We arent being displaced both figuratively and literally by Canadians. Ensure your marketing team is rich with diversity. Imagine the reaction if a white actor portrayed MLK or Nelson Mandela in a film or play, or had the lead in The Lion King? As a Communications major in college in the early 70s, Public Relations courses I took stressed the importance of quickly putting a lid on any negative news on your client company, being transparent in what happened, getting it quickly under control, and telling the public how you were correcting the situation. They call out white privilege for those who have higher Motivational Values. NEITHER of these black democrats who blame whites for everything bad had GIVEN HOMES or anything that I know of to POOR BLACKS they PRETEND to care about. I love me some big broad shoulders, massive biceps, and masculine moxie, like my husband has, yum. Once the Romans went down that path their society began to fail. He also often had female villainsthe worst thing as a villain in a Disney film was the evil mother. Slavery has existed within all peoples over the world. Or is that Deltas desired customer mix? I think its fair to say that a good bit of advertising is fake, or at least exaggerated, and always has been. Ironically I feel a little safer knowing hes a little less tolerant of bull crap than he probably should be. There WAS a time in the US when blacks and whites dressed the same, enjoyed much of the same music, went to the same civic celebrations, etc. Last thing the diversity officer in major companies that must approve all advertising is root of the problem. Sorry, but the black guy in the star wars wasn't such a good actor. All told, falsely advertising diversity ends up supporting racism. And I am CONVINCED this is due to SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS and PACs and ACTIVISTS. I guess the issue Microsoft has with my posts & or comments because they are from a conservative perspective. Speaking on the subject of underrepresentation of Latinos in advertising, heres what makes it even worse. Motivational Values can be described and measured as positive or negative as at least five internalized values. For most of us, the reality we see in our daily lives looks nothing like the contrived bullshit we see on our TV screens, and while the endless assault has gotten very tiring, very fast, Im not sure that any amount of protest, boycotting, or letter-writing is going to change a thing. The bad news is, the people behind all of this will still call you racist. Published on February 05, 2021. Tv shows would have you believe all groups of friends are made up of one person each of a different race and a LGBT, its eye rolling ridiculous. I usually watch Restaurant Impossible on Thursdays, but now after seeing coming attractions from the last two weeks, and coming attractions of him helping only all black restaurant owners, I will stop watching until he puts white people back on his show. Black/white interracial marriages are 1%!!!!! Literally every piece of entertainment or advertisement follows the same formula. Trying to be politically correct. Im not a writer and cant articulate the story like you did. I SELF-IDENTIFY as a CAT! Toxic masculinity is out. They see white erasure in western culture and wonder why. This organic, truthful approach will seem more genuine. Excerpt: Woke capitalism is corporate Americas attempt to profit off of Millennial and Gen Z activism, often passive keyboard activism . In fact, I believe that *most* people notice the out-of-whack representation in todays TV commercials. Look at the movies now. If you find it annoying, its because its not representative of reality. More and more people are becoming convinced that all of the things you mentioned are part of a globalist agenda to weaken Western nations and allow organizations such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization to gain power and control. (This, as the woke Left shames and cancels people such as fitness instructor Jillian Michaels for not praising the morbid obesity of the musician Lizzo.) However, they are 14% of the population and commit about 60% of all murders in the United States but that is somehow not talked about or depicted on tv. Where were all of these companies five years ago. And I 100% agree with what you said about the relationship between art, truth, and propaganda. You will see a lot of these cheap videos on YouTube, or like those small screen pop-up videos that plague monetized food recipe blog/channels. Always try to be sensitive and try to feel how others may feel. This country is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned. Actually, it was breakfast cereal companies who, 100 years ago, propagandized breakfast as the most important meal of the day. Black men have already taken over game shows; I started noticing that but it didnt bother me too much because I could tune out if I didnt like it. When will America get the spine back and start saying no to these people????? Now that you are aware, youll start to notice it yourself. They are grooming young minds. A very simple chromosome test is all that is needed. A bleakness akin to socialism. Slavery is the original sin of Americans founding, and we are paying for it over and over again, from the Civil War to affirmative action and now to the over-representation of blacks in TV and print ads. You may also not be able to link effectively with Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks