Mr. Mooney: In 1918, The Spanish Flu became one of the most deadliest influenza pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. Principal Ramirez: >to Taylor< Thanks Taylor, >to Anderson and Pablo< Anderson, Pablo, for bullying others and manipulating others, you both are hereby expelled from this school for the rest of the school year, and you have to restart your eighth grade year next year. Chapter 2: Bully Killer, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The Loud House Month Of Horror! Lincoln: As I was saying before I was interrupted, we have >to Lucy< Lucy, >to Lana< Lana, >to Lola< Lola, >to Lisa< Lisa >to Lily< and Lily. Taylor: Than I'll consider that a trade, see you tomorrow Lincoln, goodnight. Mr. Chong: Congratulations Taylor, you have indeed learned your lesson, this lesson has been a true success, now we shall end your lesson and send you back to the real world. However, when they are discovered they are forced to go on the run. Taylor: Sorry you had to deal with them, but you are right about one thing, they have no control over me. School Officer: No "Buts", off to class with you, discussion is over. WebLola blamed me for hitting her, Luan pulled another prank with a whoopie cushion, Lori poured water on me and destroyed my comic book, Lynn gave me a charlie horse and someone pushed me into mud! WebHere my very first fanfiction. You really saved my skin. Taylor: Greeting Royal Woods Kangaroos Im Taylor, you may know me as the bully on the bus, or the hallway, I want to make a quick apology, the reason why I was bullied was because someone on my family bullied me at a young age, and because I was prepared for middle school, I had to defend myself against anyone who would pick on me, after that, everyone was scared of me, except Anderson and Pablo, the wrong group that I accidentally ran with, they manipulated me into doing something I wasnt supposed to do, and I owe everyone a huge apology and I deserve a second chance, but I would like to inform everyone that being an eighth grader is a lot of hard work and discipline, as eighth graders, its our responsibility to lead all sixth and seventh graders down the right path and have them make the right decisions, if we were to lead them the wrong path, then we would set a bad example for them, just because someone older than you bullies you, doesnt mean that you should bully others, and I have learned my lesson, any continuation of a bully may cause others to have depression, low self esteem, low peer pressure and suicidal thoughts and bullying is the number one causes of these consequences, so my motto is, Be a buddy, not a Bully, this is Taylor signing off. I expect comments. When the girls meet Lincoln and his sisters, escapades abound! Taylor: I did, but unfortunately, someone else his own grade started to pick on him and beat me to it. I haven't talk to Bobby for 2 hours! Lincoln: Some friend she is, and yet she didnt even bother to back me up, I know there is some good in her somewhere, the bullies are manipulating her into doing something she wasnt supposed to do, I guess me and Taylor arent friends anymore because of this incident. Making the Grade (my version) Thomperfan 24 March 2017 User blog:Thomperfan. Anderson: >to Lincoln, teasing< Hey Sticklon, you and that seat of yours should "stick" together more often. Taylor: Oh, I think I got something in my eye, I'll be back in a bit. Chandler: >scoffs, to Mr, Bolhofner< Whatever, >to Lincoln< Well well, hello Lincoln Lame, miss your eighth grade buddy? (Taylor left the guidance office and walked back to her classroom, in the hallway, one of the sixth graders was trying to go to the bathroom, but it turns out that he had a comic book in his pocket that he wanted to take out, so Lynn spied on him). Lynn: Woo Hoo, Homerun Baby, you Raptors are going back to extinction. Mr. Chong: For your first lesson, you will be able to learn about why you became a bully in the first place, so how did you became a bully in the first place? Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I just want to tell you that you will not be allowed to be near Lynn until further notice, we just punished her for what she did to you. (Leni come into Lori room to see why Zach: >to Lincoln< I kinda feel sorry for you dude. Taylor: I thought maybe we could chat on video chat since I did find you and you are indeed my new buddy, what did you have for dinner tonight? They quickly ran after him to stop him from ending his life. Taylor: One more thing, if this program isn't enough to redeem myself, should I be his escort buddy and get more extra good deeds? (Anderson punched his hand with his fist in anger, the next day, Lincoln and Taylor started to ride their bicycles to the park, they ordered ice cream for them both, Lincoln got the Chocolate Vanilla Swirl while Taylor picked Strawberry Unicorn, they sat on a bench as they were looking at the clouds). Principal Ramirez: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, it's not nice to call anyone a jerk, especially your sister Lynn, we should worry about you for right now, Taylor wishes to redeem her good deeds by quitting to bully you and to be your new escort buddy. Lincoln: Oh, so you wanted to have a change of heart? LENI: Yeah, Im fine. Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. Lincoln: >to Lana, annoyed< NO! Looney Tunes is owned and created by Warner Rita: >to Lynn, angered< Do you have any idea how hurt Lincoln is? (Later after dinner, Lincoln was getting ready for bed, until he gets a call from Taylor on video chat, he answers). What was it that attracted her to him? Lincoln: And you cant control them to do the things you love to do! (The Troll then throws Lincoln off the edge of the cliff, Lincoln falls and screams, he wakes up breathing, he checks on his body and it was still on, he then went back to sleep, the next morning, Lincoln got on the bus while escorted by Lynn as placed him on his seat next to Clyde). Lincoln: As you can see, here is our TV room, we normally fight for TV rights, but when Mom and Dad witness us fighting, its a loss for us. Taylor: Yes we did, but before you say anything, I just realized that we were not the only ones that bullied him, Chandler and Lynn are also bullying him, and I want to make it up to him and give up bullying him and everyone else. Taylor: >to Principal Ramirez< Principal Ramirez, I assure you, I was not harming or harassing the boy, I was standing up to him. Taylor: I have seen what that other kid and Lynn did to you and I really felt bad for you, you didn't even deserve that much treatment. (The bully runs away in horror because of two six year olds, Lola and Lana help Lincoln up, who's injured) LINCOLN: Thanks, you two. Lincoln: >to Leni and Luna< I'm not going to be riding Vanzilla for the rest of the semester, I'm going to be riding with you guys until things with Lynn are settled, I just wish that she was more like you both. It was a typical day morning on 1216 Franklin Avenue. Anderson: What the heck are you doing in there? Special thanks to BigFanofEntertainment and Jokeman20 for story assistance. Enjoy! Kidnapped Caper Chapter 1 Unexpected Meeting, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. Mr. Chong: Have you ever been a Cyberbully? Lynn: Thats right, I cant be harassing people. The conditions in Royal Woods became intolerable, and she must look for new chances to survive. (The bully runs away in horror because of two six year olds, Lola and Lana help Lincoln up, who's injured) LINCOLN: Thanks, you two. WebLynner or Loser. (Lincoln was shoved into the floor, Taylor helped him up after she reached her hand to him). Anderson: >to Taylor< I said get out of the way so I can punch him. When the girls meet Lincoln and his sisters, escapades abound! Mr. Chong: Never become a bully just because you have been bullied by someone else. (While Mr. Mooney is still teaching, Cameron and Lincoln are talking to each other.) Taylor: >to Principal Ramirez< Yes ma'am, >to Lincoln< Lincoln is it? WebIts All Relative Chapter 8: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. Lincoln: I'm having Grilled Cheese for tomorrow. Lynn: I'll show Principal Ramirez how good of a Hall Monitor I am, an maybe I'll get my job back if it's the last thing I do, Lynn Loud never gives up. Anderson: Thats what I thought, you are pathetic and weak, this is why you never get a girlfriend, and you dont have your big sissies to protect you, and you got no little baby buddies to back you up. Lincoln: Thank you Taylor, you are my hero. Mr. Chong: Precisely, that's why it's never a smart idea to be a bully whether it's face to face or on the internet, and you should never let them feed you with other users getting upset with you insults, but if you ever been trolled, ignore them and never feed trolls in the first place. Taylor: Well, I first encountered him along with my two friends Anderson and Pablo when he was sitting in our seat on the school bus (Taylor explained the whole story to Mr. Chong about their first encounter for three minutes straight). Lincoln: The door on the left is Lori and Lenis room, Lori isnt here at the moment, shes studying at Fairway University. It was another normal day at the loud house me and Lori where in the kitchen arguing about something as usual. But soon turns for the worst her bully kidnaps. Stella: >to Lincoln< Sorry