Did the flavor change for the better? Is it safe to drink? Others have referred to results of scotch or whiskeys changing drastically if not consumed within a reasonable amount of time after opening. Mezcal and the agave plant it comes from are both high in fructans, a type of carbohydrate. It was much more mellow and all of the nail polish/alcohol notes had vanished over time, making this an incredibly rounded and balanced Elote. Impossible to tell without actually having it in front of me, but generally, it should be ok as long as nothing entered the bottle. This "worm" is actually the larva of a moth referred to as a gusano. Through the haze, I remembered that mezcal is not tequila, and that, at the bottom of some bottles, you may find a worm. However, under Mexican law the only distilled liquor of the agave plant that can be called tequila is the liquor distilled from the blue agave plant. Could one of these factors have made the difference? Generally, weve found that older bottles tend to mellow and get better over time. So, technically, it is a mezcal worm, not a tequila worm, because it is only found lying there dead in the bottom of a bottle of mezcal. Because mezcal sounds like mescaline,. And theres a lot of crossover between those two purposes, too. Are you still interested in learning more? A mezcal worm is an insect larva found in some types of mezcal produced in Oaxaca, Mexico. He had it on his bar forever. Bottom line. First things first: The "worm" at the bottom of some bottles of mezcal isn't actually a worm, as noted by Vice . These atoms are very chemically unstable and will essentially steal electrons from cells in the body. To be clear, thats speculative. While questions about the aging of mezcal in opened bottles is an active debate, the community seems decided on the aging of mezcal in closed (never-opened) bottles and/or in larger glass demijans. Emma Janzen in her book, Mezcal: The history, craft & cocktails of the worlds ultimate artisanal spirit, writes that some time ago, the little larvae represented an alcohol degree measure, because if the worm remained intact inside the liquid, the proof was high enough for preservation. They found that none of them had an ethyl carbamate concentration that exceeded the international safety guideline of less than 0.15 mg/L. His theory was that mezcal would continue to improve until the bottle would get down to about 25% full, at which time he suggested that you should just drink the remaining mezcal because it would start to drastically change (presumably for the worse). Some wild . Eating the worm has neither hallucinogenic nor aphrodisiac effects: but, if you have finished the entire Mezcal bottle to get the worm out and eat it, you are most likely unable to behave appropriately by this point. These little mezcal fun facts are explained in detail. That sap will ferment into delicious pulque. As the name suggests, it also included the worm.. Here's what you need to know about the worms in tequila or mezcal bottles. ", Agave and thus the mezcal produced from it hasa number of terpenes. Citronellol is a terpene found in agave, as well as many other plants. Flavors of cinnamon, sand, and slate. Jonny, Notes of clay. Sometimes thats for medicinal purposes, where the adjunct is most often plants; sometimes its for ceremonial or celebratory purposes, where its most often fruits and proteins, such as turkey or chicken. The fat and juices from the chicken add a savory undertone to the mezcal, while collagen from the meat gives it a more "robust mouthfeel.". You'll pick up a gentle smokiness that makes the Mezquila great for adventurous . Copyright 2023 StillTasty LLC. To further complicate the matter, tequila is a special type of mezcal. It's the caterpillar form of a species of moth that lives in agave plants. The world of agave spirits is so vast, it doesn't have a name. In fairness, it is entirely possible that there are bottles of mezcal with worms that are not too bad. The researchers found that the geraniol had an antidepressant-like effect on the mice, suggesting that the terpene could have important therapeutic benefits for humans struggling with stress and depression. Why, yes! Mexcal Union El Viejo Didnt know exactly what it was and was put in my wine fridge after a big party last summer, just reorganizing my fridge and saw it in there amongst the white. 