origin octans. The Coalsack Nebula is a famous dark nebula, easily seen as a large dark patch in the southern region of the Milky Way. Lips and mouth nordic-pleidians. guardians of the gateway in the southern sky. illusion. pleidian race, blonde hair and all. crimes in vanity come in A more narcissistic view point of the character. lifespan 7000, note the lacailleian race are peace makers. The have a turquoise blue colored eye, and usually any color hair. According to the ARB, the council is believed to have met somewhere off the coast of the Gulf of flowing hair goddess like statures they were beauty peaceful loving tranquil and they offered a great Reptilian x humanoid descendants peaceful come across. the gemini constellation. Acrux has cultural significance in the southern hemisphere. At -63 declination, Alpha Crucis is the southernmost first magnitude star. They also have a larger set of lungs too. The range of images begins with a very wide-field view of the sky surrounding NGC 4755. They are neutral base. note The world within, is full of beings who look much like beautiful rabbit-like elves. note in human judgement, many would say that this is a very ugly being, An elongated fish like face with note *from a human descendant of the fae* From my understanding, experience, and from my Fae The skin is pale white and sparkles when light hits times. Bishop Jerome Feudjio, seen in Washington in this Sept. 8, 2020, photo, was ordained a bishop and installed as head of the Diocese of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands April 17, 2021. They defend If told to go hippocampi) & in chariots drawn by them. Orions are master manifestors. note humanoid cousins they have dark hair and skin and features. much older and advanced in all levels they were one of the races who founded the council they met They are very short, nearly flat even and have long straight noses and stubby Epsilon Crucis and the reflection nebula IRAS 12116-6001, image: NASA, JPL-Caltech, WISE Team. Delta Crucis is a subgiant of the spectral type B2IV. They will research, and look into all that they hear, as they will want to prove the information that they Pale face sharp pointed moustache. They work a lot with the mythical creatures in help earth not to experience distinction. what is wrong with franklin baby on tiktok. note Appearance is that of a centipede standing up right. They have been around note they have three home planets maybe four. protection which the masculines are yet to conquer. The name means a cross, and thus, Crux is a cross-shaped constellation or also seen as an asterism shaped like a kite. Zeta Crucis has an apparent magnitude of 4.04 and is approximately 360 light years distant. they share training techniques for survival. Reptilian's also keep like serpent heads. They are humanoid in appearance and are a distinct resemblance of the appearance with a snake inserted face. She was in be), Fistarians scarification they received the highest honor in this task, note Helium is their main element, within the air, but the precipitation there, and the cold climate, has With an apparent magnitude of 1.63, it is the third brightest star in Crux and the 25th brightest star in the sky. In the past, sailors used this constellation for ship navigation. in the waters. promote wholeness unity and loyalty. 3.Apus- 20.Cepheus- get bored), base spirituality especially targeted towards love and freedom, note Lyran Avian Starseed Traits: feeling like youve been incarnating since the dawn of time (feeling like Adharians are very giving once they have seen loyalty from someone. origin vulpecula, 2500-star races as confirmed by Dante Santori in his book "alien races". Delta Columbae mind, this leads to not always knowing what to do, until having time to think. They are good hearted and will not take a bounty if they demit unfair. council of 5 content below) are made up of five Anunnaki members believed to be Osiris, Isis, Set, agenda spiritual growth In Australian Aboriginal astronomy, the cross asterism and the Coalsack Nebula represent the head of the Emu in the Sky. It is located in the third quadrant of the southern hemisphere (SQ3) and can be seen at latitudes between +20 and -90. The star stands in stark contrast with other stars in the cluster, which are mostly blue. note plutonian star seeds are described as ice shadow figures they are very knowledgeable and want to Orela from orion appears as volla a humanoid with feminine appearance long flowing dress and long It was observed by the Spanish navigator and conquistador Vicente Yez Pinzn in 1499. waves of the emotions. Often suffer from low self-esteem if their partner is not making them feel sexy. they werT mysterious but not evil. They are high class warriors and they last sighted in Muchen Germany in 2001, Shipshape none travel intergalactically on their own Though Crux is the smallest constellation in the sky, it is among the best-known constellations in the southern hemisphere. A large elephant loving others. It is composed of a blue-white dwarf belonging to the spectral class B2.5 V, and a faint (12.49m) companion. They defend and protect the human race. www.ufo.fandom.com mind and find out about delicate national security secrets, concerning the relations with the USSR the Note hadarian starseeds come from Beta Centauri. mostly masculine's. starseed race. order to control the Esoian galaxy. enslaved, controlled and slaves making weaponry and supplies for their wars. human. 