Later, Stefan phones his brother to see how he and Alaric are doing. At the moment they kissed in front of Elena's house, someone interrupted this perfect moment. However, in the novels, Stefan is of full Italian descent. Later Stefan and Damon is in the room were Bonnie had cast a trapping spell. She is later staked by Damon and dies before she can attack the sheriff and/or reveal his secret. He goads the man into bashing him over the head with a beer bottle and then takes his beating until he's bloody on the floor. Stefan then attacked Amber, a girl in the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. Gender Stefan gives a few one-word answers and Damon calls him out on being shady again. In Let Her Go, Stefan is first seen viewing Damon failing at his attempts at writing Liz's eulogy. Silas then stabbed Stefan with a stake in the stomach and then asked Stefan if he knows how it feels to starve for 2000 years, then Silas trap Stefan inside a safe and pushed it under water leaving Stefan to starve as the water came poring inside the safe. He says that Damon was never on his side. One night, Stefan went to a camp where the war-wounded lay, and discreetly fed on their blood. Stefan begs him to heal her with his blood, and Klaus feigns reluctance before cryptically suggesting that Elena might still prove useful to him, and he heals her. Damon walks up, saying "Well he already has a brothernot to be, you know, territorial or anything." At the party, Stefan finds Enzo and is ready to attack him but Enzo hears something and deflects a stake thrown by Stefan with a bag of ice in his hand. As Elena attempted to shoot him with a vervain dart, Stefan tells her that he doesn't want to come back. Stefanie Salvatore is the heretic daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, as well the younger twin sister of Stefan Salvatore. He is interrupted by Klaus, who contacts him from Italy to tell him that Connor has escaped and stolen werewolf venom from the hybrid guarding him. Elena is still with Stefan and Qetsiyah in the cabin. He later shares an antagonistic relationship with her. He is later seen with Elena, protecting her, as John falls down the stairs, dead. He tells Stefan that he is no longer stone because every spell has a loophole as nature require balance and when the witch that turned him into stone died he was free he also revealed the mystery of himself by telling Stefan how he created the immortality spell and as he could not die, nature had to find balance so it created a shadow self of Silas that could and when Stefan asked of he was another one of the Tatia doppelgngers, Silas changed his face into Stefan's and revealed that Stefan it is his true face and Stefan is his doppelgnger. - Stefan Salvatore "The real animal is still out there. She tells him that she is going back to go through with the plan, but that will mean Damon's death. His head rolls off, revealing a satiated Stefan behind him. Stefan is skeptical and leaves him. Stefan revealed he desired to move on from Elena, then ended up sleeping with Katherine. Again, believing that he is drunk, the police officer arrests him and handcuffs him. They start to talk about Damon being a hero and about Elena relationship with him, she says that their relationship is toxic but Stefan is disagrees, he interrupts her train of thought, trying to reassure her. It was assumed that Stefan's sense of fashion changed with the times. Later when it's revealed that Stefan has another living relative Sarah Nelson (who was born as Sarah Salvatore), Enzo tries to use the information as leverage before Stefan shoots down his hopes of it ruining his relationship with Damon. Stefan is a mysterious, handsome century-old immortal. Stefan was also a bit idealistic when it came to love and romance, even naive at times. Damon explains Silas' plans to Liz the he plans on removing the veil to the other side so that he can take the cure and die and move on, later after Bonnie lowers the veil Stefan and Damon are still at the hospital and the power is out. Stefan seems very comforted and relieved to be with Elena in that moment. Later, in Stefan's bedroom, Elena finishes leaving a message for Caroline to ask for help adjusting as Stefan walks into the room with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. Poor humans. Stefan scrutinizes the special bullets, intrigued by the etchings on them. He managed to pull two people off of the bus when responsive cars drive towards him. Cause of death Fans of The Vampire Diaries might still be shocked over the show's ending and Stefan Salvatore's death even