and/or not be able to share content on social media. The only ad that comes to mind is a boy in ballet tights eating a Rice Krispie Treat with his unseen dad voicing over a note he had written on the wrapper!! Even if they use a purple clown. I am wondering if there is a way to get this information and observations out to a larger public forum? American Marxism is a somewhat difficult read due to his command of the American English language, but Levin goes back in history and lays out the beginning foundations of every social and political upheaval we are experiencing now. BTW, a stumbling, bumbling white man? They act like its a miracle parading around a normal black person like normal black people are very few. But the people behind the ads are all for this. This is NOT the same country and society it was 60 years ago. I just went to the Library of Congress to maybe read some online books..one of the sections had 3 pictures that came up one after another pictures of mostly kids, reading, etc.all 3 had a total of 15 people all black, POC except one white male. Beautifully written! Youre right, Zan. I see nothing but brown skin and brown hair from blacks to Asians, to Hispanics. (And Im just going to say it: Barack Obama, the so-called Great Uniter, did more to damage race relations in this country than any leader in my lifetime. Why hasnt someone filled a class action lawsuit against these high-tech giants for censorship?? Absolutely no hint of animosity between their privileged children (dressed so nicely) and the parents. His point was that typically black people arent into stuff like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing..those kinds of pursuits. What turned me to GOP? As you can imagine, and as we have discussed here, whites and (especially) Hispanics are grossly underrepresented while blacks are grossly overrepresented. Its reverse discrimination! To your point, I turned on Netflix the other day and literally EVERY promotional image in the suggested movies list was filled with nonwhite faces. I dont blame you a bit for turning off the tube in favor of books and movies, Madge, but I would encourage you to hit back with a parting shot before you go. I have no problem with persons of color in movies and advertisements, nor do I have an issue with mixed race relationships, so long as they are organic and natural. Of course you are wrong. Same with EastwoodDirty Harry throws away his badge at the end of the movieand in other Eastwood filmstheres usually a negative compromise. Do you have kids, Anonymous? People of color & for that matter every individual needs to take responsibility for their own lives & stop blaming white America for their problems & hardships. And getting worse by the day. I think it is about destroying the indigenous populations of countries so Germans, English, Americans, etc. Theyre made to look stupid, or just plain made fun of! It would seem that racism is alive and well, and Im not just talking among white people. 61% of Americans find diversity in advertising important. This country is so much in the toilet right now. Expert Panel, Forbes Communications Council. And there absolutely is a reason that interracial couples are being propagated as a black man and white woman. Most blacks and whites dont think its okay. Why has the Asian community done so well in America and the blacks have not? In many ways, the need for diversity in advertising is a numbers game. James Gilbert, CloudCherry, 13. Frankly I have NO idea what to do about this, EXCEPT ALERT THE MEDIA so those folk DONATING to these organizations WILL NOT HAVE MILLIONS of $$ and in some cases (BLM) 100s of MILLIONS. (However, before I say more, I must correct you on one thing. Well that thought lasted about a minute because now that is probably the most common representation you see on tv ads today. However, when the nature of this representation in no way reflects society at large, its only reasonable to assume that an agenda is being pushed. In answer to your question, its both. I understand these ad people are maybe trying to achieve some kind of authenticity and will always try to protect themselves by claiming their ads are aspirational i.e. And based on the overwhelmingly positive response to this blog post, I would say that there are (thank goodness) many more objective and fair-minded people out there than small, bitter, and confused people like you. Oh, Ive been waiting for someone to say this. This group of people cant represent more than 4 or 5 percent but they seem to take up Al least 30 percent representation in TV commercials. While interracial marriages are certainly more common now than they were in the past, I see very few black-white couples in the real world. Its the far left wing radical idiots that want to appease people of color. Mostly white men. Michael Harvin, Senior Manager, Global Agency Relations at American Express. Id like to blackball every company stuffing this crap down my throat but where would I go. Totally agree. I couldnt have agreed with you any better!!! Microsoft censors 80% of my posts replying/responding to obvious left leaning readers/posters trying to give my conservative opinion/side & they constantly censor me. I really feel sorry for the kids being born today. Here is link to study. I disagree that slavery is Americas sin. People who dont know history dont know that slavery has been widely practiced throughout the world for centuries, and in