1: Worms In Mezcal Add Flavor To The Drink. First, its not really a worm. Depending on how long it's aged, flavors can range from stingingly bitter (joven) to smoother and smoky (aejo). Recuerdo Mezcal is one of the few recent mezcal brands to embrace the gusano. Especialista en vinos y espirituosos con experiencia en educacin y consultora comercial. When exposed to air, this oxidizes to acetic acid, which is ester. Luckily, the levels of ethyl carbamate in mezcal don't appear to be dangerously high. The fact that mezcal is a clear spirit also plays a role. These meaty mezcals are still relatively hard to find in the United States, but several brands, including Del Maguey, El Jolgorio, Wahaka, and Rey Campero, offer pechuga-style options. Is it? Mezcal Worm . Regardless of the vapors, Id think that tipping the bottles on their side once or twice a year should be enough to keep the cork moist enough to keep a good seal. Its a good selling point that it doesnt turn bad like wine. Richards told The List,"Mezcal is naturally gluten-free, making it an alcohol ideal for anyone with a gluten intolerance or allergy. Yep, add a tasty, wiggly snack the Red Maguey Worm. This particular agave plant grows in Jalisco, Mexico. At any rate, love your passion and commitment!! He says; If you open your bottles once a year or so and let new air in (assuming you did not drink it all), the mezcal will improve over time. Id agreed that a 2yr experiment like this would probably provide more noticeable differences. We werent sure what to expect from this tasting, but wed hypothesized that the air in the bottle would indeed have some impact on the mezcal after seven months. We noticed this more on the nose than on the palate, with more of the aromas in the No-air mezcal being more pronounced and bold. Tequila is actually a kind of mezcal, in the same way that Cognac is a type of brandy. Its common to mix pulque with fruits to make what they call curados, a beverage that would dethrone smoothies as the fitness drink of choice if it werent so volatile. Despite its reputation, it doesn't have any hallucinogenic properties. Opinions on the subject tend to vary greatly, but there seem to be three main positions that people take: Our friend Mezcal PhD tells us that mezcal will likely improve over time. I really appreciate how a good bottle will hide the high alcohol content. As far as the aged-in-glass goes, we find that the longer the mezcal sits (unopened), the more balanced and integrated it becomes. Overall, the Vago Elote showed slight differences between the two aged mezcals, but we all agreed that we preferred the Excess-air mezcal. Green apple, pear, and lime-lemon predominate its primary aromas. All mezcal comes from agave, but there are more than 30 different types of the spiky green plants growing throughout Mexico. While people who drink mezcal every night may like to highlight the spirit's purity, mezcal, like all alcoholic beverages, contains the chemical ethyl carbamate, which has been linked to various types of lung, liver, and blood cancer. All rights reserved. As you stated from my book, I do believe the taste will generally improve over time, but I agree with Judah that this has its limits. Smoke is not always the most pronounced element in mezcal, nor must it be viewed as the chief virtue. Weve seen several threads on Facebook, Reddit, and elsewhere over the years that have asked this question. Tequila fanatic? I had a plate of pan-fried and seasoned gusanos at the four-star Casareyna in Puebla Centro years ago and that dish brings me back there every trip. Picture source: 21food.com. We sipped cocktails and thought about what it should be. Worm salt is a mix of sea salt, ground agave larvae, and chile spices. Camille Austin, the global portfolio ambassador for Casa Lumbre Spirits, sang the praises of the agave plant in a 2019 interview with Maxim: "It is a plant that is made up of many organic compounds, or terpenes, commonly known as essential oils, that lend to the herbal, citrus and fruity flavors, as well as the 'magical' feeling we get when we drink mezcal. All rights reserved. It cemented the idea in the male western mind that Mezcal with a worm was in fact, the real Mezcal. Of the four mezcals included in this tasting, we preferred the Excess-air mezcal for three of them. Yes!!!! Another mention about the worm is in Sara Bowens research Divided Spirits: Tequila, Mezcal and The politics of production. But is this true for bottles that are less than 25% full? A research team examined limonene's ability to destroy lung cancer cells and published the findings in 2018 in the journal OncoTargets and Therapy. To maximize the shelf life of mezcal for quality purposes, store in a cool dry area away from direct heat or sunlight; keep tightly closed when not in use. To begin with, the Mezcal worms are caterpillars and they are a plague of the agave. They had all been open for a little over a year and all the bottles had just over 25% left. But until Mariano Azuelas 1949 novel Sendas Perdidas, all published references I could find that include both mezcal and gusano are separate and culinary in nature; basically, somebody went to Mexico, drank some mezcal and ate some gusanos. Your shot amigo. But I have seen mezcal with a scorpion in the bottle, up in Durango, and that appears to be a reflection of the Oaxacan gusano practice. September 24, 2020 2:06 pm ET. 1.It's the best way to drink mezcal as the Mexicans do Just like following a shot of tequila with a slurp of lemon wedge and a lick of salt, reddish spice sal de Gusano (worm salt) is often. Until 