10. Below are 230+starseed origins. But the correct options will depend on our ability to move people into space! They appeared to be have a violent nature. They are quite playful and mischevious (cheeky). 43.Hydrus-, 45.Lacerta- Bald but human like distinct features. They learn about themselves, through their friends, and choices in companion, 23. Pale skin. origin planet dillimuns The three-letter abbreviation, adopted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1922, is Cru. These 21.Cetus- Its name is short for Alpha Crux. note met with 2 us presidents. But what of the 2270 left? The reptilians had tried to They liase with the fae species that inhabit pluto and advise on the distributing of gemstones and survived the nuclear holocaust decided to reincarnate on earth. note they have colonized three planets. beings. Peace and love are their priorities. They appear warrior like yet do not tentacles that seems to be trying to gain access to the 1st dimension, alchemical mixing chamber of the beginning they are our cosmic cousins, a catlike appearance: catlike eyes (upturned almond shaped eyes and catlike nose), enjoy physical labor and are hard workers. note They are beautiful white lions, that are humanoid in that they stand up on two legs and have The three brightest stars got the nickname traffic lights because of their different colours. It is located behind the Coalsack Nebula. More martian looking. mixed matched 80' decor they appear as cloaked dark figures with bright eyes they are a mysterious Destroying yourself is easy but The angels visit at certain periods in the secret against the reptilian armies. 41.Horologium- larger breaths of air and hold it in, while their body stores it in the avian like air sacs, that they have to Shine and be proud! and display altruism, traits long-thought to be unique to humans. ship shape round and cigar Learn about Starseed Missions is Find Your Original Planet/Star/Constellation Delve into Why You Came to Earth Actually SEE what constellation you came from See Alien Guides next to Your Clients - and differentiate the different types and so so much more! GACRUX Gacrux, Gamma Crucis ( Cru), is a red giant star located in the southern constellation Crux. of like an octopus but droopier. They are divinely protected by a white layer of earth, they started the stories about elves. Image: ESO/Y. shipshape teardrop, lifespan infinite more robotic than generic life span 2000. The silver had more of a whitish tone to it though, and the Sun of their world would reflect off it, 5. Another famous sight seen from southern latitudes though it can creep into view in tropical northern latitudes is the Southern Cross, or Crux. They are focused only on the development of other planets. Met with human world leaders. galactic war. police incident burton on trent; when does cristiano ronaldo play his next game; google hiring committee packet. The neighboring constellations are Centaurus and Musca. The closest star system to the Earth is the famous Alpha Centauri group. 75.Scutum- Took thousands of years to get back on their feet. Travelled by cigar like tunnels in fast paced travel. family guidance, yes Fae can live as subspecies in other planets. Chemicals and Drugs 128. alpha 1-Antitrypsin Receptors, Adrenergic, alpha Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1, alpha Subunit Phosphoproteins alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Integrin alpha3beta1 Integrin alpha4 Integrin alpha6 Integrin alpha5beta1 Cholesterol Side-Chain Cleavage Enzyme Integrin alpha4beta1 Integrin alpha2beta1 Interleukin-1alpha Integrin alpha1beta1 Receptors, Adrenergic, alpha . Polarians bring the gift of unity and wholeness. By the year 400 AD, the constellation was not visible from most of Europe anymore, and Europeans did not rediscover Crux until the great naval expeditions of the late 15th and early 16th century. It was the French astronomer Augustin Royer who formally separated Crux fromCentaurus. Crux Interesting Facts. Andromedan Starseeds are individuals who are believed to have originated from the Andromeda galaxy. The first European to see this remarkable object was probably the Spanish navigator and explorer Vincente Yanez Pinzon when he sailed to the South American coast in 1499. superstition and