Taylor tricked you Lincoln. (Leni come into Lori room to see why Taylor: Yeahhey, this cloud looks like two Bears fighting each other over scraps of fish, >chuckles< reminds me of watching a documentary about Bears with my Dad when I was a girl. School Officer: Sorry isnt good enough for you young lady, this is the second time you have been aggressive, this time to an officer, if I see you messing with anybody out by the hallway one more time, you will be suspended, understand? Lincoln: >annoyed, to Taylor< Hey, I was going to get some, you can't swipe it from me! They regretted for everything they had done to him. Pablo: What is she doing with those sixth grade babies? Soon, he made it to his destination. She wears a pink polo shirt with a purple collar and a white button, red long trousers and white shoes. Taylor: Sometime by six, Ill bring my bike over and we can hang out for a while, but I need to be back before nine. Taylor: >to Lincoln< You dont understand, fighting is not the answer, walk away and save yourself! Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< Me too son, me too! Pablo: Oh man, and I thought we were the kings and queen of bullying. Principal: Ah, Taylor and Lincoln, so nice of you both walking in unharmed, >to Taylor< How was your first lesson? Taylor: >to herself, crying< Now you understand someone else's pain when they start middle school, you don't want to make sure they too become a bully just like you, you've should have known better than that, you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd and I don't want you to let him do the same thing as well, it's all your fault, you started to LANA: (kind) It's what siblings do, Lincoln Taylor: Excuse me, Mr. Chong sir, I like to sign up to this anti-bullying program. Lincoln: It's like what Lynn said, the principal doesn't care about her students but herself, she's always to occupied. Lincoln: In a family as big as mine, at some point we can agree that his cooking is terrific, but at other half, his cooking can have a sort of a weird taste to it, sometimes he even cooks it raw and it gave us a stomach ache for weeks. WebAudrey is a minor character The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Schooled!". BULLY: Y-Yes! WebLincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. (The school officer came in time to see Lynn torturing abusing the other boys). Mr. Chong: Thats your choice, our discussion is over, you want to continue with your lessons? WebTo clear things up, the ending of the last chapter of 'Restored Image' actually hinted at the start of this story; this story, along with 'A collection of Loud House one shots' (another one of my Loud House stories up on this site), are set in a different universe than where the 'Broken Mirror' stories and 'Restored Image' are set. Clyde: I hope she doesn't treat us badly. Episode Information Gallery Script Categories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. The sisters were all sitting at the table waiting for their dinner. Some of his sisters watched him running away. Understand?! (Taylor grabbed and hold Lincoln's hand and Lincoln held to her hand as they walked to Mr. Bolhofner's trailer together, meanwhile at the bus, Lynn was sitting next to a kid, but behind her were the same two boys Anderson and Pablo as they kept taunting and teasing her because she is no longer hall monitor, they chuckled as Lynn was getting real annoyed). Principal Ramirez: You do not need to worry about those boys, only worry about you, there is a place in school you can go to where you can change from bad to good and help you get off the wrong path, if you do that, your bullying nature will come to an end. Taylor: I know me and my brother werent close buthe was barley a part of my life because he was with his friends and they made him do bad decisions, and they hurt me, hes no longer the boy I know, he was a monster that tortured me, now that my brother is out of my life thanks to my Dad arresting him for domestic child abuse, he couldnt let go of what he loved to do, in the end, I destroyed him. She is one of Lily 's classmates. Lincoln: YES, YES, YES, YES, I'LL OBEY, PLEASE LET GO OF ME! Taylor: >to Lincoln< I wish I could have tried one of your Dad's dishes for lunch, wanna trade? Pablo: Uh, news flash bro, we are bullies. Looney Tunes is owned and created by Warner Lincoln: I hope so too, she's going to be my escort buddy for the rest of the school year. The sisters were all sitting at the table waiting for their dinner. Lucy: >to Lincoln< You gotta trust us big brother, I cannot tolerate this behavior any longer. Taylor: Yes, I was wrong to do that, while I was a bully at that time, but