delta during June 1971 (see other category), USS New (DD-818) operated on Song Bu Lu River during October 1967, USS Holder (DD-819) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Saigon River during August 5, 1966, USS Samuel B. Roberts (DD-823) operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River during December 1965, USS Basilone (DD-824) operated on Saigon River, May 24-25, 1966, USS Agerholm (DD-826) operated on Song Nga River and Ganh Rai Bay during March-April 1969, USS Myles C. Fox (DD-829) entered Qui Nhon Bay during February 1967, USS Everett F. Larson (DD-830) operated on Mekong River during December 1967, USS Hanson (DD-832) operated on Saigon River during July 2-3, 1965 and September 13, 1966 (see other category), USS Herbert J Thomas (DD-833) operated in Mekong River Delta during December 1966 and on Saigon River during April 28, 1968, USS George K. Mackenzie (DD-836) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during February 1969, USS Glennon (DD-840) provided gunfire support on Cua Viet River during June 7, 1972, USS Noa (DD-841) operated on Qui Nhon Bay during April 1969, USS Fiske (DD-842) operated on Mekong River, June 16-21, 1966, USS Warrington (DD-843) operated on Mekong River Delta and Rung Sat Special Zone during March 1967, USS Ozbourn (DD-846) conducted fire support missions on Saigon River October-November 1965 and August-October 1966, USS Robert L. Wilson (DD-847) entered Song Da Rang River (near Tuy Hoi) and Rung Sat Special Zone area during February-March 1969, USS Richard E. Kraus (DD-849) operated on inland river north of Da Nang during June 2-5, 1966, protecting Marines holding a bridge, USS Rupertus (DD-851) operated on Saigon River during April 1966 and May 1969, USS Leonard F. Mason (DD-852) operated on Ganh Rai Bay and channels during August 1969, USS Fred T. Berry (DD-858) operated in Mekong River Delta area on March 15, 1966, USS Norris (DD-859) conducted operations on inland Song Nga River during November-December 1966, USS McCaffery (DD-860) provided naval gunfire support while in Mekong River during April 8-9, 1967, USS Vogelgesang (DD-862 ) provided gunfire support while in Thu Bong River during October 18-29, 1966 (see other category), USS Harold J. Ellison (DD-864) operated on Saigon River between late 1965 and mid 1966, USS Brownson (DD-868) operated on Song Nha Be River and Mekong River Delta during February 1967, USS Fechteler (DD-870) operated in Mekong River Delta on September 27, 1965 and Qui Nhon Bay November 25-26, 1968 (see other category), USS Damato (DD-871) operated on Saigon River during December 12-13, 1967, USS Forrest Royal (DD-872) operated on Saigon River during June 1967, USS Duncan (DD-874) operated on Long Tau River and Rung Sat Special Zone during January 1969 and Qui Nhon Bay during March 1969 (see other category), USS Henry W. Tucker (DD-875) operated on Qui Nhon Bay during 1965 and August 1968 and Mekong River Delta during March 1966 and May1969 (see other categories), USS Perkins (DD-877) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during October 1967 and on Saigon River during June 1969, USS Vesole (DD-878) operated on Saigon River during December 1965-February 1966, USS Leary (DD-879) operated on the Mekong River Delta on October 9, 1967, USS Dyess (DD-880) operated on Saigon River and Rung Sat Special Zone from June 19July 1, 1966, USS Newman K. Perry (DD-883) operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River, USS Floyd B. It is a term used to describe Vietnam War veterans who served on open-sea ships off the coast of Vietnam during the war. Vietnam-era Blue Water Navy veterans are considered to be those who served aboard ships in the open waters off the coast of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. These ships were only operating during certain times, so in order to qualify as a Blue Water Navy veteran, you have to prove you were on these ships during the designated time. I will always be grateful to Woods and Woods, and I will continue to recommend this firm to any military veterans I know. The herbicide and defoliant exposed Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops who previously sheltered under the . This item: Eurolux Electric Citrus Juicer Squeezer, for Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Stainless Steel 160 Watts of Power Soft Grip Handle and Cone Lid for Easy Use (ELCJ-1700S) $69. UPDATED list of ships exposed to Agent Orange. The expansion of Agent Orange exposure locations came as a result of Public Law 116-23, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019. These sailors, known as Blue Water sailors have been denied VA benefits due to Agent Orange exposure for many . SUMMARY. A discussion of exposures (Blue Water Navy in comparison with ground troops in Vietnam), specifically, a comparison of exposures on ground with those on ships (discuss all possible routes of exposure), and examining the range of exposure mechanisms for herbicide exposures (i.e., concentrating toxics in drinking water, air exposure possibly from drift from spraying, food, soil, skin); They match perfectly together for both Modelo negra and Miami especial. USS Edmonds (DE-406) anchored in Da Nang Harbor on April 6 7, 1962, and sent crew members ashore. Telephone. USS Henry B. Wilson (DDG-7) anchored in Da Nang Harbor on July 21, 1965, and sent crew members ashore for liberty following Change-of-Command ceremony. doi: 10.17226/13026. In total, 19 new ships were added and changes were made to nine existing agent orange ships. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This will open a search box where you can type the name of your ship. Here the new ships and the changes: For this reason, it is estimated that between 50,000 and 90,000 such veterans are alive today. Since those areas were subjected to Agent Orange contamination, everyone on those smaller boats may have long-term effects from their exposure. Evaporative distillation entails heating of the source water using copper elements. All Veterans who served aboard these vessels are eligible for the presumption of Agent Orange exposure because their primary service was on the inland waterways of Vietnam. Veterans who state they meet the criteria of this law are eligible for the Agent Orange Registry. VA recently added 22 additional U.S. Navy ships to the presumption of Agent Orange list. Blue (DD-744) Anchored in Da Nang Harbor on April 21, 1968, with crew members going ashore for a picnic. To find a specific ship, use the find on page search by holding the CTRL and F keys at the same time (its the Command key on a Mac). If your vessel is not included in the mobile riverine force, isf division 93 or listed designations (see find your ship), check the alphabetized list of ships below. The U.S. military used at least 11 million gallons of Agent Orangea herbicide the United Nations calls "one of the most toxic compounds known to humans"in Vietnam from 1961 to 1972, deforesting almost 12,000 square miles of jungle. 702-769-4973. Wilkie gave over 90,000 Blue Water Navy vets "presumption of service-connection" for medical conditions linked to Agent Orange. Agent Orange is a chemical herbicide and defoliant, one of the "tactical use" Rainbow Herbicides.It was used by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. Excellent customer service, organized, professional. Starting in April 1964, it was initially located at 16 degrees North latitude, 110 degrees East longitude. "We then compared these paths to the established 'Agent Orange Exposure Zone,' as defined by the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Actthe exposure zone is bounded by 12 points, and any ship that passed within 12 nautical miles of this zone is eligible." . Finally, this list contains the Blue Water Navy ships that didn't travel Inland Waterways, dock, or take leave on land. Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans and Agent Orange Exposure. below the surface after strategically placed explosives were detonated at 10:25 a.m . The Department of Veterans Affairs has finally posted an expanded list of U.S. Navy ships exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Former servicemembers who served aboard these "blue water" ships, as well as the more than 200 others listed in VA's database from 1962 to 1975, may be eligible . You can even get SMC with a 0% rating, depending on your disability. va has established a list of navy and coast guard ships that it acknowledges have been exposed to agent orange the vietnam war. All vessels of Inshore Fire Support [IFS] Division 93, including: USS Clarion River (LSMR 409) [Landing Ship, Medium, Rocket]. . Copyright 2023 Woods and Woods, LLC | PO Box 1287 Evansville, IN 47706. These blue water navy veterans must prove they were exposed to agent orange before they can claim benefits. 0:00 Introduction0:52 AGEN. Sep 23, 2011. The VA denies there was any Agent Orange in Vietnam in 1960 and 1961. Apparently, after 50 plus years, these old Westpac operations are still classified. Col Richardson has suffered with severe neuropathy for over 45 years. To qualify for Agent Orange-related benefits, a veteran must have one or more of the conditions VA presumes to have been caused by exposure. In a review of JSRRC data, it was determined that crewmen at ships were not exposed to tactical herbicides on account of contact with aircraft based on data collected from Vietnam.Based on this determination, the board is satisfied that the Veteran was not exposed to Agent Orange while he was aboard the USS Ranger. The Agent Orange Act of 1991 established a presumption of herbicide exposure for veterans who served in Vietnam and . Seja bem vindo ao mundo dos esportes . Let's talk about your VA disability benefits. At least two Blue Water Navy veterans were denied claims in whole or in part due to reliance by the Board of Veterans Appeals on the draft M21-1 regulation, identified as a training aid, that was prematurely and improperly furnished to the BVA. 0. The tool accomplishes this by identifying whether a ship passed . USS Diachenko (APD-123) conducted tactical beach surveys with crew members from April to August 