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To celebrate his life and career, here . I enjoy people because they are interesting, not by their trophies. You brighten my life with your thoughts, views, words, pictures. The outstanding photos and the amazing narratives made me feel I was on vacation for a few minutes each day. Made me smile while I was reading it. Mechanics fix automobiles. . Thank you. You can also subscribe without commenting. But man, I wanted to ask him why he was up there, being paid by our tuitions and wasting his own time teaching us if it were so pointless, rather than skulking around the mean streets of Chicago, where he presumably had picked up the knack. I love your Blog, Polly!! Goooooood grief!!! As a teacher for over 25 years, I've seen the uncertainty people face when attempting to learn guitar. 1000 words; Action; Action Reaction; Addiction; Advice; Alone; Ambition . Thank you for writing this opinion so eloquently, Polly. The passion and joy of color in your paintings is marvelous. Thank you for your spiritual calm, support for each of us, uninhibited creativity, and amazing paintings. I was a mediocrity in the anthropology department of the University of Chicago after the Second World War. Because I went from a failure, someone who hadn't been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I am grateful for this blog. Prior explicit permission is required, however, for any portion of Polly Castors photographs, art works or writings to be otherwise copied, reproduced in any way, re-blogged or downloaded (Contact Me Here). A visionary without talent In slaughter house five, written by Kurt Vonnegut, Kilgore Trout is identified as a symbolic figure. Everything on your site is so colorful, spiritual and alive! Your abstracts are interesting and you have a unique style that is all your own. Because writing prose is one thing, and writing a yarn is another. Thank you for the insight. A powerful message. I feel such gratitude for the beautiful way in which you express God. Vonnegut: Trade. I am grateful for the myriad ways you celebrate Life in your art, activities and relationships. When I got to Cornell my experiences on a daily paperenabled me to become a big shot on Cornells Daily Sun. You are an inspiration to me, and Im sure to many others. Apply today to join the growing community of writers who stay in touch and informed using the Poets & Writers Directory. Thank you for the joy you share. What is rare is the willingness to endure the life of the writer.' . It brings joy every day. The epigraph to the book is a quote from Iowa: Write like a human being. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of getting to know you questions you ask young people: Do you play sports? Thank you for this compelling essay. Your work is just extraordinary! This blog is upbeat, progressive, sincere, colorful, metaphoric, and exploratory. Page Count: 316. I keep coming back to look at the paintings again. could you direct me to more literature on spiritual healing? Kurt didnt really believe you could teach a person how to write if the ability wasnt there to begin with.. This is absolutely beautiful and so incredibly helpful and inspiring! You have a great eye for beauty Polly. So, we came up with a living, breathing version of what Poets & Writers already offers: Poets & Writers Live. Also, since I was a Chemistry major, I had very little instruction from the profoundly literary people. He has his dream to have one of the letters of the A band varsity sweaters. Research more than one hundred agents who represent poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers, plus details about the kinds of books theyre interested in representing, their clients, and the best way to contact them. Wow what a great way to approach life. The tough guy hes referring to may well have been Nelson Algren, a fellow writer/teacher at the workshop. She lives in New York City and Wellfleet, Massachusetts with her husband, a sculptor, Gary Kuehn. She grew up in San Diego, attending Grossmont High School and San Diego State College. This speaks to me. Leeds, Marc. Author Kurt Vonnegut Jr. wowed 'em at the Rice University Commencement without ever mentioning floss, calcium or sunscreen. Read it. I am just left in awe ! Thank you for this exercise in balance, Polly. Thank you. . What lovely Soul-inspired insights! I look forward to your messages each day, like a delightful gift to unwrap. Polly, Im grateful for you, your prayerful work, your blog, your art, photos, words and colors. Where does it end? 1. You are such an inspiring person, Polly, and I love the variety of your activities you share with us all! Thank you for sharing yourself and creativity in such a transparent way, it is very inspiring and humbling to me. In our weekly series of craft essays, some of the best and brightest minds in contemporary literature explore their craft in compact form, articulating their thoughts about creative obsessions and curiosities in a working notebook of lessons about the art of writing. All of your work is eye and mind popping. Wow! You inspire me! I love your blog! I just love your photos, Polly. New York: Delacorte Press. Your email address will not be published. I encourage you to freely share and forward my blogs in context, with proper attribution, and with links back to this website attached. Brava talented Polly. Thank