fact, millennia. This cheap advertising is called Video Ad Creative. In the 1940s, certain studios would have a black janitor who sacrifices himself for the white male hero. And I believe wholeheartedly that if an advertiser wants to go after a certain demographic with an ad or ad campaign, it should be their prerogative to do so. His presence was a sign, so the argument goes, that the movie's creators had clear left-liberal . I was brought up to love everyone, but enough of these commercials. Thanks again! Oh and PS: I hadnt noticed how they portray the white men (Im not a white man but some have said theyre the burglars in home alarm ads) but I Have noticed that all the big dopes who dont have the right insurance or are so stupid as to shop at the wrong stores and buy the wrong products are White! Its nice to see that others also notice and disapprove. Look at the latest Purge movie.its about POC people running around killing White people. That is the main problem. I was with you right up until the point where you said No one cares. Judging by the number of replies to this blog post and thats only from people with the courage to stick their necks out Id say a hell of a lot of people care. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!! and so true, so true.. If we targeted blacks, wed cast blacks. Plans for improving diversity and representation in advertising U.S. and UK 2022 Plans for adapting their marketing approach to improve diversity and inclusion in advertising according to. What people have a problem with is all the pandering thats taking place in the name of diversity. Except now, it appears to have gone beyond mere pandering. But, as I have said, the biggest problem with this forced-diversity agenda is that its a bullshit game anyway. Hardly. Advertisers are trying to focus more on diversity DEI roles increased 113% across industries from 2015 to 2020, but many DEI roles in advertising are functions of human resources. The sad part is, as you said, seeing this absurd over-representation of black people day in and day out begins to do more than just annoy after a while. . Im getting sick of TV in general. Culture war, definitely. What is the Whitewashing of black people? blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa Its pretty funny because my husband and I were just talking about this the other day. You are exactly right that advertisers are concerned about violence and how loud they are, that explains why the majority of commercials are full of black people and not anywhere near as many Hispanics/Asians. I was going to get rid of Netflix but there are no commercials so Im keeping it. Avoiding them is not racism. Sure you might have a few exceptions here and there, but sometimes stereotypes are actually true. What is going to happen to white children that are not being represented? As for this weekends shooting at the Buffalo grocery store, Ive heard that the shooter had carved the name of one of the Waukesha victims into the barrel of his gun no idea if thats true or not. Either way, marketing was just generic white dude stuff. Now, it's an ad, and in the end it doesn't matter, however, I feel this forced diversity does impact some aspects of media. Are advertising people those unassailable paragons of virtue we all know them to be attempting to assuage their guilty consciences for all the systemic racism they see in every nook, cranny, and crevice of America by meeting some kind of quota? blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate EXCEPT . Its almost comical how they have seemed to disappear, when in reality its quite the opposite. Blacks are slowly and methodically destroying this country theyve already poisoned the minds of all of our kids. The irony is most young suburbanites who care about the issue choose streaming services to avoid or skip the ads anyway. In a televised production of The Nutcracker a few years ago, we saw wealthy 19th Russian couples at a ball in St. Petersburg who were interracial. Now that weve created the world its time for those who sat back and enjoyed the fruits of our labor to take over and disappear us! He names names, gives dates, gives quotes, and gives events, laying out an ironclad argument on why we are going through what were going through. Im guessing you just watched Karate Kid? I am not the only person noticing all this. And I thought I was the only one who noticed the disappearance of white males! Oh, I dont know, Anna. As a blue-eyed blonde woman, I havent seen anyone that looks like me in tv commercials for quite some time. Not about racism at all. Appreciate your thoughts, Robert. White men. So much for learning from one another through healthy dialogue and debate. What we are noting is that advertisers are not doing whats best for the brand, marketshare or stock holders, but rather an attempt to social engineer. Multiracial images. Because all they want is welfare. Mandy Glidewell, CentricsIT, 9. Current science says the exact opposite, and more and more people are getting on the bandwagon with low carb diets + fasting until lunch to experience weight loss and better overall health ( me, reversed diabetes and down 60 lbs so far). People have plenty of reasons to keep quiet. They are also becoming the professionals on sitcoms, fire chief, head surgeon, police chief etc with whites reporting to them. I hear the energy rationing could get rough: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11173211/Life-Blackout-Britain-Experts-warn-energy-rationing-winter.html. Im