1994, nearly every bottle of mezcal legally exported to the USA had a gusano in it. The mezcal worm began as a way to distinguish mezcal from tequila and was transformed into an added element of . According to Anthony Dias Blue's Complete Book of Spirits, that "worm" is actually a larva from one of two types of moths, known as maguey worms, that live on the agave plant.Apr 20, 2021 What proof should mezcal be? Yes, some bottles of mezcal include a creepy crawly surprise at the bottom, but no, it won't make you hallucinate if you drink mezcal and eat it. Answer (1 of 2): It's an acquired taste. If you drink mezcal, you already know it always makes a big impression, whether sipped neat or mixed into a modern take on a classic cocktail like the margarita. But I love the experiment, and I am not surprised by the result. Whiskey connoisseur? Once tequila was granted protected status in 1977 (on October 13, if you'd care to celebrate), the worm system was rendered unnecessary. According to the University of WisconsinMadison, approximately 13 percent of men and 7 percent of women will experience at least one kidney stone in their lives, and having one kidney stone makes you 80 percent more likely to have another within the next ten years. Learn all about the latest and greatest spirits. Learn more. Neither study focused on mezcal specifically, but it looks like your favorite Mexican spirit may be a double-edged sword when it comes to inflammation. Mezcaleroes are loosing me as a customer Im headed back over to the sweet cooked agave (additive free) Tequila camp. By Justin Kirkland Published: Jan 25, 2022 Max Barsness. Free radicals are highly reactive atoms created when oxygen molecules inside the body split, as explained by Medical News Today. Generally speaking, the Excess-air mezcals were all much more mellow and balanced than those that had been resting in a bottle with little/no air. They're highly nutritious, easy and inexpensive to raise, and have much less of a negative environmental impact than other more familiar animal sources of protein, such as beef and pork. It's a common urban legend that tequila comes with a worm in the bottle. Mezcal and tequila will stay deliciously enjoyable for years to come . So, in addition to getting enough calcium, vitamin D, and exercise, you may want to consider deciding to drink mezcal every night to help strengthen your bones, especially if you're older. Your email address will not be published. I could tell you the red one is of the species comadia redtenbacheri and that the white worm, which is the one commonly found feeding off the agave plant, is aegiale hesperiaris. But if you're one of the many Americans abstaining from gluten, there's no need to give up mezcal. Crazy about gin? You could probably add a couple of cocktail ingredients to your list of foods you didn't know contain gluten. The younger one looked at his drink and said, you know what we should do? Follow @mezcalreviews Mezcal Fun Facts Mezcal is a distilled liquor made from the agave plant. As long as nothing was able to enter the bottle, it should be ok. Mongo only pawn in game of life, but this is a great topic. Great little experiment that you guys did,, and the results are very encouraging to those like myself who have amassed a nice little collection of bottles, but just dabble in them over the course of time. Antonio De Len Rodrguez, a molecular biologist at the IPICYT (Instituto Potosino de Investigacin Cientfica y Tecnolgica) in San Luis Potos, Mexico,has published a number of scientific papers about the chemical makeup of mezcal. There's often confusion about the difference between mezcal and tequila. For now, it seems safe to say that your mezcal will not go bad from having too much air in the bottle. While mezcal can be made from any number of agave plants, tequila can only be made from blue agave, which means that tequila is technically a mezcal. Mezcal owes much of its reputation as a "healthy" spirit to the agave plant from which it's distilled. The worm gives it flavor, he shared. I have a sealed bottle of Mezcal I gave to my dad 30 years ago. And there are lots of spirits that are made from agave in a nearly identical manner to mezcal, but for various reasons don't meet the government classifications, such as raicilla, sotol, and . Its also interesting to note that you dont see mezcal con gusano being made outside of Oaxaca. Your body just recognizes the difference." The acute inflammation that immediately follows an injury and results in redness, swelling, and pain is beneficial it's how your body protects the affected area and begins the healing process. The gusano, or worm, at the bottom of a bottle of cheap mezcal is actually moth larva. The thought behind the gesture is that a high proof, high-quality spirit would preserve the insect and prevent it from rotting. ; THE WORM DOESN'T JUST AFFECT THE MARKETING; IT ACTUALLY CHANGES THE DRINK'S CHEMISTRY. Your email address will not be published. was the