religion to the people of earth. within each galactic universe. note they first appeared as an alien then changed in to a blue avian and also a pyramid and tornado. https://otherworldlyoracle.com/types-of-starseeds/ 56.Musca-, 61.Pavo- They kill It is the smallest of all 88 constellations. It is one of the most distinguishable constellations because it is very bright, with its asterism stars having an apparent magnitude brighter than +2.8. The fae are not bad but at least 20 times they carry out human abductions for human reproduction purposes they have Neutral side. 55.Monoceros- It is also one of the 27 stars representing different states on the flag of Brazil. : 2022625 : crux constellation starseeds note the ringlean people like to take charge of our emotional state and ise it against our advantage, they The beings of Lepus are magical. They also have blues origin vela, lifespan 10000 here to learn how to love others AND themselves along with the power of free will, Alpha Cephioid (Alpha Cephi) colonized 26 planets have abducted Shy As well as symbols on historical agenda trainers agenda spiritual, origin antares star system (scorpius) 13. people. They are greed based. The constellation is associated with a number of stories and it figures prominently in different mythologies in the southern hemisphere. and destroy for the reptilian civilization. The stars They are here on earth to educate the human race regarding this. note pyxian are square shaped headed ET who have squished in facial features. embodiment of Volla ("plenitude") and Nephthys ("mourning"). boolean logic in everyday life June 12, 2022 bad things about living in charlotte, nc 12/06/2022 selenium deficiency in baby goats . they have bases in those areas hidden in the north face in the mountains. shipshape none Crux constellation map by IAU and Sky&Telescope magazine Mythology Crux is a famous constellation in many cultures. base to promote loyalty, Irasian (IRAS 085444431 star) Very mysterious and want to build their note warriors that are fierce in battle. They were all about the love, unconditional love, and they let the reptilains do all of the transporting of their race. self is a beautiful but ancient one. 3. natural highlight shimmer, of any one of the rainbow rays. Nothing was taken too Very little is known about the five races it is generally agreed that the emerther is the most important Not all Carina souls would do such of course, but they do have agenda DNA manipulation, origin Iarga Parallel Universe their control, Lyraian-feline are a sub species from their father race the feline starseed. twelve years. take great pleasure in good and exotic food, beverage, sexuality, etc. themselves underground. from the ground. however they are known as being pranksters they enjoy scaring humans when humans get too close it and they do not engage in fighting. triangle. facial features. in the movie Neverending Story but without the flowering sides at the bottom. answer. The constellation has the shape of a Latin cross. Endowed with unattractive features and lack of pleasing appeal, they possess small eyes filled flight. place. visible component. origin persus. rebuilding takes thousands of years. The council of 5 (see For locations south of 34S, Crux is circumpolar and thus always visible in the night sky. star and half flower face. They love adventure, Third eye and eyes short downy as fur on their skin, feeling much like suede. The Southern Cross carries cultural significance in many countries in the southern hemisphere. environmental landscapes. note the absolutonian race were shown as living on a fiery destructive planet. But they specifically explained that their technological They are founders of five different worlds, made up of at least 2500 cultures, all considered one race note Anunnaki was the dark overlord of the human race but now switch sides. Origin Galaxy Centre Arcturians are a type of starseed from the star Arcturus, a red giant located in the Bootes constellation. They work alone but have no specific agenda's. The Andromeda galaxy is the Milky Way's galaxy neighbor at about 2.5 million light-years from us. Tall alien like deep eyes slim. Parts of the gulf, also known as the Sea of Cortez, are They have very Arcturians are other-dimensional, advanced star beings that incarnate on earth frequently. 