tired of having all the diversity being shoved down my throat. Remove race and substitute with something else. The advertising industrys complete disregard for accuracy, fairness, or authenticity is truly breathtaking. And theyre shown eating burgers, guzzling beer, and lying on the couch with a remote when theyre not robbing houses. . I started to wonder why the vast majority of mixed relationships in ads were black male-white female and not the other way around. Authenticity is often valued more highly than forced diversity. Its a good question, Bill. Right, it is a culture war and as usual average Joe (s/w/m) isnt part of the war just a victim of it. Like what happened with that BLM founder after she bought four million-dollar homes in L.A. Astute readers have shared their well-considered opinions all over this page. That is rare in RL. I dont need to tell you that we live in a hyper-politically-correct society. Show men of color as successful and attractive while white men if you show them at all are fat and stupid. Right after I said this the girls mom loudly said black lives matter, I kid you not. Communications, PR, public affairs & media relations executives from Forbes Communications Council share firsthand insights. As I say, I do appreciate authenticity in my commercials, and I dont think Im alone. Good response posts too. It should be noted that a new diversity index in the Census has some claiming that white people are undercounted.). Even worse than all these commercials nowadays putting black men in $1,000 shoes driving $100,000 cars living in million dollar homes and being depicted as superior to the overweight balding white guy who looks like a complete buffoon. All this black advertising and also black programming has truly gotten out of hand. They hate normal people. Is that not the very definition of racism? And therefore will feel comfortable buying products from companies that support diversity. Some brands are particularly popular with people of different races. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father Ive been retired for a year now and watch more TV than I have in a while and I thought the same thing. Giving in to these groups of people and cults. Its usually because no one on the marketing campaign asked POC hikers about their hiking experiences. I once saw a production in NYC for example, of The Sound of Music with a black Maria von Trapp, the real Maria being a very real person who happened to be white. And insulting not only to our cultures, but to our intelligence as well. Oh, thank you, Anonymous. Ive never seen anyone other than a white male actor cast as a burglar in a home security commercial. We are headed in the same direction. I am a white female and I feel for the white male who is so obviously portrayed as a home-staying effeminate and clueless male. Believe me the subliminal message especially to young people is clear. Whats racist is the over representation of minorities in tv now. Yes, the erasure of strong male role models from American culture is absolutely intentional. Black people are seeing themselves everywhere which may strike a few of them as odd, as if white corporate America is shamelessly pandering to them but any warm fuzzies this may bring are likely negated by the fact that blacks in commercials behave just like white people. And, guess what? Yay, a 19th century painting, so at least white people DID exist! How many rainbow-colored logos did you see in June? Advertising is just an extreme version of the same phenomenon. Another way is to ask for an opinion from someone unrelated to your campaign, but always take that input in the right proportions. A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2021) November 16, 2021. Back in the 1980s, I read several papers on how Americas changing demographics was going to leave any corporate players who didnt get on board with the new normal of the time at a distinct disadvantage in this profitable market segment. Marketers often fail by developing a campaign and then inserting a few diverse people to check off the diversity box. Their findings show 73% of casts/actors are white. Ive wanted to ask a black person if they dont just feel really insulted by all this. According to 2020 Census data, white people make up 61.6 percent of the population, black people 12.4 percent, Hispanics or Latinos 18.7 percent, and Asians 6 percent. I just want, as Tool says in Aenima, Mom to come and put everything back together again. What to do? I dont know how any young women these days can even be attracted to the opposite sex anymore since there seems to be nothing but a slightly more boyish version of themselves to choose from. The problem is look at the actual news. That is one of the strongest bonds in human society but you rarely see it in commercials. for the winter. Its the only way to get them to change, and it does work. I remember the globalist-bent ads for Benneton and when Levis and Coca-Cola began pandering directly to blacks. not what we are seeing on TV. Rob, you have started a firestorm with this subject. If I didnt know better, Id say it almost feels like many of these commercials were written with white people in mind, and then black actors were hired for the sake of diversity.. African slavery existed well before the arrival of Europeans. And who are they? These companies are so worried that their Hispandering will all be wasted if someone doesnt realize that