"Leaders think their . All business end-users are consumers. It doesn't matter which is the best (it never has, e.g. The only thing he could have done at that point was to discount hardware, but after the billion dollar Surface RT write-off he would have been crucified if Microsoft had to undertake what basically would have been another write off to discount hardware (i.e. That is ultimate device without compromise, with Windows uniqueness, and without any app gap limitations. My whole family is on Windows Phone because of me,I have lost friends defending and aruging overWindows Phoneand itsaddens me that this CEO has dragged Microsoft down to this point and yes I blame him. Green mushroom for you windows mobile fanatic. He had cynically deceived loyal fans of W10M. The dual SIM system is great for when I travel it allows me to separate which contact I call on which SIM. So the last part to me is the key, especially if you have had some initial success. They are Personal Computers that happen to make phone calls. In addition, HP footed the bill and GOT the HP Elite x3 "modified and certified" TO RUN ON VERIZON for a fall release!!! The high brass at MSFT has to be replaced. Google and Apple are committed and welcome talent. I guess I hold a mobile phone and NOT a smart phone in my hand within long when all apps are discontinued. They would be able to access all data no matter the source, run all the same programs and share one operating system. If he'd have done the same thing with PCs that he did with phones, we wouldn't even be talking about Microsoft anymore. the next shiny object they are loseing attention span with is continuum I'm sure apple and google are going o thrive wit it And with out a phone your AI is not going to be in too many peoples hands . Abandoning the consumer space is insane. And devs don't care for users that buy 100$ phones. Mobile is not the biggest software market in the world. The key problem with modern Windows phones, ie., W8M and W10M was apps. I mean, he could have used the comment section/forums of Windows Central and got all the feedback he needed. I have a simple straight question for Jason Ward in order to better understand and "position" his analysis and Warditorials. Your arguments about why this is a mistake are all very true and obvious. If Microsoft is going to spend lots of money building iOS and Android apps to link Microsoft services to these OS, why wouldn't they do the same for W10M? Unless Microsoft also got more into the hardware like Apple, then it would be a real big market. Right now Microsoft's future technologies are orphaned. They have opened the door and made it easy for the competitors. While a Surface Phone would have me interested, to think the percentage of people who would care is above the 3% (if that), would be a dream. It is actually fairly small, though still offers chances to earn few billions for the operating system company, so it is not something that should be ignored by a big company, just if you ask whether it is normal that other things were priority, yes it is. MS has long suffered with a lack of systemic thinking - an inability to see beyond a US centric closed system. Europe has 750 000 000 people, that's a bigger market than US. You might get lucky but I'm not betting on you any more. Windows will keep only gamers, because there is no other gaming platform. Threats are macro environment factors and developments that can derail business model of Nadella Satya. "I did not get why the world needed the third ecosystem in phones, unless we changed the rules." They just want a simple product/service which fulfils there dreams. Google doesit. (He works in for Microsoft in Texas). They wouldnt let Tmobile, Sprint and Verizon have a foothold on the devices. He's the Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft, and one of only three in their history. I have 2 Windows Mobiles and I am still eyeing for an HP Elite X3. You can create the best AI on the planet but if it's not on a mobile device and can be used daily then it's not going to be used. According to global executive survey done by Harvard Business Review & Brightline Initiative Only 20% of the strategic targets set by organizations are realized. Don't need them. Dont piss off too many partners. If Microsoft cedes ground to Amazon, or more precisely fails to grow its share of this market, it could harm its ability to promote its own software products, not to mention see a key new revenue source stagnate. To assume, you can abandon a cause multiple times, burning not only consumers, but your OEMs and try to shift to conversation to the "future", means you are still out of touch. Nadella said it's cloud first. The synchronization between the 3 is important to me. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that his company is prepared to seize market share and grow despite economic uncertainty over inflation in the U.S. and a potential recession in the near. Would be nice if the people that bought 950 or 950 XLs could get some kind of compensation or at least an apology. , we specialize at analyzing & providing comprehensive, corporate SWOT Figuring out the planto get from clunky licenses to a subscription-based future will be a key challenge for Nadella. I had two Lumia 822's, two 928's(me and my girlfriend, who loved her 928 btw) an Icon and now a 735. It remains to be seen just how high a price Microsoft pays for these series of mobile missteps. Groove was shut down (and even though they say they'll refund you 120% of outstanding value they're refusing to honor this with me as I have unused codes that have apparently "expired"- codes are valid though and the T&C's mention nothing about an export date). Nadella rose steadily through the ranks of Microsoft management. It's not that Nadella lacks an ego, and the robust financial results his company has racked up give him undeniable bragging rights. Nadella's greatest weakness may be his lack of consumer market experience. Nor do the actual sales numbers, consistently the demand for Lumias exceeded sales in Asia and Europe, they could have capitalized on it. That is just one long term aspect. He said he saw a world where Personal Interactive Devices (Pcs then), Portable Interactive Devices (a then yet to be made hybrid of mobile phone and PDA), and Social Interactive Devices (TVs then) were only different in the way people interacteed with them. They need to fucus on that as well. Windows is famous for still being Windows even on a low end cheap as piece of plastic. So back to windows i went.twice! But as I think, it's not too late, there is still chance of Plan C, which is to fork Android (AOSP) from scratch and have consumers, carriers and OEMS happy because there is no app gap anymore. Microsoft is still pulling its re-org together at the same time it is changing its business model. I was expecting the unveiling of a Surface Phone this fall. Maybe we need Bill Gates to lead microsoft again..I hate CEOs that try to show profit by downsizing rather than truly growng the business. Some people say Windows Mobile / Phone was murdered, and my thought is that it wasn't, there were projects like Astoria and iOS Bridge which didn't had enough resources and marketing and didn't got attention in the Microsoft company as top priorities. I think MS does have plans for Mobile (probably in line with Zach's overall vision) but they don't like to show devices till they are ready. I wonder if windows 10 will have same demise?, I'm still on 7 i don't like it, I think that MS has developed (pun intended) a reputation which will not be shaken. In a new interview with CNN Business, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella defended the company's $480 million contract with the U.S. Army following employee backlash. WebOS was a great OS on very underpowered hardware. Not much progress for all your efforts! Apple does that in a single quarter, so even this desperation strategy would likely have failed. Perhaps if Microsoft developed more apps that worked more like the windows version which has tabs directly linking to NSN, Office Online and Outlook.com it would relieve some of the loss of Windows phones. The use of the term "I think" or "my view" might help us comprehend what has been said vs what you are saying. Or their own apps in the Windows Store. Nhu Tran February 10, 2023 Satya Nadella at Microsoft Case Study 1. I just can't see how MS will stay relevant in the consumer space as a result of this, even if they re-enter with 'what's next' and more to the point, they're definitely missing something when a lot of the industry is targeting consumers rather than enterprise. Worse, it would still not have theMOBILE apps that iOS and Androidhave. More than when Windows Mobile was changed to Window Phone 7, then 8, 8.1, then 10. that Microsoft would fill in the mobile device space. I ended up with a Lumia 950 running Windows 10 Mobile. I can honestly say, I would go back to my windows phone in a heartbeat if it had the same apps and a future. On my Surface Pro 3, I like Stagelight by open labs. Google has failed at various markets. After going through a frustrating week of having to decide which phone to move to because my 1520 is officially dying and recieving news that I would essentially be wasting money by buying another Windows Mobile phone as they are pulling the plug, this is cold comfort. Making so many mistakes is ground for dismissal in any workplace. He didn't want to have purchased Nokia and it was his intention to crater the whole enterprise. Microsoft has been in the mobile market since the days of WINCE. (qi charging, optical user authentication (iris scanner) large screen surface and excellent screen res. Unreal. You want him to do all that while writing a book??? Satya had every intention of killing this platform and every step he made ensured it's demise. But it is possible to enforce some sanity in the transition from licensed software tosubscription services. On consumer devices, the cost of a license is going to have to drop dramatically. Satya Nadella. And if I had an Xbox that would be on Craigslist tonight. An original Xbox, 5 different Xbox 360's(red ring of death on two of them(! As a famous man once said, "the evidence is incontravertible." Apple is an amazing system for user interface . So their sole purpose was to select the highest priority ones and focus development on that. "Everybody is waking up and saying leadership and management and technological excellence go together." It was over when Google gave Android away for free and Microsoft kept charging for Windows Mobile. I searched (and still do and I don't know why) every day looking for the next MS mobile phone such a waste of time. I think