Madison Area Technical College Act Requirements, Articles P

In many cases, it is in the best interests of students to reduce costs and have minimal impact on instruction. It starts too early, ends too late, and occurs far too often. A poll where 2,700 random people were polled about 67% favoured a 4 day school week(university of Scranton). Dr. Kelly S. Meier - Updated May 03, 2019, Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Education, Explore state by state cost analysis of US colleges in an interactive article, NavajoCode: Unbiased Longer School Days Pros and Cons. If something goes wrong . Harvest times were set in the old way and still are when most school calendars are set up, when the United States was a farm country. Some of the pros of year-round schooling include: 1 . What are the pros and cons for students, teachers and school boards? 4-day school weeks add This can be due to a lack of accessible facilities and resources, or negative attitudes and misconceptions from teachers and classmates. When larger school districts attempt this kind of schedule, they find few, if any, benefits coming from their actions. After-school activities begin at that point, which means some students dont make it back home until 8pm that night. Shorter Classes: Depending on your school's summer schedule, you can complete a semester's worth of work in eight, five, or even three weeks. The ability to express oneself via electives can make children happier and more cooperative in the classroom. The standard requirement for schools is 180 days or an average range of 990-1080 hours. In some situations, a single teacher may be responsible for over 100 students. Rural families experience the greatest impacts from the 4-day school week. The average national cost that schools need to pay for each students bus transportation is $459. There is a variety of emotional and behavioral problems, depression, alcohol use, and impaired cognitive function that can contribute to this. Year-Round Schedules Many people think of the school year as starting in August or at the beginning of September and continuing for 10 months. NEA Today: A 9 to 5 School Day: Are Longer Hours Better for Students and Educators? Over the next three years, the school district was able to save 2% on their overall costs each year, for a total of $200,000. Disadvantage: Less time for extracurricular activities. The Peach County School District in Georgia saw that their graduation rates slowly increased year after year when they switched to a 4-day school week. Schools would also have to change their bus transportation systems which are designed to run as efficiently and inexpensively as possible. flexibility to teachers schedules and as a result, makes their jobs more In many US school districts, the first class begins 1-2 hours after most parents need to be at work. New Haven teachers in an unprecedented move allowed their teacher unions to take over the rewriting of their contracts. After 12 hours of being away from home, students struggle to find time to study during the 4-day school week. The benefits of going to a 4-day week for schooling is that it offers teachers and students an additional day for rest every week. So it is illogical to think that a four day week will help other grade levels. Colorado, juvenile crime increased by 73% whenever a school changed their There are potential reductions in the financial costs of running a school district. Most students, especially younger ones, find that the traditional school schedule is already too long. The reason why school districts are going to a 4 day school week is to save money and the states that you see switching to a 4 days are states that have economic problems such as Oklahoma. There are a few potential drawbacks to shorter school days. The school also doesn't have to pay anyone that is on an hourly schedule. That means the average cost, per student, is about $700. ", 21 Payday Loan Industry Statistics, Trends & Analysis, 100 Best Side Hustles for Teens to Make Money, 10 Proven Psychological Pricing Strategies with Examples, 100 Office Etiquette Rules You Need to Know, 50 Best Business Letter Closings of All-Time. Students that sit in lecture classrooms retain 10% or less of the information that is presented to them. Your email address will not be published. It lists the advantages of the four-day model as: Improved morale and fewer absences: A shorter working week leads to less burnout, making staff happier and more focused in . That means half of parents will enjoy the alternative school schedule and half will hate it. It changes the holiday schedules for the school district. Changing school start times will increase attendance and money brought in. Children need the opportunity to rest and re-energize, and theyre often overextended with activities, homework and part-time jobs. On the other hand, there have been studies that found no significant difference in overall academic achievement between four-day districts and five-day districts. Sometimes, schools are forced to travel during the school week to play some games or attend certain events. Shortening the school day by even an hour or two can allow a district to save dramatically on its utility costs. The benefits are many. But just because the final bell rang doesnt mean that youre done. In the United States, $17.5 billion each year is spent on school bus transportation. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. If you ask the average kid what they think about school, youll get a very honest answer: Its boring. From K-12, it can be difficult for students to stay engaged in the classroom during a 5-day school week. The requirements for total education time do not change just because a school district goes to a 4-day school week. The longer school days of a 4-day week make it almost impossible for teens to find a job after school. Easier to recruit employees. When teachers operate under time constraints, in high-pressure situations, then they typically default to a lecture-based teaching style. Third, shorter days could reduce the amount of time that students spend on the bus or in the car, which would save money and reduce pollution. Black Boys in Crisis: Why Arent They Reading? The National School Board Association estimates that approximately 135,000 guns are brought to America's 85,000 public schools each day. A story on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's website said: When teachers are more effective and efficient, student performance follows a similar pattern. The 4-day schedule eliminates one full driving day for the transportation department. It is critical to avoid producing a longer school day and instead produce a healthier, more balanced, and more engaging one. There are a few reasons why shorter school days could be beneficial. A potential decline in academic performance for vulnerable groups. Savings on school buses and long-term building wear and tear have also been reported. Some districts take just one week off at Christmas instead of two weeks because of these conflicts. Arlene Ackerman says she and her students don't have the strength to teach or learn near the end of the school day. The Some districts have seen their disciplinary issues decline by more than 70% in the first two years of implementing a 4-day schedule. The average length of the K-12 school day is 8:30 to 3:00, engaging U.S. students in school for 6.64 hours a day over the span of 180 school days. At my school, class went from 8:15 a.m. until 4:15 p.m. about an hour or two longer than a typical five-day-week school's day. In this article, we will examine this question in depth. While small gains were made in reading, math and writing, there were no statistically significant results for children in the areas of receptive language, social skills or vocabulary. Colorado has nearly three-quarters of its school districts on a four-day schedule. The move toward a shorter workweek is gaining momentum. Companies have been experimenting with shorter work days for at least a decade and, despite announcements that the 40-hour week is dead, there have been mixed results from the experiments. The organization 4 Day Week Global sponsored the program. They need a shorter school day so they can have more time to relax and play. If so, keep reading. The school day is too long. A low income school in New Haven, Connecticut started the new year telling students they would be attending school until 4:15 P.M. four days a week. Spread the loveEducation is a collaborative process, as it takes many stakeholders working in unison to help students succeed academically. Adds flexibility to teacher's schedules. This provided the teacher with more freedom with curriculum and time management. That reduces the effective time they would have for homework once they actually make it home. There have been several studies that reported the 4-day school week had positive effects on students math and reading scores. manageable in a myriad of ways. But slowly over the nation, schools are switching to a four day school week. The very thought of sending kids to school year-round makes some parents cringe. A longer school day would involve substantial funding for teacher salaries and facility maintenance. Lets take a look at some proof. While state requirements vary on the number of instructional days and hours in the year, the majority of states set the school year at 180 days (30 states). Students have more time outside of school to focus on other important aspects of their lives. A three-day weekend allows for extra leisure time, as well as a reduction in commute and energy usage. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. The length of the school day in China varies from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. With a shortened school day, the amount of instructional time would be reduced. 1. The. Overall, there are pros and cons to shorter school days. There is no one answer to this question as it can depend on individual circumstances. districts think they will save tons of money by cutting operational costs on Many say that the four day school week is good for students. Better Employee Engagement A 4 day week can lead to happier and more committed employees. If she is not receptive to your suggestions, you may want to get a doctors note stating that recess is required. There have been several studies that reported the 4-day school week had positive effects on student's math and reading scores. Since many of the families in these areas run farms, it gives families extra time to get work done during the week. Con: A lengthened school day may impede upon extracurricular activities, especially in secondary education. Students already feel like their school day is too long. Those against extended lunches might argue . These school districts are typically in isolated regions, are rural, and have a student body that is fewer than 500 students. remediating them begin to take a bite out of the budget. not just on the weekdays when students were out of school. One of the primary reasons why school districts, especially rural districts, save money when they shift to a 4-day schedule is because there are fewer transportation costs. Many companies have found that when workers are able to work a schedule which suits their needs, letting them work how they like, then their workers are more productive. However, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with shortening the school day that should be considered before sweeping action is taken to alter the traditional school day. Their students were more focused because they were more rested, which equated to fewer classroom disruptions. 