you for your generosity and your overflowing sense of soul which you share so beautifully and articulately with everyone!! He graduated from Shortridge High School in Indianapolis, and later attended Butler University in Indianapolis for a short time before transferring to Cornell University . You are terrific and amazing. The Spirit at work is so well described here. This is a fantastic article Pollyso much in it, I know Ill have to re read it at least twice more! Thanks for sharing your inspiration with the world! Your blog is like a conversation with a dear friend. I love that you live such an active life, have so many interests, and share your insights with me. I just adore all of your wonderful posts and everything that you share so generously. Thanks, I needed that! I just had to comment on todays blog. Love this actually so timely for what I have been thinking about lately. Really enjoyed your poem on Animal magnetism. You show great courage, humility, and such support for everyone around you. I can taste the yellows and hear the oranges! I appreciate you!! Its a breath of fresh air, beauty, and innovative thinking! She was born in Schenectady, New York, in 1949, and raised in Barnstable, Massachusetts. Thank you for this. And I said, Oh no, but Im not any good at ANY of them., And he said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: I dont think being good at things is the point of doing them. Below is an excerpt fromthe book, forthcoming from Seven Stories Press on November 5. so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could "Win" at them. What I mean is: I went to a high school that put out a daily newspaper and, because I was writing for my peers and not for teachers, it was very important to me that they understand what I was saying. I printed it out and will try it. Yes, healing does happen when we deeply and humbly pray. like a bird, natural and beautiful, just singing out truth in her special song on a fine winter morning. The No-Talent Kid is about a kid who had no musical ability but was in the band. Your talent is incredible!!! Watch videos, listen to audio clips, and view slideshows related to articles and features published in Poets & Writers Magazine. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. I am never disappointed. Lovely Polly! Outstanding, superb and beyond all imagination. Yummy and beautiful! He had an interesting story about ability the myth of talent. Now the work required to make a lasting change is up to each of us! Thank you for bringing to light and sharing an undeniably important part of the one stupendous whole we all sharethe countless ways beyond sight, and not to be missed, always at hand. . That definitely sounds like a book Id like to read! Kurt Vonnegut wrote --- When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. Deeply nourishing. Thanks for sharing this with us. Neither did he confuse life experience with craft. Helen Frankenthalers works were interesting, but I like your abstracts better. Here all this time I thought I had to be as good at.stuff as my older I stopped many attempts at artpoetry etc. He grew up in the Midwest and taught in a rural school in central Illinois for several years. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Peruse paid listings of writing contests, conferences, workshops, editing services, calls for submissions, and more. But its only one of the components for creating good fiction. "[Kurt Vonnegut's] best book . I plan to read it at Sunday Devotional. Loving and expansive. [it] was uplifting and instructive. View the covers and contents of every issue of Poets & Writers Magazine, from the current edition all the way back to the first black-and-white issue in 1987. You are a blessing to many! I love your coffee cake recipe, I have a book list from your blog, I love the photos, the poems, the paintings, the movie reviews, the humor, the honesty, the color. Thank you for sharing this welcome thought to redirect todays thinking. This blog is colorful, beautiful, and edifying. This is such a wonderful venture. Today, with the proliferation of writing programs, I might agree with Nelson Algren. So I was drilled from the start in basic journalistic techniques and, in a very real sense, my instructors were masters at their craft. This is a beautiful summary and reminder of how we can both individually and collectively dissolve the powerless, baseless lies with Truth. A pro can point out obvious flaws in your swing. I can tell when an angel has tapped me on the shoulderit feels light and right and fun. He is in the last seat of the C band section which is the worst possible seat to be in. Kurt Vonnegut Books. I am in absolute awe of your thorough and articulate way you describe how all of this works. ) -But if it sets your soul on fire, just . What a beautiful, exciting place! We are going to check on each other, and progress. Jen Evenhus Workshop in Saco, Maine (Photos), Pot-Roasted Celeriac (Celery Root) with Horseradish Sauce (Recipe), Agony (New Good Friday Poem by Polly Castor), Practicing Direction (New Poem by Polly Castor). Her stories have won First Prize in theNew Ohio Reviews Fiction Contest, First Prize inPrime Number Magazines Flash Fiction Contest, and an excerpt from her novel, Fence of Earth, won Second Prize inSo To Speaks Fiction Contest and was a finalist for the James Fellowship for Novel in Progress.