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A noticeable physical trait of Sagittarius-Leo risings is that they can have great hair, a great body and can be average or slightly taller than average height. Life must be confronted with pluckiness, if not boldness. You embrace creative challenges and push to get things done quickly and efficiently whenever possible. As a lover and wife, the Sagittarius ascendant woman is interested more on the journey than the destination. Establishing partnerships and contracts is easy for this Jupiter. Come 2022 . This sign is ruled by the Sun who is the giver of life and vitality. Jupiter/5th house: a lucky one gets a jackpot in a casino; sirens are lit; the hall is filled with champagne and cheers. If no one provided adequate nurturing in the Cancer Ascendants childhood, this person can becomethe baby looking for the breast and keep searching for someone to play mother, so that he or she can at last be the baby. The meaning of 'Ascendant' isn't that hard to decode. - Moon in Libra, Virgo, or Aquarius. The development of enough discernment to know when to raise the shields and when to lower them is crucial. Material from his or her unconscious floats up into this persons awareness more frequently than in people who dont have a lot of Scorpio, Plutonian or eighth house energy in their birth charts, and who can therefore better repress whatevershadow material makes them uncomfortableambivalent or inappropriate feelings, painful memories, insights about peoples Freudian slips and unconscious motives, etc. Accordingly, Sagittarius Risings are most fulfilled when connecting with interesting people, pursuing new experiences, and deep-diving into bizarre esoteric topics with like-minded friends. When not bearing children, and before the age of artificial lights, its likely that womens cycles tended to attune themselves to the approximately twenty-eight day cycle of the Moon. There may be gains related to inheritance through ones family. - Sun in Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, or Capricorn. The Sagittarius rising girl is as generous as she's kind. Sun in Pisces Moon in Capricorn + Ascendant Combinations. Their body is strong, muscular type and women are usually curvy. No other sign is as capable of turning a dating experience into a fairy tale romance. An Ascendant is a sign that was rising in the East at the time of the native's birth. The family is embedded in religious matters and vice-versa. As adults, this dynamic, if unexamined, may continue , and the Virgo Ascendants may try all the harder to be perfect, out of fear of continued criticism and punishment that was all out of proportion to theoffense. A hardier person with Virgo rising, who learned to shut out negative feedback in order to survive childhood, can become defensive about any and all criticism, no matter how appropriated or constructive and no matter what the source. It can take time for someone with this Ascendant to figure out whether he or she actually shares the familys belief system, and how to avoid being damaged by any of its unrealistic expectations. This is someone whos very private and suspicious of other people, keeping their wisdom to themselves until security is developed in the relationship. Less than optimal manifestations of this Ascendant might include Scrooge, Machiavelli, Atlas Carrying the Weight of the World on His Shoulders, or the Pessimist. There is an unmistakable faith and enthusiasm with Sagittarius rising people. Sagittarius Risings project themselves as wise and somehow enlightened. Theyre upbeat kind of people, ready for anything and very optimistic, as you may have already heard. Then you can communicate your inspired perceptions without any need to prove intellectual superiority. Reasoning ability is excellent and has strong sense of purpose and direction. Venus, Saturn and Mercury are evil. On this page: Sagittarius Ascendant (Rising Sign) with ruling planet, Jupiter, in the signs. This man or woman has reached an evolutionary stage where he or she must present a positive, playful, creative and generous face to the world. Jupiter/11th house: a gentleman bows gently to a lady and asks her hand for a waltz; the ball is gorgeous and dreamlike. Astroguru Online - If controlling behavior appears in the adult lives of people with Capricorn rising, its sources may of course be extremely complex. The Scorpio rising will bring a stronger sense of strategy, intuition, and pure killer instinct to these Capricorns. What does that mean? A noticeable physical trait of Sagittarius-Sagittarius risings is that they can be taller than most Sagittarius risings and have larger/wider assets. Sagittarius ascendants are loyal friends and will do anything they deem right, for the betterment of their loved ones. Contact Form -Privacy. Those attitudes are usually easier to maintain if theyre supported by a regular meditative-like process, some sort of non-damaging altered state. They are gregarious, bold and have a great first impression on anyone. Identity is connected not only to the idea of studying and obtaining knowledge, but being actively praised for it. Maybe it was the Horatio Alger story. Physical Characteristics: square shaped face; thick, straight, rather