the people in the commercial are Latino that they have to yell out loud to consumers : Look, we care about Latinos, too!. 10 reasons why people hate TV commercials in 2023 (in no particular order) 1. I think that job is pretty secure. Yes, societys current obsession with grrl power and myriad forms of gender bending is on full display in todays advertising. I have been saying this for years. Because if brands and advertisers really cared about diversity and inclusivity and representing all races and cultures equitably, then they would put an honest effort into giving everyone their fair shake and especially into recognizing and respecting the differences in our cultures while bringing us together in our love for their brands. Its like the response to Covid was, totally overdone, a total overcompensation to George Floyd and BLM. The latest news, trends, strategies, and thinking from our industry-leading publications and the wider marketing community. Yes, everything has to have an urban feel to it now, as if that is something to aspire to. Want to know where this is really coming from? Its really too bad its come to this. Its happening already with companies like Disney and Netflix. If those percentages are even close to correct, what is Delta hoping to achieve with their 3% representation? The folks behind these changes can print all the money they wishand have been able to do so since 1913. Your company may already be a member.View our member list to find out, or create a new account. So much for being a racist country.). What would happen if brands and advertisers not only hired diverse casts of actors, but also created ads that recognized and respected our cultural differences, the unique things that make us special? Has anyone else noticed the complete absence of blonde haired men in TV advertisements? Check out this tweet sent by the NHL regarding the Trans Draft Tournament that just took place in Middleton, Wisconsin (about 10 miles from my old home). Recently there has been a lot of manufactured racist guilt implied by unethical politicians and their media towards any individuals avoiding the dangers associated with people who have low Motivational Values. They cant get themselves to believe that their governments or doctors or the news people on TV would ever lie to them. Reminds me of Hitler in the 1930s brainwashing the German population. But Caucasians dont march, or wear mask.we need to speak up and not be canceled out. Share Real Customer Stories. You are simply noticing the obvious mile-wide chasm between the real world you live in and the forced-diversity agenda that seemingly all brands and advertisers are foisting upon us daily. I was astounded at what had happened to tv since my last road trip. I cant help but notice the blatancy of this and it feels so forced and ingenuine. While I agree with the blogger on many of his points (especially the way ads portray whites as dumb and in need of people of color to survive in America), I read an article that stated Hollywood and Networks (most notably, CBS) are required to hire 50% of the minority applicants in order to push their social agenda. I totally agree and you would think that white people are completely ignorant of what is going on. Movies and tv followed the same trend. I never wanted to have a baby and wanted stuffed cats instead of dolls. And the Asian mixes. I have to tape all my shows because I am so tired of seeing all black and gay and transgender and interracial people on tv. For interested Cranky readers, Kris is talking about the Federal Reserve System, a central bank which despite its name is neither federal nor a reserve, and the creation of which in 1913 introduced in the United States a debt-slave system from which we can never get out. Think about that. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising industry is now 32.3 percent diverse, up from 30.8 percent a year ago. as racists. Have you also noticed that the majority of the commercials now have rap and hip hop in the background and are portraying things towards kids like the Kool-Aid guy wearing a gold chain and doing rap or hip hop? It drives me nuts, and for so long I have felt like I am the only one who gets worked up about it. We all have! White men are finding it harder to find work no matter what their skill or education level just for the sake of diversity. sorry that seeing non-whites on your tv makes you angry, Hitler. Personally, Id like to see the government reclassify these high-tech companies designations changed to utilities which would most certainly stop them from censoring the public as public utilities are forbidden to do any kind of censorship. I also think its ridiculous to write Pregnant People. Isnt a pregnant person a WOMAN whether she is trans or not? You would think that there were no white couples anymore left in the country or that they were trying to make sure that every white woman television commercials is in an obvious marriage or relationship with children with a black husband in the commercial yet in real America black fathers are the smallest percentage of those at home with their children as a family unit. Most of the modern worlds issues stem from the hidden bitterness towards our own dads that were either present and imperfect or vacant altogether. People are starting to hate them. It explains how ever since the post WW2 era our society has been led down this destructive path.
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