2. Public school everything for schoolchildren and students. They argue that playing with classmates helps children develop social skills. What we envisage may not be the most straightforward or the most conventional ideas. Cons of the 4-Day School Week. It can also be difficult to monitor, as students may be able to find ways to sneak in a recess break even when they are supposed to be punished. Spread the loveAre you looking for strategies to encourage students to take care of their personal property? Also, since special populations fare poorly in this configuration, the costs of Having students to fit 5 days' worth of classroom time into 4 days would make for a tiring schedule, where many of the younger school children would find it very difficult to focus on their study for such long periods. Students feel less pressure because they have more time to study at their own pace at home, especially in the later grades. The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. Children would get up early and help with chores, go to school and then help out on the farm until sundown. Traditional vs. Administrative staff are required to be on-site, sports If the schools made 40 minute periods, the students could learn just as much as they would in a 50 minute period.One of the biggest benefits of this system is the financial savings. Longer school days may lead to attention deficit and fatigue, making the extra class time ineffective. For the Cove School District in Eastern Oregon, the school day begins at 8am and doesnt end until 4pm. If so, keep reading. Students who attend year-round school have the same number of school days as their counterparts following a traditional schedule. Less time in school could allow students the freedom to discover other interests that are fulfilling and stimulating. Extending the school days even longer would further cut into valuable time to bond with family. Working a couple of hours after school gains experience and disposable income. 2. It requires longer school days. Most parents have employment which requires them to be present for 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. You wont have to run the electricity or pay for buses. It matches the class schedule to a parent's work schedule. Longer school days would provide students with more time to focus on core subjects or classes where they need more instruction, which would be a huge benefit. A local news reporter says thevve also saved substitute teacher costs because teachers don't have to take a day off for appointments (Chiaramonte 2 ). Good for working parents: This would lead to less wraparound care for working . Pros. The pros and cons of a 4-day school week offer many challenges. Many schools are, in fact, offering year-round services now to accommodate the changing needs of their communities. The Edvocate was created in 2014 to argue for shifts in education policy and organization in order to enhance the quality of education and the opportunities for learning afforded to P-20 students in America. A new educational model could be implemented: 9-to-5 schools. As a result, learning is less effective due to budget constraints. To avoid this issue, many school districts have considered shifting to a 4-day school week. It has been so problematic that in Colorado, some urban districts which switched to a 4-day school week have gone back to the traditional scheduling instead. There are a variety of health issues that can be caused by a lack of sleep. Kids already spend a very long time each week in the school and away from their family. There are several major pros and cons of a 4-day school week which must be considered by school districts looking to make this kind of change. Another is that shorter days could lead to shorter attention spans in classrooms. Students are engaged more fully when their school schedule is expanded, and they learn more efficiently when they are exposed to a more stimulating environment. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. Spread the loveThis program assesses 15-year-old students schooling in countries that form part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Teachers have more time to prepare lessons and collaborate during the day. Extending the school year may help make teaching a full-time, more lucrative profession for educators if year-round schools can cut costs through . (Lewis) In Bonneville, Idaho the school started later in the day which resulted in absences dropping 15%. Pros of the 4-day School Week. In Lexington, Oregon, Morrow County was able to save about $250,000 their first year, but out of a budget of $14 million. Research has shown that in this configuration, students who are low-income, minority, or special needs dont fare too well academically. During class time, young kids who are too exhausted to concentrate or perform well may experience tiredness or fall asleep. . Sara Blackwell teaches Employment Law at University of South Florida in Tampa and she is a published author. 