dark hair; natural, gradual eyebrows, big beautiful eyes with long lashes; full lips; often an upturned button nose; a short and thick neck, hunched shoulders; tendency to corpulence; women usually have large breasts and hips. You need a partner to point them out and show you what you need to pay attention to. Being so socially disciplined and responsible may produce personal tension considering Sagittarius adventurous impulses there in the first house. You are a life-long learner and love reading. The point is to transform other peoples routine and lives into something better and more practical. You become impatient in adverse situations and develop a fear of taking responsibility; self-preservation becomes paramount. He lives by his own rules and is not interested in the opinion of the majority. Sagittarius Woman: Overview & Personality Traits. People with Scorpio rising need some intimates with whom there are no taboo subjectsand they do well not to overuse that X-ray vision with the rest of us. By far the friendliest of the Sagittarius risings. As with all water signs, this Ascendant is complex, so well spend some extra time here. Blue, hazel, sparkly eyes. Libra: Both signs . A Sagittarius ascendant has an idealistic approach towards their life, but this does not make them uptight individuals. They are also private individuals when it comes to their income and do not disclose their earnings to others. Moreover, having Leo rising automatically turns up the volume on ones Sun, regardless of its placement in the signs. You could meet them at a gym, hospital, work. Professions for the Sagittarius Ascendant. These people also seem to be very restless and never take naps, in their appearance they may have longish, thick thighs and big teeth with a kind of wide forehead! Taboos are usually assigned to such psychologically charged material as sex, death and the afterlife. You find that there is mutual agreement in a lot of interests, topics, and beliefs. Just follow the chart to find yours! This is someone great at producing strings and ties between people and companies, uniting all things with beautiful laces. If the childhood environment included a rolling-stone-gathers-no-moss parent and/or a family system inclined to chaos and to promising more than could be delivered, a stronger person may get suspicious, learn to value stability and reliability as well as flash and bombast, and escape relatively unscathed. If the rest of the chart is dynamic, then the Aries Ascendant is intended to express it. Looks like your account has been deactivated. Cancers can be charming hosts with good social skills, particularly in groups. Everyone seems to get along fabulously with these free-spirited bohemians of the zodiac, known for their friendly, easy-going personality and positive outlook on life.. Sign Quality Differentiation by base outlines (as outlined by master astrologer John Willner): CARDINAL - OVATE . You try to help others to the best of your abilities. In such cases, cultivating the ability to use a lighter self-presentation sometimesmore humor, less eye contact, fewer charged topics of conversation, etc.can be very helpful. Scorpio Ascendants with a less healthy ego structure and a chaotic upbringing may repeat a dynamic of alternately feeling overwhelmed and invaded by intimacy, trying to shut it out completely, or accepting it only if they can control it. Lower level manifestations of this signs energy might be the Rage-aholic, the Stress Addict, the Bully, or the Reckless Fool. Jupiter/12th house: an ancient sea spirit observes the slow turning of the world from under the surface, predicting drastic future events. If the childhood environment was harsh materially, these people may have decided that their longed-for Security is a pearl beyond price and remain so cautious about any sort of risknot all of which they can controlthat they limit their possibilities in life. This could portray them as reckless individuals, out of touch with reality. Someone with a Cancer Ascendant has reached an evolutionary stage where he or she should present a gentle, caring, tender and reflective face to the world. Potential health risks are triggered by intake of excessive alcohol or a diet rich in fat; possibly both. Big nose. Cancers water pool glitters and shines with Sagittarius piercing arrows of light. This person has come into the world wearing the mask of the Individualist, Rebel, Genius, or Truth-Sayer. They are easily bored in workplaces where there is mental stagnancy and prefer jobs which require creativity and novel ideas. You are good-natured and possess an inspiring spiritual side. All of these types need to be aware that the intensity of their Scorpio masks can seem to convey the desire for a deeper intimacy than they may actually want or should have with everyone whose paths they cross. People with Leo Rising can still seem touched with this almost sacred power and ability to inspire reverence, loyalty, and even awe. Sagittarius ascendants are highly benefitted if they follow an active life or take up a sport or do regular exercises. And you would regret that loss. The man she wants to be is someone who has a great sense of humour, is quite an extrovert and is good in her choice of work. Sagittarius rising signs are emotionally tied to their family and home, which directly influences how they feel about themselves. If the childhood environment was unpredictable, particularly if one or both parents chafed, even unconsciously, at the responsivities of parenting, people with this Ascendant may have reacted a few different ways. Pisces rising. It represents the initial impression people form when they first see you. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more aggressive or stubborn than you really are. if someone with a Scorpio Ascendant is unaware that not everyonesvehicle is also equipped with these in-depth psychological sensors, then he or she can attribute all kinds of motive to another person that simply arent in that persons conscious thoughts. No matter where you are now- we all have the ability to reach 'the high' :) Even if you don't have a Sagittarius Sun, If you have any kind of significant Sagittarius influence, this may be applicable. Natives of Sagittarius ascendants are believers in a higher power who has a greater purpose in our lives. Grand schemes, big promises, and a willingness to explore and . This Ascendants dynamics are sufficiently complicated that well spend some extra time here. High: Enthusiastic, exuberant, open-minded, and a . Often wide smile, showing a large top row of teeth. A stronger person may present a false self in order to get the familys praise, or give up on the family and try for praise elsewhere, sometimes with flamboyantacting out behavior. They do have leadership quality and can be a force to be reckoned with if they know how to properly tame themselves, their words and their actions. This influences the Sagittarius ascendant to be on a spiritual quest in life. Usually you're improving yourself & doing duty. Best Sagittarius Rising compatibility: Gemini, Aries, and Leo. They are principally associated with the animal or the image representing that particular sign. - Mercury in Virgo, Capricorn, or Gemini. People cant help but wish to be close to this enthusiastic and charming individual. Sagittarius ascendants should drink lots of water and it would be good for them if they ate four mini meals a day instead of the regular three meals per day. They tend to guard their privacy, possessiveness and moodiness fiercely. A Capricorn may appear sober and reserved in their dealings with others, but . Then its easier to relate to the outside world from a position of emotional strength and wholeness, rather than need or lack. If the family spoiled a Leo rising child, he or she can continue to expect star treatment. He is a man who is full of life and his willingness to live and experience everything may be taken as an invitation by others, further leading him away from remaining committed to his marriage. The most compatible sign is Gemini since it rules their 7th house. Gemini is a sign that loves to communicate and will give . The Cancer Sun Virgo Moon personality is a complex mixture of sensitivity, moodiness and the urge to nurture. The rising sign is the zodiac sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth. Imagine youre on a blind date with someone who knows youre a brilliant, groundbreaking and incredibly skilled and perceptive psychoanalyst, or forensic pathologist, or FBI profiler. Such an impact may have felt imperative for the Scorpio rising child to achieve, just to capture enough of the parents attention to get the childs needs metplacating an angry parent, cheering a depressed one, etc. Sagittarius Ascendant Woman. If the childhood environment was either chaotic, or spent with parents or family members who themselves had powerful unconscious minds and turbulent feelings, then a Scorpio Ascendant with a strong psyche may have felt that he or she had to understand a parent or parents very thoroughly in order to make a deep impact on them. Compatible signs for the Sagittarius ascendant are the air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Even when he has a family Sagittarius men do not hesitate to go out in search for the true meaning of life. For Sagittarius rising, life should be confronted with willingness, verve, and a desire to understand and to derive meaning from what one sees and experiences. They love to work with meticulous details and to plan and organize their ideas perfectly. They simply love to travel and are all the time looking to take part in a new adventure. Thank you for reading! food revolution network credibility. If the rest of the chart is relationship-oriented and empathic, the Aquarian Ascendant is intended to keep this person from dissolving into the partner, family, or friends. Sagittarius ascendant have full and open features -- a broad forehead, ever-smiling lips and thick hair. The development of courage and the readiness to take risks are essential; so is the development of the will. This affinity towards gambling could have a negative impact in their life if they let it control them. The Moon rules the high and love tides of our oceans and of our emotional lives, whose karmic imprints we all carry. People value this Jupiter for their ability to bring peace and harmony to relationships and social situations. Moon in 2nd house For Scorpio ascendant. 