with the news of the demise of windows phone and groove are the pivotal sign, that consumer focus is traded for strictly business oriented investment (whatever that means). Ask Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, what the most pressing problems are that he is working to solve right now and he will give you two answers. Awesome 20mp camera And windows 10 is finally usable with creators update :)) The iphone 4 with the old Os it has still has more apps than your 950xl. Windows Mobile was the gateway to both those. Still a very profitable company, but no consumer play. When I had that thought I realised just how annoyed I am with Microsoft. Recent statements made by high executives confirm the rumors were true. OS run on devices and are device restrictive (can only run the os for which it was intended) devices cost money that includes royalties and use of the os (the things you agree to when OSes are first setup). They don't expect any big features. They will be around for a very long time and if you don't understand that well, it's obvious you don't. I am going with Nokia 8 next year. They dabbled in PCs for a few years, but then got out. I have stayed with Windows phone since the first version came out and now suddenly knowing that MS is abondoning this platform has caused me anguished and lose faith completely in MS. Will get ready to get an android phone (as I am never an apple fan) and also will migrate MS related apps to other platform too. No idea. Back in 2006 subscribed after being a Tester of Windows Live OneCare for Microsoft, used that til 2009, which then was replaced by MSE while it detection rate was good at first, then not good, then started to get better again, feeling a little safer using Windows Defender lately as it's now tightly intergrated into Windows 8.1 and 10, so likely hood of them dropping it maybe less now. Thatmemorable momentwas first uploaded to YouTube in 2006, more than eight years ago. Does anyone knows the name of the weed he smokes? But, when you are a legacy icon, everyone wants to rip down your statue. Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins His CEO speech: Reading between the software lines Those are gentle, highly sanitized code words, of course. They had huge volume of insiders giving them feedback for free. There are things I found on my 928 8.1 phone that my 950 W10M still cannot do? I am PISSED. I supported MS since before windows 7 but since Nadela took over I have seen them fail to support consumers. - Lack of critical talent I believe that Nadella Satya is suffering from lack of critical talent especially in the field of technology & digital transformation. Apple has tried for decades to crack Enterprise and their desktop share hasn't moved. Amazon does it. It's about new management practices and . Hit Refresh describes how Satya Nadella brought new life to Microsoft by rediscovering its "soul" when he took over as CEO in 2014. - Inventory Management Based on the details provided in the Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, we can conclude that Nadella Satya is not efficiently managing the inventory and cash cycle. You know what they say. I love Windows Mobile for what it is but I am willing to give other things a shot with the caveat that I am going to very picky about the phone I get. Which they were supposed to use to build the best mobile platform. That's more than just fanboys. Enterprise? I left Windows Phone with the cancellation of the McLaren for Android. Other than that, this company is doomed. Yes, it could be a long time before that end, but the end has to start sometime. So its both WP and Android ? I have personally seen such apps on existing windows tablets. Even with this entire WM10 debacle we never got a clear statement aside from tweets from Joe, nor did we get any sort of apology for leading consumers on. However, there are a considerable number of things missing in Android as a basic function that Windows Mobile had built in for years. Microsoft crowned a new leader today, with Satya Nadella taking over the reins from exiting CEO Steve Ballmer. They are going SMALLER. Companies that go after short term profits and sacrifice visions always lose in the long term, and unfortunately MSFT is at that crossroad. I ser they are lagging behind at least 12 months on the back log, despite the current rs3 and 4 roadmap. I've owned Zune/Groove, WinMo 6.x, Lumia 900, 640, Yezz Billy 8, and Now Lumia 950. If people start to use other software than Microsoft Office on those Android phones and Iphones then well then Microsoft is actually tottally irrelevant on the smartphones and hence really out of the bit data business in the smart phone business. PC? I'm not worried about the hardware though. Very cheap, but fun to use! For once I would like to hear a tech journalist that focuses on Microsoft products ask that one question. The following list is a sample of the issues and challenges that Nadella may face during his tenure as CEO of Microsoft: Windows Phone growth stalls, failing to reach the 10 percent mark in the next two years. As soon as loyal Phone users switch to iOS or Android they are only a step away from moving eco systems entirely. So he admits it? Soooo, back out of mobile which is something that literally people in every corner of the planet use, or need, but jump onto some super-niche, iffy at