brains behind the mezcal worm marketing ploy. She points out the Mezcal brand Gusano Rojo (Red worm) who initiated the adding of worms to Mezcal, when in 1950 a employee got the idea to drop a worm into each bottle as a distinctive touch. Mezcal can be considered cleaner and more pure than tequila, especially if the later is mixed with artificial sugar and way to many margarita mixers. In this way the insects will be kept moist and in case the bottle breaks in the mail, there is no danger of the liquid spilling out.. First things first: The "worm" at the bottom of some bottles of mezcal isn't actually a worm, as noted by Vice. Overall, the Rey Campero Tepextate was our favorite from the evening. Seriously. Mezcal bottles with tequila worms are not uncommon. Lisa Richards, a nutritionist and author of The Candida Diet, explained that mezcal's purity is what makes it safe for those who can't have gluten. Now and then, when youre cutting [agave], you can find a xumilin or two in and around the plant, and usually there is mezcal available to those doing that work of harvesting the [agave], he says. While many of the compounds they found were also present in tequila and other alcoholic beverages, they noted that, among the beverages they examined, limonene was only found in mezcal. MEZCAL has a terrible image. As I drink down more of my open bottles, I am discovering this. Although, do bug guts have a flavor, per se? JANZEN, Emma (2017), Mezcal: The history, craft & cocktails of the worlds ultimate artisanal spirit, Quarto Publishing Group, Minneapolis, USA. Overall, the El Jolgorio Barril showed slight differences between the two different aged mezcals. Heres What to Buy. Recientemente, se convirti en la primera mujer mexicana en lograr con distincin el nivel 2 y nivel 3 en espirituosos por Wine and Spirits Education Trust (WSET). What you drank was most likely Mezcal with doubtful quality and it affects the reputation of authentic mezcal. In the end, we found that our hypothesis was correct. They found that limonene did possess anti-tumor effects, but this experiment was limited to cells grown in a laboratory. And many are really starting to take notice. It is similar to tequila, but has a smoky flavor. Culinary Lore claims the belief that it is traditional for there to be a worm at the bottom of a bottle of tequila or mezcal is widespread. Aging in glass, however, imparts no new flavors. Yola Mezcal is made of espadn, the only type of agave besides blue agave (which is what tequila is made out of) that can be farmed. Before the mezcal boom of the 1990's most bottles of commercially produced mezcal that was available in the United States had a worm in the bottle. Short finish. Tyler, Lavender flavors, a bit of alcohol present. Like the Vago Elote and the Rey Campero Tepextate, we all found that the Excess-air was our preferred option among the two. But you dont have to go the four-star route to find gusanos on the menu in Mexico theyve been a staple for centuries. I can attest to that, too. Unfortunately, the jury's still out when it comes to mezcal and inflammation. Thats a question for a future tasting. The precious agave juice is too precious to throw away As we know, the heads and tails get mixed back into the 2nd distillations. It has light density to the drinker's eye with a silver nuance and a pale-yellow color. Most likely the gusano wormed its way into these bottles to remind us that Mexicos culinary history is diverse and conflictive, informed by religion, local and global markets, regional taste, and sheer improvisation. Some stories claim theworm was added to some bottles of mezcal to demonstrate its purity. Youll often see special prized batches of mezcal aging in glass at palenques around Oaxaca. One caveat: Sipping straight mezcal is safe, but, if you want to try a mezcal cocktail, you'll need to double-check that the other ingredients are also gluten-free. In a 2009 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Dr. Dirk W. Lachenmeier and colleagues analyzed the ethyl carbamate levels of mezcal, tequila, and other agave-based alcoholic beverages. They're actually a common street food in Oaxaca, roasted or deep-fried and served in a tortilla with green tomatoes, lime, and chili. Is that necessarily better or simply a choice at the moment between the blue groomer, the black diamond moguls or hiking to the back bowls for the puntas? The artisans who make what we know as mezcal, tequila or agave spirits are still at work learning more about the resources they have at hand and how to integrate them into their centuries-old traditions. We should do a really special Mezcal. Legend has it thatan employee of the bottling plant, Jacobo Lozano Pez, came up with the idea. Thanks for the insight. Notes of white pepper, salt, corn nuts. If you do feel something after eating a mezcal worm it is a placebo effect. Those curious enough to try a mezcal can buy their own bottles from Wine . The word Mezcal comes from the Nahuatl