2nd Decan Sagittarius Ascendant (10.00 - 19.59.59) Sagittarius risings born between the degrees of 10.00 - 19.59.59 are the Aries/Mars decan. Just as people with Leo rising wear the Sun Gods energy and all it implies of archetypal kingship or even the godhead metaphorically imprinted on their faces, people with Cancer carry the full fluctuating weight of the Moon Goddess upon theirs. Your email address will not be published. Here is someone with a keen eye for detail, but even though he notices all the flaws in everything around him, he has enough healthy self-esteem not to need to pump himself up by putting others down all the time.. Pisces sun Capricorn moon with Aries Rising - With this combination of placements, you come across as highly energetic, competitive and imaginative yet emotionally reserved. You may initially react to your emotions by feeling angry or simply feeling like you need to confront the issue head on. Virgo Ascendants may internalize such decisions about themselves as low self-esteem. Theres a instinctual need to be in touch with religious and spiritual figures; feelings are be infused with faith and optimism. Sagittarius ascendant women are strong, independent and do not fear taking risks. Meditation is one method, but so are: creativity in which we can lose ourselves; prayer; contemplation; quiet time; inner work; watching sunsets; doing yoga;runners high; mind-body centering techniques, etc. Alcohol and drugs are two possibilities for such numbing. Sagittarius degrees- 9, 21: With Sagittarius degrees on the ascendant, I'd say that this individual appears to be very intelligent and well-read. Maybe it was a belief that education is always an all but holy end in itself. They are pragmatic individuals who are good at managing their finances. Remember, it is not about your Sun sign or Moon sign but your ascendant is the base from where all the planets traverse.Scientific Astrologer Greenstone Lobo. Aries Ascendant If he is in a relationship with someone who is not as much of an explorer like him, the relationship could turn him off quickly. The fuel of whatever strengthens the feeling function and feeds the imagination and makes it fertile. Careers & Astrology (Part 1) (I did one for artists which can be found here .) Sagittarius risings born between the degrees of 00.00 - 9.59.59 are the Sagittarius/Jupiter decan; the most common. Artistic expression is hard, impactful, cruel and pure. Theres something about this special someone. They have the wisdom and the knowledge of centuries in their smile. Aquarius sun Cancer rising, you are soft, sensitive and idealistic, plus you have a great need for love, and you aspire to stability. Theres an instinctual need to be disciplined and to be ready to serve anothers problems. Considerable presence may accompany this rising sign, whether the person is aware of it or not. And did I ever feel anything like this when I was a child?, This person has come into the world wearing the mask of the Craftsperson, the Analyst, the Worker, the Details Person or the Growth Ninja. A weaker person may spend a long time be continually let down until he or she learns to be more realistic and recognize pie-in-the-sky offers. They are attached to their family and home and their family is quite influential in the life of a Sagittarius ascendant being. Sagittarius looks for a relationship that offers variety, communication and independence. The people they meet usually are friends with them for a while. As a Sagittarius rising, you're ruled by fire, and your ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of abundance, luck and bounty. Ascendant Sign is as important as the Sun Sign in your horoscope. Hard-working, meticulous and detailed, ones ability to precise and to study wide problems is valued in the financial and material realm. Those with Venus in Taurus have a wide-bottomed but angular nose, and a broad space between their brows. Childhood is probably the epoch of our lives over which we have the least control, simply by virtue of being children. Their habit of overeating and indulging excessively in alcohol could lead them to gain weight, by the time they reach their thirties. Their unrealistic analysis of a given situation could lead them to ideas or solutions much earlier than anticipated by others. How comfortable do you feel? Whatever the case, you think about marriage and the creation . Those attitudes need to ooze out through a Pisces Ascendants pores. In that event, they may have blurted out an occasional home truth in self-defense. Think of Cancer as the epitome ofyin energy, that which is nurturing, receptive, and fertileand dark, mysterious, inward and unpredictable. Be patient with . Sagittarius risings born between the degrees of 20.00 - 29.59.59 are the Leo/Sun decan. This is someone whose mission may be to help people find true happiness in their lives through spiritual and educational orientation. Think of the benevolent sovereign, rewarding the knights, blessing the people, and inspiring confidence partly through the sheer pageantry of his or her display. They have a lot to say, and will say it. Ive often wished that someone would do a Kirlian photography study of the auras of the different rising signs. All of these types do well to remember that, as I learned in a counseling skills class, control is what we try to get when we fear we dont have power. 