best crap like VR? And then they decided to destroy it all. For all his success, Satya is extremely humble with unusually high levels of self-awareness and empathy, shaped by his life experiences and his crucibles. The only thing wrong with Windows Mobile was that MS did not commit to developing the OS and decided that MS did not need the consumers anymore. Got my first used Surface Pro 3 last year for recording music and drawing. I really do enjoy windows 10 as the best OS for computers. Moving forward, the 1520 simply needed a refresh and would have been quite a nice threesome with the 950 and 950xl. I'm a 20+ year developer, and I had three different windows phones for over 6 years. I must confess that we use only Android and iOS phones in our household. Have already made the switch and though I miss windows phone, I have to say I'm much happier cause everything works. 96% of his compensation was performance-based, up from 71%. While we had blips of great service, products and attention, ultimately it came back down and we went back to finding proper solutions. Satya Narayana Nadella became Microsoft's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 2014. If the Kin would've been a success, things might have turned out differently. 1. 18 Other Top Book Recommends From Satya Nadella. Windows 8.x fails to garner significant tablet market share, despite updates. And there are no royalties. Started with an HTC Surround Windows 7 Phone back in 2011, kept that for a few years, then upgraded to Nokia Lumia 920 Windows 8 Phone, Things I liked about Windows 7 and 8 Phones, no worries on viruses or malware, the smooth intergreation with my Desktop, Sadly had to switch to Android in December 2015 as got tired of not having apps that I needed. They sat on the old Windows Mobile WAY too long with no innovation after the iPhone and Android had taken off, established their stores and ecosystems for apps. It is easy to show leadership when you have all the information, when the systems work in harmony, and the plan for the future is laid out for you. Your best so far. Maybe, but 'Enterprise' is ultimately collective of consumers. They dominate in the iPhone That is it. just about ALL Windows 10 Microsoft Store Apps anf the Centennial Win32 desktop PC programs that are in the Windows 10 "Microsoft store" such a device would be like a smallhand held Surface Pro Tablet and run the same apps and PC proghrams the Surface pro 2 in 1 uses. After that, who knows. Tech billionaire Satya Nadella 's recent conversation with an artificial intelligence (AI) software proves the future ahead looks bright. Nonetheless, ValueAct was persistent enough to earn a seat on the Microsoft corporate board, which it will occupy next month. Obviously this has to be asked and displayed PROMINENTLY. A target for occasionally interesting apps, sure, but an encompassing platform for Microsoft to bet their future on, in the belief it will be indispensible for users - nope. Probably then he would pay attention and his bottom line would change Amd that of his short term investors. For example, it was corporate spend that kept Microsofts OEM revenues from falling heavily in its most recent quarter. The faster release tempo is a good thing for consumers, but makes IT pros nervous. I hope Nadella has jotted down a note to himself: Do not attempt to re-create Ballmer developers video. I will keep my Lumia 950 XL until it goes belly up. Microsoft would prefer more secure customers running shiny new Windows 7 or 8 boxes. This is Satya Nadella, Microsoft's new CEO. Else what ninja cat rode which fire breathing unicorn? yes, it was the best music service out there, now I don't know where to go, all the other service habe a flaw spotify don't allow personal library, google music don't have a PC apps, you have to use a third party apps, and apple music well, it's apple.. But he had passion and he truly seemed to care about Microsoft. Apple sells that many in 6 months, and Apple is #2. I hardly read Windows Central anymore either as the notifications are ***** on Android. he likes a phone that has support from the company who makes it. I'm guessing that the Xbox is next on the chopping block, and I would be shocked if MS releases another console after the One X. Nadella's management decisions are definitely defensible - but I still think a mistake. No Windows/Microsoft mobiles means no OS that makes Microsoft Office relevant. why microsoft could not do it? Employee well-being is at risk as workdays become extended, often spilling over into the night, and despite hybrid work concessions, Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella said.. Mr Nadella, who was speaking online at this week's Wharton Future of Work Conference, said about one-third of white-collar workers are experiencing a third peak of productivity late at night, based on keyboard activity. The PC market could face materially worse returns than expected. If they had demonstrated that resolve, maybe developers would have been more willing to feed an emerging market of users. A mythical, moving target, Surface handheld device that hasn't seen the light of day yet after 4 or 5 years? All of this is training the customer to realize more and more that they don't need Microsoft and their "ecosystem" anymore How can he NOT see that!?!?!
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