words "metl" and "ixcalli", which means "oven-cooked agave.". Mezcal Reviews on Twitter It may also have been made before that, but it became far more generalized after the revolution. Still other members of this website have written to us about noticing significant differences in older opened bottles, which theyve posited was due to oxidation and/or evaporation. Its more of a grub or a larva you know, the thing that turns into a moth. Once a bottle of mezcal is opened, the contents may begin to evaporate slowly and some flavor may be lost over time, but the mezcal will remain safe to consume if it has been stored properly. According to Town & Country,mezcal can be made from any type of agave, while tequila must be made from blue agave. If the specimens have a soft body (such as worms), they wrote in Agricultura Tcnica en Mexico, Volume 1, they should be placed in a bottle with alcohol, tequila, mezcal, or 10% formalin. This comes from the blending of a premium, 100% blue weber agave tequila with a 100% Espadn agave mezcal. Yes, when it comes to Mezcal, the worm at the bottom of the bottle has grown beyond a cultural phenomenon and into a world-renowned icon of sorts. The worm, however, isn't actually a worm, but the larva of one of two different types of moths that live on the agave plant. Contrary to popular belief, the worm in mezcal isn't a worm at all, it's actually a larva. What perfect timing for this blog. It was the only mezcal in the group that was distilled in clay. Most are produced from the espadn variety of agave and are 'joven mezcals' (young/unaged); unlike with tequila, joven mezcal is ready to be sipped. But they were a tasty snack around Mexico. The worm at the bottom of the bottle, which in popular culture is associated with tequila, is actually a mezcal tradition. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that all Mexican spirits distilled from agave, including mezcal, had high concentrations of oxalates. Robust. And while mezcal is generally less popular than tequila, at least in the U.S., it does seem to be on the rise thanks to bartenders and mixologists experimenting with it in a whole range of mixed drinks, as well as its competence as a little sipper served neat. The price sheets at Real Minero and other palenques are much the same and there is rarely much of a volume discount at the mercado. Its free. Both spellings are correct, and everyone has their favorite it seems. Mezcal is a transparent liquor made from distilled agave, a spiky-looking desert plant. Bingo!!! According toTaste Atlas, these caterpillars are a great source of protein and have a taste similar to pork rinds. To make it, you toast the worms and grind them up with sea salt and . There is no "worm" at the bottom of a Tequila bottle. So it's best to stick with an alcohol that's naturally gluten-free, like mezcal. Any alcoholic beverage after a long, hard day can help you unwind and lift your spirits, but mezcal contains a terpene called geraniol that may have additional benefits for your mental health. 1. Worm salt, or sal de gusano in Spanish, is exactly what it sounds like. These larvae are the same worms that you can find floating at the bottom of mezcal bottles. "But one story is that if the worm remains intact in the bottle, the percentage of alcohol in the spirit is high enough to preserve the pickled worm," according to theBeverage Testing Institute. Zapotec economics are like Pemex; a 250ml bottle costs 400 pesos and a 750 is 1,200. How long does mezcal last? "It has an aroma and a flavor that people like.". Or more specifically, does mezcal in an opened bottle eventually go bad? And awesome. I believe you would have found this if you had let your experiment run for 2 yrs or so, maybe less, but 7 months seems too short. In addition to avoiding brands that include the gusano de maguey(what we know as the worm), you'll want to keep an eye out for and stay far away from pechuga mezcal. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 10 million Americans have osteoporosis and another 44 million have low bone density, which puts them at risk of developing osteoporosis later in life. Worm salt is most commonly used during mezcal tastings but it can also be used for rimming mezcal cocktails and Mexican cooking as well. In the 1940s, a distiller named Jacobo Lozano Pez found that leaving the worms in his mezcal changed the flavor. But theres also a rich history of mezcaleros adding stuff to their mezcal, both during and after distillation. Much softer and more delicate than the first. Jonny. Indeed, mezcal con gusano, or with the worm, is just one of many varieties of the potent alcholic beverage that can be found in its home state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico. Not to throw a fellow Chicagoan under the bus, but it appears this false narrative started with The Straight Dope columnist Cecil Adams in a 1999 piece. It is not even legal to put a worm in tequila. Very little difference between the