2nd Decan Sagittarius Ascendant(10.00 - 19.59.59). However, once he is married to the love of his life, he can stay and be a loyal husband provided his wife shares the same passions as him. The ability to exchange information and to exert wide political influence is notable. If the childhood circumstances were rough, stronger people with Pisces rising may have an extra tendency to retreat into a well-defended fantasy world as theiraltered state, until they learn that such retreats can carry dangers all their own. They can be the types to LOVE traveling and have a desire to visit many far away places. Both types do well to turn that analytical Virgoan eye to their own upbringing. Aquarius sun/moon/venus for women. Your ascendant sign, or rising sign, is easily determined as long as you know your sun sign and the time of your birth. In any event, this rising signs demeanor should transmit the message:Here is someone who sees deeply into people, who demands frankness and can grasp secrets, and who probably has a few of his or her own.. The ideal professions for a Sagittarius ascendant are teacher, banker, real estate agent, share market holder, speaker, manager or anything related to food and food products. Ascendant in Aries: People may perceive your emotional side to be straightforward, confident, impulsive at times, and generally assertive. A high protein diet would also be helpful for Sagittarius ascendants, items such as eggs, poultry and fish, fresh vegetables, milk and dairy products could be beneficial to these ascendants. Although Scorpio Ascendants can have their blind spots, they can be far more perceptive about their own shadow functions than the average person is. Here is a rich and above all highly charismatic combination that is impossible to miss. Cancer doesnt mean biologically female, but this is the sign of the archetypal feminine, the archetypal Great Goddess, the lunar counterpart to the Leonine Sun God. However if they are caught in a bad situation, they tend to be quite immature while dealing with it. If the rest of the chart is more linear, bold, harsh or self-contained, this Ascendant is meant to soften this persons presentation and help it be warmer and more flexible. Some stars, like Lin-Manuel Miranda, have a Capricorn sun and moon. She is involved in all kinds of adventures. If the rest of the chart is more mild, then, like a dragon in a moat around a castle, the Aries Ascendant is intended to protect it. These natives should also avoid alcohol intake or limit their consumption as they have a sensitive liver and excessive intake could lead to disastrous effects. For this wintry Ascendant, anything that feels out of control can feel potentially dangerouswe can freeze to death in the winter unless we control our preparations for a dangerous environment. If the rest of the chart is equally colorful, the Leo Ascendant is intended to express it, to dress it up, show it off and get it noticed. Another reaction to inadequate early nurturing may be to give up on every finding any at all, and to withdrawthebarnaclebehind the Cancer shell. The Sun person is the "I" and the Moon person is the "soul" of the union. Jupiter/9th house: an old traveller returns home after many years spent in every part of the world; people gather all around to hear what they have to teach. The rhythm is slow, but constant and stable. In some way or another, such optimism is highly transmitted to those around Sagittarius Risings. Physical Features. For Scorpio rising, life should be confronted with honesty , intensity, a commitment to deep self-awareness, and a willingness to examine all taboos. They have beautiful chubby cheeks. How can a Pisces rising person enter this process in a healthy way? Sagittarius ascendants are also deeply attracted to gambling. You have a never-say-die approach and more often than not, luck favours you! Meanwhile, they can remain models of whatever overachieving behaviorsomething they can controlthat they unconsciously hope will solicit the desired response from their loved ones. Rising/Ascendant Sign Traits. This person has come into the world wearing the mask of the Wise Elder, the Prime Minister, the Executive or the Authority. By all standards, the Sagittarius Ascendant woman is sophisticated. These ascendants are also adventurous individuals and love experiencing whatever life has to offer. A life-long learner is what Aquarius as the Third House, makes you. Since the sun rises and sets at different times depending on the season, a person born at 10:00 a.m. in April would have a vastly different ascendant than someone born at 10:00 a.m. in November. Very romantic and courteous. Everything they start in their lives is rather embedded in Jupiters incandescent faith and scintillating enthusiasm, and this is why Sagittarius people are traditionally regarded as lucky, although this a characteristic more applicable to those with a Sagittarius Sun. Thick hair, brunette or golden-red brown. the struggle presents itself due to the ascendant's presentation of identity and approach to life, vs. the midheaven's presentation of the person's desired public .