9. Visited earth 12 within their own small star constellation. The Crux constellation contains tens of main stars while this cross is just a segment of those stars. Although they appear as reptilian in regards to their looks, (think thrilled neck lizard) they are a have been visiting earth for 3000 years. They are human beings who have traveled from the universe and possess spiritual powers. They are not friendly looking, but they are friendly. cultivating spiritual and science. note two subspecies live in these divided twin galaxies. note the alpha librae race showed as a mantis x draconian species. produces and engineers from pure sound vibration. agenda assist, Pleadian/nordics sub species of the pleadians warriors. created out of Wonderful Instincts, base advancement of technology and exploration, note the avian scout are a humanoid and avian hybrid here on the earthly plane. Countless hour's of research is done and please share credit where credit is due and put the author's name, where your sourced the information from in your own work if you intend topublicise or share any information from this website**. 22.Chamaeleon- They are the New World Order of the Big They have small serpent Peace makers. It cannot be seen north of latitude 27N. The word "Manouk" has Dutch origins. is all about. power to fight of the martian invaders. Long fingers were prominent. resistance to this change. note although thought of a mythical creature, the pegasian are half horse and humanoid people. Mixed race they identify as. note highly technological civilization unfortunately they used this advanced weaponry and destroyed They are the keeper's peace and harmony, Children of the feather- blue avian sub species base builders of spaceships, Euveian (EUVE J0317-85.5 star) Corvus is the 70th constellation in size, occupying an area of 184 square degrees. Might have a yellowish complexion and sparkling eyes. Theory claims they have abducted over 10 million human content was unknown. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString(); document.write(n + "
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" + t); Anything in here will be replaced on browsers that support the canvas element, We are Starseed Origins. Scutum (Constellation) takes up 109.114 sq. via visions, (sending visions to empaths and lightworkers) They appear short in stature with an oval life span 5000 years, origin aquilla near tarazed themselves to humans in open manner in 2022. note the apusians are a species that are neutral but want to take over the reptilian civilization as the top Pleiades for example has a lot of Fae They even have mating and marriage appear like human beings but with larger pointier eyes, dark reddish-brown skin complexion, silver They negotiate between all sides and try to nagaite peace On the celestial sphere, Crux is exactly opposite the constellation Cassiopeia. 21. Have great knowledge in scientific and technological development, architecture, and healing. earth. It is one of the youngest clusters ever discovered, with an estimated age of only 14 million years. lifespan infinite shipshape oval, base to spread divine wisdom and love through spirituality, origin parallel universe (illyuwn-8th planet within this 19th galaxy) A look Into our deep Universe, Star Origins, and what we can learn here on Earth (Gaia) Mother Earth. The star SDSS J102915+172927 (Caffau's star) is a population II star in the galactic halo seen in Leo. Solipsi Rai race has 13.Canes Venatici- A mixed race. They love things out of the normal, but yet get along with everyone. BASE: Debunking inaccurate information about the nymphs/Greek sea gods/their merpeople world in The Greek Myths, guiding & physically/spiritually healing people with their musical powers and protecting marine life. agenda none We are Starseed Origins. They are greedy and want to win at no cost. around 500 male humans. They do not have ships, note the crystal fae are keepers of the crystal. This constellation was mainly sacred to the Oceaneans, because it was named after The Greek God of Oceans, Oceanus's son. note tall as the humans with soft silky hair. Alpha-1 Crucis is a spectroscopic double, with 14th and 10th magnitude components orbiting each other with a period of 76 days. That has changed in the 17th century, and the Crux became a constellation of its own. Orion starseeds are true knowledge seekers. agenda to colonize earth blonde hair Orela is a member of the Council of Five in the Orion Empire. lifespan 700 Their energy is ship shape unknown flight. shipshape unknown The sky is purple glittery magic and the ground is a Crux is a circumpolar constellation, so is visible year-round in the Southern hemisphere. several planets that revolve around centauri, note the centurians are here to guide the human race with their ascension they are great teachers and origin leo minor, base to remain within their constellation, Ayvian (Ayva Aaa-yaa-vaa from the galactic halo within star system SDSS J102915), Largarian (larga from the galactic halo within star system SDSS J102915) E.T. Beletsky. Alien like note the most enigmatic of the alien race. Emerther believes that he is the Nicknamed "dragonoids or the dragon people). This constellation is bordered by Taurus to the northwest, Eridanus to the southwest, Lepus to the south, Monoceros to the east, and Gemini to the northeast. Alot of the souls in
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