The corps grew fast, challenging young graduates with the excitement and creating an environment of hope and courage that was attractive to potential EDGErs as well as current Nav staff. dissertation titled An Evaluation of the Long-term Impact of Disciple-Making Amongst University Students with Reference to the Experience of Male Students Expressing a First-Time Commitment to the Christian Faith as a Result of their Connection with Navigators During their Time as Students at Sheffield University between 1974 and 1984, submitted at York St. John University. Leaders based in Europe included Doug Sparks and family, Bob Stephens and family, Roy Rimmer, Joyce Turner, Pat Lawler, Bob Wilbraham from Denmark, Tom and Nancy Heeb and Gordy Strom from Germany, Noel Nelson from Sweden. In 1964, it was led by Jim White and lasted some six weeks. On campus, on base, across the USA and overseas The Navigators ministries reach out with the gospel and train disciples. Theme: The Christian Professor in the University, 1961, in Madison, Wisconsin led by Dr. John Alexander. . The full title of the US organization was and is the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF-US, formed 1940) which had taken the lead in 1947 to organize the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES, at Oxford), building on the heritage of the British InterVarsity Fellowship (1923) and resulting in forays from the Canadian (1929) InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. While we will still need some policies, we prefer that the glue that holds us together be trust. Overall, we are not doing too red-hot in fulfilling this particular objective.40, Whatever such reservations, we were entering a period of energetic evangelism, in which LeRoy Eims and Bob V. supplied much of the creative energy. What emerged was a statement that the number one priority for the national ministries in PAN is the revitalization and revision of the student ministries.125. Discussion during July 19-24, 1987 meeting. Also, we appealed to engineering students who were practical and interested in how more than why. This fitted Navigator approaches which were still very how to oriented. I've seen headlines like, "The Beginning of the End.". Another implication of greater numbers involved in decision-making is the need for a strong frame of reference. This time, 611 men packed the Hall, and the scaffolding held. Their biggest thing was the Topical Memory System (TMS) where you memorize a bunch of verses that youd use when you go out and evangelize. temple emanuel denver calendar. . Sam writes that no two countries, or even cities within a large country, will be exactly the same, and he expresses his experienced view that we have not always kept this in mind.116. Over 200,000 students were exposed to the good news of the gospel at the University of Arizona. Robb and Meg Powrie-Smith had been recruited to our vision at the 1961 Graham crusade in Manchester. So far, the main problem has been the reaction of the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) which corresponds to the IVCF in the US. The Singapore Secretary of the FES wrote to Roy Robertson, presenting a series of five questions. To evaluate the current state of the Collegiate Ministry in regards to its staff, the students, and effectiveness, To summarize reports, papers, and documents which address these issues, To make recommendations as to how The Navigators can better serve its collegiate staff, Living and ministering in community rather than as individual lone rangers, Contribution by gifting and roles rather than primarily by position, Accountability by relationship rather than primarily by position, A unified staff committed to a common vision, mission, strategy, and to one another, rather than a network of independent franchises, Ministering to an entire campus rather than just ministering at a campus, Participative decision-making rather than autocratic decision-making, Dependence on relationships rather than dependence on structure, To take risks by engaging college students with the reality of Christ, through evangelism and discipleship, To be developed as spiritual laborers for the campus, the marketplace and the world. Scotty recounts that the IVCF group at Macalester had been in feeble condition until Navigator key man Doug Sparks arrived on campus as a freshman in the fall of 1948. Here, for example, is part of his report34 from Pittsburgh in early 1955: The Penn State week went fast and furious. It's the way they seem to alienate so many people on their own campus, including other Christians. First, however, we should try to earn the confidence of the local IVF chapter.68. Typically, some 40 percent of those who graduate from the US Corps can be found on our staff five years later.134, In the providence of God, it was the generation of students who began to arrive as freshmen in 1994Gen Ywho were more open to the beauty of the Gospel. This initiative from our collegiate leaders came none too soon. Whether those in the target age group were collegians or jobholders was not seen as significant. Whereas IVF desired to minister almost entirely on campus, we believed that a Nav home near the campus played a big part in what was called a thrust and withdrawal ministry for Christian students on a secular campus.71, One IVF concern was that our energetic forays could jeopardize IVFs standing with the campus administration. The Lord has given us good fellowship with almost all of this eleven, and several of them are quite responsive and friendly. . As Edwin Orr writes, they partly filled the vacuum caused by the demise of the Student Volunteer and Student Christian Movements. In 1980, we saw God raise up more new laborers than previously or subsequently: approximately 165 in our five main European countries. During the 1970s, we often expressed our ministry as comprising three stages121 in a country: Stage 1: Demonstrate producing disciple-makers. An