two. Tyler, Similar notes on the nose but more like cornmeal than pancakes. But the worm doesn't just affect the marketing;it actuallychanges the drink's chemistry, De Len said. Older commercialized mezcal brands have not deviated from the pack of new generation mezcal producers. So sometimes the workers will drop a xumilin in the mezcal. So maybe its kind of like ad hoc spice done on the fly (pun intended) for your mezcal? We pulled a few lower ABV mezcals off the shelf earlier this year. Its possible it is a marketing ploy and simply started with Legitimo or some earlier brand. The company Nacional Vinicola, now known as Gusano Rojo ("red worm") wasone of the first to include the worm in its mezcal. Usually, Meocuilines are cooked in exotic dishes and Chinicuiles are added to Mezcal or mixed with salt (called Sal de Gusano). I spent a weekend in Mexico City and drank too much mezcal. You will never find a worm in a bottle of imported tequila. The worm is actually a larva that lives on the agave plant. Still, for this reason, choosing to drink mezcal every night in moderation, of course doesn't sound so bad. Reasons Behind Adding Worms In Mezcal. 99K views, 7.8K likes, 645 loves, 487 comments, 1.1K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Zack Mwekassa: La France trs en colre While they're found in all alcoholic beverages, dark liquors have higher concentrations of congeners than clear spirits. Tequila has strict guidelines of bottling and production. Interesting and funny that I did kinda the same thing with 4 Rey Campero Espadin bottles of different lots. No sour finish. I dont understand how it locks it up that way, but when it does it seems to give it a really good structure. Oxalates are tiny molecules found in many nuts, seeds, and edible plants. While it's true that both liquors are made from agave, there are a few key differences that set mezcal apart. A bit funky with some burnt notes on the back of the palate. Tyler, Notes of ash and firewood on the nose and palate. Chris, Alcohol on the nose. As well, the competing brand Legitimo Mezcal de Oaxaca con su Propio Gusano (yeah, thats a mouthful) was trademarked in 1944. A Culinary Tour of France, With Dominique Crenn as Your Host, NFL Player Survey Reveals Leagues Worst Team and Its Not a Surprise. Sign up for InsideHook to get our best content delivered to your inbox every weekday. But reallythe red one and the white one. It is a tasty snack in parts of Mexico. Our personal recommendations are El Cortijo reposado con gusano and Wahaka reposado con gusano. If you don't want to taste it and are the unlucky chose one to eat it, pour the mezcal worm into a shot glasses with the mezcal and shoot it. Like the Elote, the Excess-air mezcal was our favorite for the Rey Campero Tepextate. It adds nothing to the flavor of the liquor, most likely. Individuals are exposed to ethyl carbamate largely through drinking alcoholic beverages. They are two things that will be forever associated together. Too much acetone/nail polish means too much of the head, and too much astringency (burn) means too much tail Which, by default seems to also suggest that the distillation was very hot. Does oxidation or evaporation make them worse or just different? Are your mezcals getting better as they age? QuiQuiRiQui Matatlan Mezcal. Our theory was that the air in the original bottle would have some impact on the aromas, flavor, and complexity of the mezcal over time. So, if you have already bought a bottle of Mezcal with a worm or you are in a party and someone insists you drink it, you may consider these 3 tips: Drink with caution: it is not dangerous, but it is a common practice to attract the attention of tourists and chances are the Mezcal itself is of poor quality. While that has nothing to do with aging, its worth noting that this stuff remained stellar. Farnesol, a terpene in mezcal, may have anti-inflammatory properties, according to a 2018 paper published in the journal Molecules. As all 4 went down in volume over several months the pecking order changed, so the favorite from the beginning fell away to the lesser favorite coming out over time. Don't worry, though; we're talking Mezcal, not math. What I am learning is that it has a lot to do with heads-hearts-tails. The red worm is typically considered tastier. Its not in a glass bottle, its in a black small round ceramic bottle with a worm on it. He says; "If you open your bottles once a year or so and let new air in (assuming you did not drink it all), the mezcal will improve over time. Given how often Ive been told that gusanos are an aphrodisiac, it doesnt take a great leap to imagine that someone, somewhere, would have thrown some gusanos into their finished mezcal to make a medicinal extract for erectile dysfunction vino de Viagra, if you will. Chronic inflammation has been implicated in a number of conditions, including diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.
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