two years after the finale aired, but Paul Wesley says that it was actually his idea . On his lapis lazuli stone bears the Salvatore family crest with the letter "S" for the first letter of his first name. The answer is probably not, but why not give it a go anyway and let us know how many you get right in the comments section below. Stefan, confused, wondered how that was possible if he had never drunk Katherine's blood, but Emily confessed that Katherine had compelled him for weeks to drink her blood, while Damon drank from Katherine willingly. Caroline compels Ivy and takes her upstairs as Enzo calls Stefan a coward and they throw each other around the kitchen. Stefan however says that it's neither of them. Damon decided to compel Carter, a worker, to get in a fight with Tyler Lockwood and see how Mason reacted. While Stefan hangs around a student art exhibit, Caroline learns there's really nothing more the doctors can do. He compels her to leave and never come back. When Klaus tells him to let bygones be bygones, and that an eternity of bad feelings gets old, Stefan counters saying that revenge never gets old, and reveals that he stole the coffins that hold Klaus' family. Damon mocks him with Ms. Cuddles and, annoyed, Stefan grabs and kicks Bonnie's teddy bear across the field uncovering a cloaking spell which was hiding a house. He's worried about Ivy making herself a target for Tripp if she doesn't learn how to control herself. Stefan lunges toward him to protect Caroline and tries to pin him to the car, but Julian has the upper hand. She is surprised that Enzo is dead and Stefan tells her that he killed him, Caroline realizes that she was wrong about her suspicions on Stefan and Elena, she asks why didn't he say anything to her and Stefan tells her because it's complicated. Giuseppe Salvatore (1st time, as a human)Julian (1st time, as a vampire)Nora Hildegard (2nd time, as a vampire)Rayna Cruz (3rd time, as a vampire)Himself (2nd time, as a human) She says while he was drowning she was having the summer of her life, she got everything she wanted, even Bonnie and she needs to know that he's ok too. Back in the bar, Ray's being tortured, he's chained up and Stefan's throwing wolfsbane soaked darts at him. Stefan panics and goes into a frenzy, crying, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He than realizes that Elena has invited them to a party in their house and that is why she was texting so much. In regards to Elena, Stefan brutally killed a guard by bashing his head against the bars so that Elena could gain access to blood to complete her transition. Stefan tells him that he doesn't want to kick him out but he will. Elena was smart enough to hide around the house while Brady searched for her. On the dark side, Stefan can be incredibly self loathing, self-destructive, addictive, guilt ridden, martyring, unpredictable, melancholic, self-righteous, naive, secretive and judgmental. Elena is undeniably drawn to Stefan and the two have an instant, deep and indescribable connection. Then Klaus and Stefan arrive at a bar to find Ray. It turns out that Stefan has begged her to do that as they've heard how reckless the elder Salvatore has become. He asked Lily if she knew about the telegram Valerie sent him saying she was coming back to him. He is able to learn new languages at an increased speed and adjust to the American customs rather quickly, so much so that his Italian accent becomes less strong. When they all receive the news of Damon being captured by Tripp, they all go at the Mystic Fall entrance. Her try at negotiating fails, and Stefan reveals himself after Connor begins a countdown to shoot Jeremy. Later at the Salvatore house Damon covers Elena with a blanket and asks her how she feels, she says the pain is still there, the grief and the shame and she gets that shutting it all off its a cheat putting up this wall and nothing affects you things don't matter, but she says things do matter thing that happened that can't be undone and that she knows that there's something that she needs to do something about it Stefan says that the only thing she needs to do is to take easy for a couple of days or maybe a couple of years and she says she can't she has so much to do, Damon asks her what she's talking about and she explained what Katherine did to them and that she brought Klaus to mystic falls and she killed Jeremy and it all comes down to her and she focused on her hate for Katherine and Damon says that's not what Stefan meant, Stefan said that Katherine is not worth her time even if she spends ten minutes of her life hating her