interesting innovation was our Summer Task Force, a program for college students in Washington, DC. Things calmed down.54. This was clearly an advantage in equipping young converts thoroughly, mentoring and training them as they supported the next generation. The result, within a few years, led to many young and enthusiastic staff who loved being Navigators and who invited their friends to join with them in the great adventure of the Edge Corps.. The sequence: ECDM 1: Kiel in April 1966 (more than four hundred attend), ECDM 2: Loughborough in January 1971 (more than seven hundred attend), ECDM 3: Essen in April 1977 (more than 2,700 attend). Simplistic explanations began circulating that Crusade was for evangelism and IVCF was for discipleship.. The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: But the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness. Your email address will not be published. The Navigators works with students, military personnel, businessmen and women, church leaders, inner-city families, and new believers from all walks of life. And so our expansion, led by the Spirit, continued. Although the counter-culture movement was derailed in 1968 with the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, the Jesus movement in the US was a response. However, Charlie Hummel soon asked Leroy to represent IVCF part-time in Pittsburgh! However, with many activities to be enjoyed, most students stayed for seven years. When this stage is reached, representatives will not be sent from the US to overseas posts in appreciable numbers because the strategic spots will be filled by men of many nationalities. Last summer the Lord gave us a very adequate house in Delft, so that we could move from Voorburg right into the battlefield. Last September, we started to work closely with seven students. In line with this, our folk group in Loughborough (Howard, Williams, Croson) as well as the Glorylanders in Manchester effectively tapped into this music to stir hearts and communicate the Gospel. Mike Treneer recalls that there was widespread disillusionment with the Church among his generation. Memo from Cook of December 20, 1990. Anderson arrived in 1960, Lee Brase in 1963, and Johnny Sackett in 1965. . . During a packed weekend, Bob and Marilyns wedding took place at a local church on the Saturday and all those present attended an Easter sunrise service on the Sunday.50 Heres a small sample51 of the impact on participants: LeRoy expanded the Whing Dings. Agape Italia promotes authenticity-emotionally, relationally and spiritually- among its staff members and the people they serve. Some chapters only saw their staff member a half-dozen times a year, others less often. The YFC specialty in their early days was large rallies. From the minute I planted my feet on the campus until I left, I was kept busy talking to men about the Lord. Seventy new evangelistic studies started as a result of the tour. By 1956, 2.2 million had used this benefit, which was a major factor in the formation of the American middle class. . New converts are brought to maturity through discipleship. Looking back on those days, one sees how important it was for Pauls wife (Sook Ja) and Johns wife (Soon Rak) to be committed to leading the women who had found the Lord. Overseas Policy Conference: 1961 We are of course very encouraged by this, but regret that we do not have the information or the energy to complete the collegiate project.145. At the end of one of Doug Sparkss messages, probably one thousand persons stood and prayed audibly one by one, indicating their commitment to a lifetime of disciple-making anywhere in the world.103. See also articles on: Overseas Training Corps: 1965 After Oslo, the participants divided. By 1966, the time was right for them to launch a student ministry, so they chose Loughborough88 Technical University, a prominent engineering campus where they already knew student Charles Clayton.89 George Howard moved south with them from Manchester to enroll as a student. These approaches include working with college students on college and university campuses, working with high school students, working with adults in their careers (including people in various business environments . The use of volunteer leaders began at Wheaton College in the late 1940s. Terry Cook sustained the concept of a Global Student Network until the year 2000. Theater seats were acquired. Also, they may have been deliberately spreading falsehoods about the other Christian group on campus, Campus Crusade for Christ. Meanwhile, Bob Stephens came to Christ at an Air Force Base near Pittsburgh, so Bright graciously released him from CCC. Collaborate with us to carry out the great commission. There was a weekly Bible study, weekly prayer meeting, daily quiet time and a weekly evangelistic thrust to several universities. November 1963 saw the assassination of President Kennedy; June 1964 the US Civil Rights Act; August 1964 the Tonkin Resolution authorizing action in Vietnam. They are now back in San . Military Ministries This program, therefore, helped to prepare the ground for what became fruitful student ministries in Europe, from the late 1960s to the early 1980s. Thus: Furthermore, the FES then wrote officially to the student group at the University of Singapore and told them not to cooperate with The Navigators. Music and lyrics were mainly by Ron Oertli and a prominent role was given to Ann Horsford, a British stage actress who had recently come to Christ. InterVarsity was a student mission; Crusade was a mission to students. . Sources: McGilchrist August 29, 1994 memo on. The first year (from September 1966 to last summer) He gave us twelve students who made decisions for Christ. Collegiate ministry was difficult, with little fruit. Young Life, another evangelical agency, continued its work of reaching teenagers in high schools and camps and did likewise.
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