1. Also, there have been studies that found that special populations do not thrive under this configuration. schedule, the district adds 40 or so minutes to make up for the time lost on Massachusetts, a pioneer in extended learning time (ELT), has made significant progress in this field. When a school opts to go with an early start time, then students are spending less time sitting in traffic as they head to class. With the 4-day schedule, another 1.5 hours is added to their school day, every day. 1. This added Additional costs savings from a shorter day include less . All rights reserved. 2 Students Should Be Getting More Rest In addition to students having more time to focus on important activities, a shorter school day would give them more time to rest. flexibility is why they are such staunch proponents of the 4-day school schedule. This leads to added costs that some families, living paycheck to paycheck, may not be able to afford. It also means that they would have more time to mark the voluminous quantity of homework that they have to complete every night. four-day week across 16 school districts. Teachers report Having well-rested and happy employees can increase their overall work engagement and productivity. Certain activities or games should be prohibited (for an indefinite period of time). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Signup for The Edvocate Newsletter and have the latest in P-20 education news and opinion delivered to your email address! Extending the school day is a hot topic for educational policy making bodies. The evaluated skills include science, math, and reading. Finally, some parents worry that shorter days could mean that their children would have less . By having more instruction in class, students can not only get better test scores, but they can also get better grades. Each community has unique needs which must be met, so there is the possibility of a 4-day week being useful to some districts, but not others. There is the possibility of making up for lost time, especially those who are at a disadvantage due to the digital divide. Delaying school start times will assist students in developing the skills required to reach their full potential. In 1995, 84 school districts were studied that had already implemented a 4-day school week. Florida's inflation-adjusted education spending per student has roughly doubled in the last 30 years -- to $7,473 in 2000-01. 1. Their child is at home while they are at work, which is problematic for parents of younger children. Then ask the superintendent of the school district to consider year round school with only four days per week.First, students would not forget what they learned over the long summer. They saved 1.4%, or $45,000, instead. Elizabeth Perle 1). Longer school days may have some positive impact on student achievement, but research on their effects is lacking. Other concerns with early school start times and the resulting insufficient sleep include: Increased likelihood for participating in risk-taking behaviors, such as bullying and fighting. They may also experience irritability and fatigue. The Chattooga County School District in Georgia shifted to a 4-day school week. Spread the loveUsually, people are under the wrong impression that geography does not offer many job opportunities, and there are no jobs for a geographer. Better sleep: Delayed start time could help teens sleep during . Schools across the country offer extended learning hours. So much so, many new teachers end up leaving the field within their first three years. So it is illogical to think that a four day week will help other grade levels. The four-day arrangement gives opportunity for students to work an extra day at an after-school job, participate in volunteer activities, or pursue further educational goals by taking advantage of the extra day. Saving on utilities school buses, and long term building wear and tear. 6. Dr. Kelly Meier earned her doctorate from Minnesota State Mankato in Educational Leadership. Delaying school start times has been shown to have positive outcomes for students and families in overwhelming scientific research. Financial problems is was most of a four day school week is about. Dr. Meier is is a regular contributor for The Equity Network and has worked in education for more than 30 years. In 2006, a study by Yarbrough and Gilman found that teachers working in a 5-day school schedule reported that they have a lot of wasted time. Such as emotional and behavioral problems, violence, depression, alcohol use, impaired cognitive function, etc. One is that it would likely mean that teachers would have to teach more classes, which could lead to burnout. (Question). Rural school districts find the greatest benefit in this area. In 2007-2008, the United States had an average school day of 6.64 hours per day, and an average school year of 180 days. All of these consequences just because nobody wants to shorten the school day. A switch to a 4-day schedule gives teachers more time to use teaching styles that are more effective. teams may need to practice, professional development sessions may convene, etc. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, students are less active when they are not allowed to recess during the school day due to bad classroom behavior. Bisbee Unified School District (AZ) saved $154,000, Duval County Public School (FL) saved $7 million, and Lake Superior School District (MN) $200,000. 5. 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