1968; also, on May 21, 1968, while anchored in Qui Nhon Harbor, a harbor patrol craft arrived at the ship and departed with the commanding officer, operations officer, and communications officer for briefings in Qui Nhon. Either on shore or to a pier doesnt matter for these ships. This morning, an e-mail went out to all . IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! These ships did send smaller supply ships to the beaches or waterways. Most varieties are not explosive, but can create brief bursts of heat and high temperature in a small area. The US military sprayed Agent Orange from helicopters or low-flying aircraft to kill jungle growth. The list of Agent Orange exposure locations includes Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Guam, American Samoa, and Johnston Atoll. It was not until 2010, 42 years after his . Veterans who served . Blue Water Navy veterans fought VA for years to receive the same presumed exposure to Agent Orange and other defoliants as veterans stationed inland during the conflict. The Marine Corps sent him to Da Nang July 31, 1960 and he returned January 31,1961. We took this list straight from the VA website here. Jan 23, 2012. The ship list does change from time to time, and it was just updated again last month. Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association P.O. For more information including a link to the Alphabetized Agent Orange Ship List, visit the U.S. Navy and . VA has established a list of Navy and Coast Guard ships that it acknowledges have been exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. 15. Sign up for our weekly email newsletter to stay updated on VA news, policy changes, and more. Gun Fire Support Ships Blue Water Navy - Guam Master Ship List (Subs) Aircraft Carrier (VSM) New Master Ship List Membership HR-299- The Bill Ship Locator List . Yankee Station was a fixed coordinate off the coast of Vietnam where U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and support ships loitered in open waters. Discussion Boards. . The best part is that Woods and Woods helped me win my disability claim, and that was life-changing. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form. The VA continues to develop a list of blue-water ships documented to have entered inland waters and the dates on which they did so. The Temporary Inland Waterway Blue Navy Ships, Ships in the Blue Water Navy Because They Docked in Vietnam, Ships that Operated Offshore in Vietnam but Sent Crew Ashore for Leave, Ships that Sent Smaller Ships to Land to Support Vietnam Troops, Presumptive Conditions VA Disability Articles, I had a fantastic experience with Woods and Woods. Background. Looking at the list, they would be considered brown water ships verses blue water ships. The list can help Vietnam War-era veterans find out if they qualify for presumption of Agent Orange herbicide exposure when seeking disability compensation for Agent Orange related conditions while serving aboard ships. . HAWVET Member Posts: 318. . August 30, 2015. during January-June 1965; May-December 1966; March-July 1968; and September 1969 to February 1970 (see other category), USS Oak Hill (LSD-7) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with evidence of crew members going ashore at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Vung Tau, and Hue, from October 1965-April 1966, March-August 1967, and September 1968-February 1969 (see other category), USS Colonial (LSD-18) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, and Vung Tau from March 1966 to September 1969 (see other category), USS Cabildo (LSD-16) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Vung Tau from July 1965 to November 1968, USS Catamount (LSD-17) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings at Da Nang, Vung Tau, and Cua Viet River area on piers and with small boats from December 1965 to May 1969 (see other category), USS Fort Marion (LSD-22) conducted numerous supply landings at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Mekong Delta area, with crew members going ashore, from October 1965-June 1966, September-December 1967, and December 1968-May 1969 (see other category), USS Whetstone (LSD-27) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with smaller mike boats at Da Nang, Hue, Phu Bai, and Dong Ha from March 1965 to September 1969 (see other category), USS Thomaston (LSD-28) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Song Co Chien River area, and Cua Viet River area from 1965 to 1972 [Note: no AO exposure for 1975 operations], USS Point Defiance (LSD-31) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with small boats at Da Nang, Van Tuong, and Kien Hoa from May 1965 through October 1972, USS Alamo (LSD-33) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings with smaller boats at Da Nang, Vung Tau, Song Bo De, An Thoi, and Tan My between August 1964 and October 1972 (see other category), USS Hermitage (LSD-34) conducted troop landings in Da Nang area from June through October 1967 (see other category), USS Monticello (LSD-35) conducted numerous