she wins, Elena says not if she kills her. Stefan explained to Tyler that Elena had to be sacrificed to break the curse and Tyler released him. Stefan mentions that he would have given anything to have spent one more day with her before her death. However after Damon fails to return, he is left devastated at the loss of his brother as the Other Side collapses. When Stefan was at his best, he was extremely caring, loving, helpful, understanding, selfless, empathetic, and compassionate. Stefan tries to stop him but Damon just waves him with which he says that Stefan needs to stay away. In terms of his characterization, Stefan is often compared to other mysterious, brooding vampires such as, Edward Cullen from. Damon swore to avenge all of Stefan's murders. Stefan was known to be respectful, polite, courteous, and chivalrous towards women. Rebekah resists, so Stefan asks Rebekah to forget about helping Klaus and to just help him instead. First they talk about Tyler and Stefan says that there's a way for him to run away from Klaus and not be found as Katherine has already succeed in doing the same. I won't-". Elena realizes this and takes him outside of school. When Stefan and Damon enter a room alone, Silas appears, Damon breaks Stefan's neck so that Silas can take his identity and talk to Qetsiyah. Elena is in shock and still thinks that the Gilbert ring will safe Jeremy but when Stefan sees him he realizes that this probably won't happen. When she mentions home, however, she remembers that Klaus would still want to avenge his brother's death. Later, Stefan halts Elena from going after Rebekah with the white oak stake. Unknown to Stefan, it was actually his mother who took the money, trying to flee from her husband with her sons. Valerie promised to meet him Friday at noon so they could run away together. Stefan was forced to attack Elena. In Masquerade, Stefan and Damon decided to kill Katherine at the Masquerade party, Alaric, Bonnie, Caroline and Jeremy helped them. Silas however refuses to help them because he prefers Amara dead and gone to the other side so he can reunite with her. The younger Salvatore asks where she has hidden the headstone, but she refuses to tell him as he has already betrayed her twice. Stefan tells her that he will always love her, Elena tells him the same, she leans on his shoulder and asking him if she may someday have that kind of conversation with Damon, Stefan tells her "I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them. Stefan later has a heartfelt reunion with Damon when he escapes the Prison World he was sent to following the Other Side's destruction. In the meantime Damon decides to use Qetsiyah's help so he could bring Bonnie back. So the cure ends up at the original family-Elijah and Rebekah go back to Mystic Falls. She asks where and he answers that he knows a bar out there off the beaten path. They are still talking when Enzo arrives at the bar, Enzo joins them and Stefan behaves hostile to him, Enzo starts talking to them about Maggie but Stefan and Elena are confused by what Enzo is saying, then he produces a picture that Sloan gave to him and is Maggie with her head cut off, he shows it to them because he thinks that it was Stefan who killed her. Damon however interrupts his lecture and says that Stefan needs to be a good brother and keep Mystic Falls afloat for him. While Damon is gone, Stefan and Elena are captured by the Town Council and imprisoned in a cell, along with Rebekah. In Stay, Stefan and Caroline bring her mom's favorite things into the cabin. Angered, he calls Caroline and asks if she 'would like to drive the White Oak Stake through Rebekah's heart' whilst quickly leaving the Grill. Katherine tells him that she has decided not to address the problems but he reminds her that she is Katherine Pierce and that she has to suck it up, he leaves and Katherine smiles. He was the bad boy, the Jacob Black-but-make-it-vampire of "The Vampire Diaries.". After his mother's passing, Stefan lived with his father and his brother Damon. Stefan catches her right on the moment which she is about to hit the ground. After Katherine's "fake death", the heartbreak he endured after thinking he lost her and the continuous tumultuous relationship in which he had shared with his elder brother, Damon, Stefan makes an attempt to run far away and start a new life somewhere else, away from his dark and haunting past. He adds that he has killed many people and he has to live with that but he's not going to live with the guilt from the people she has killed too.
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