troop and supply landings at Chu Lai and elsewhere from October 1965-March 1966, February-September 1967, March1968-February 1969, February-September 1970, March 1971, November 1971, October-December 1972, and January 1973, USS Anchorage (LSD-36) transported troops and supplies to and from shore with smaller craft at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from February 1970 through July 1972 (see other category), USNS General W. H. Gordon (T-AP-117) [Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) Transport Ship] transported troops and cargo to Vung Tau and elsewhere in Vietnam, with crew members going ashore, during 1965 and from December 1967 to March 1968, USNS Barrett (T-AP-196) carried US Army 2nd Transportation Company to Qui Nhon during August 1965 and transported additional troops to Vietnam from April to December 1968 and January to May 1969, USNS Geiger (T-AP-197) transported troops to Qui Nhon and Vung Tau from September to December 1965 and additional troops to Vietnam January to February 1967 and July 1969. Recent BVA Hearings! You can show this via ship logs, buddy statements, or some vets even have old pictures of their time on these boats. However, with a massive increase in operations over North Vietnam in 1966, the . These ships did send smaller supply ships to the beaches or waterways. Evidence requirements for the presumption of agent . Eligible Veterans who are concerned about possible long-term health problems related to Agent Orange exposure can participate in the Agent Orange Registry. Why is this important to know? Navy and Coast Guard Ships Associated with Service in Vietnam and Agent Orange Exposure. This law made it easier for the Blue Water Navy veterans and their families to get disability benefits due to Agent Orange exposure. By 2006, veterans had begun presenting evidence of those ships' activities, and the VA began granting Agent Orange benefits to Blue Water veterans on a case-by-case basis. In early 2019, a federal court ruling in the case procopio v. The va denies there was any agent orange in. USS Card (ACV-11) [Escort Aircraft Carrier] mined, sunk, and salvaged in Saigon River Harbor during May 1964, USS Core (ACV-13) travelled on Saigon River to delivered aircraft to Saigon during June 1965, USS Bennington (CVS-20) [Anti-Submarine Aircraft Carrier] entered Qui Nhon Bay Harbor to pick up Bob Hope for onboard Christmas show on December 26, 1966, USS Surfbird (ADG-383) [Degaussing Ship] conducted anti-mine degaussing operation for ships on Qui Nhon Bay during November 1967 and August 1969 (see other category), USS Wrangell (AE-12) [Auxiliary Explosive, Ammunition Ship] entered Mekong River Delta to supply ammunition for US Coast Guard vessel on November 21, 1968, USS Firedrake (AE-14) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966, USS Pictor (AF-54) [Auxiliary Stores Ship] entered Cua Viet River while delivering supplies to Dong Ha during September 1967 (see other category), USS Vega (AF-59) conducted resupply operations on Mekong River Delta September 13, 1966 (see other category), USS Mars (AFS-1) [Combat Stores Ship] operated on Mekong River July 8, 1966, USS Niagara Falls (AFS-3) unloaded supplies on Saigon River and Cam Ranh Bay, April 22-25, 1968, USS Arikara (ATF-98) [Fleet Ocean Tug] assisted with salvage operations on Saigon River during August 1966 (see other category), USS Estes (AGC-12) [Amphibious Force Flagship] entered Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965 and anchored in Mekong River during January 1967 (see other category), USS Tanner (AGS-15) [Mapping Survey Ship] conducted surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal areas and rivers from October 1966 through 1968, USS Maury (AGS-16) conducted surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal areas and rivers from November 1965 through 1969, USS Sheldrake (AGS-19) conducted sounding surveys of Vietnam coastal and inland waterways October 1967 through March 1968, USS Serrano (AGS-24) conducted mapping surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal and river areas from 1966 through 1969, USS Towhee (AGS-28) conducted sounding surveys of Vietnam coastal and inland waterways October 1967 through March 1968, USS Rehoboth (AGS-50)conducted hydrographic survey of Mekong River Delta area during December 1965, USS Merrick (AKA-97) [Attack Cargo Ship] participated in Operation Jackstay amphibious landings while on Saigon River during March 1966 (see other category), USS Seminole (AKA/LKA-104) [Attack/Amphibious Cargo Ship] docked in Saigon during July 1962; operated on Saigon River channel on March 4, 1967; and entered Cua Viet River on May 26, 1967 (see other category), USS Union (AKA/LKA-106) anchored in Hue River while conducting operations during April 1965 (see other category), USS St. Louis (AKA/LKA-116) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during March 9, 1971 (see other category), USS Pollux (AKS-4) [General Stores Ship] delivered supplies while in Ganh Rai Bay on April 4.
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