deep down in my heart, I knew it was wrong. Lincoln and Cameron are in Mr. Mooney's class learning about The Spanish Flu.) Lynn: But Mom, it's middle school, I want to protect him from being bullied or getting into trouble. Lincoln: You were just having some trouble. WebNo one was especially cruel to him so he accepted cruelty as a part of life. Mr. Bolhofner: Im sorry to hear about what happened Saturday, but dont let this distract you when Im in class, understand? Lynn: I wanted to say Im sorry for messing up your first day in middle school, I didnt mean to ruin it for you, I get it that youre excited about it, but--. Lincoln: >worried< Do what you want with me, I don't want my life to be anymore rougher! Lynn Loud Srs brother Luke and his wife Max come to visit Royal Woods for the summer with their 4 daughters, Brooke, Belinda, Bethany, and Brenda. crossover. WebAfter completing the video, Lincoln nervously sent the video to the bully on his phone, Much to his relief, The bully found the video to be funny and submitted the video to the contest. WebBULLY #1: Oh, Its just because we HATE you. Well, that was a big surprise, what is it that you want to talk to me about? Taylor: Like I said, it wasn't your fault, you didn't know it was taken when it wasn't assigned to us in the first place, what I meant to say was as I said earlier, I'm sorry for the mess I caused, but I appreciate you guys standing up to us when you told us that we weren't the boss of you guys, we actually deserved that. Kidnapped Caper Chapter 1 Unexpected Meeting, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. Lincoln: >to Taylor< Allow me to give you the grand tour. Principal Ramirez: I think you would make a better Hall Monitor than Lynn. Lynn: He's already learned that the bullies will get more aggressive and the school staff will be more strict then ever, he needs to learn how to stand up for himself or fight his way out. Enjoy! (Principal Ramirez handed Taylor a badge, Taylor gives Principal Ramirez a handshake). Clyde: >to Lincoln< Whoa, I'm so sorry to hear that. (As Taylor was the first along with Anderson and Pablo got in the cafeteria, they all seen Lincoln getting brutally pinned to the floor by Lynn, Anderson and Pablo laughed, but Taylor gets into another flash back of herself as a fifth grader going on to be a sixth grader, where she was bullied by her abusive big brother while her parents are away). Principal Ramirez: I'm very proud of you for making the right decision, now hurry along, the program starts in five minutes, oh have you gotten lunch yet? Taylor: I am, but as long as Im with Anderson and Pablo, it looks like hes mad at me. Taylor: >to herself, crying< Now you understand someone else's pain when they start middle school, you don't want to make sure they too become a bully just like you, you've should have known better than that, you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd and I don't want you to let him do the same thing as well, it's all your fault, you started to Mr. Chong: Very good, now back to class with you, I'll see you tomorrow, peace out. Lincoln was devastated by what he just heard. SoulKiller13. (It starts with a black screen with the narrator reading the words on the screen) Narrator: >reads< "Previously on The Loud House" Ronnie Anne: My familia's got COVID and my Mom and Bobby are staying here for the week until my familia feels better. Taylor: They may be eighth graders, but theyll learn soon enough, trust me, Ive been around them since I was in sixth grade, even though I have made the wrong choice to join up with them. (Taylor and Mr. Chong were in meditation and Mr. Chong shows her windows of her still hanging around with the same two bullies asking other students for money and other of their personal items). Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< Ah, Mr. McCann, so nice of you to be here on time, unlike last week. Lincoln: You got anything interesting that you want to trade with me as well? Principal Ramirez: >to Lynn< I know Ive fired you as Hall Monitor, but how would you like to be deputy Hall Monitor? Taylor: >to Stella< Thanksuh, what's your name again? Anderson: >to Pablo< Come on Pablo lets go, >to Lincoln < This isnt over you little runt, til we meet again, we will tear you limb from limb and we will teach you to stay away from eighth graders! Lincoln: Come on, why do you guys have to act like that? (The other sisters except Lynn came surrounding Lincoln). Taylor: It's okay, it weren't your fault, they made me do this, they wanted to make sure that sixth and seventh graders are on the front, it wasn't the bus rules, Ernie didn't give us assigned seats as of this school year, with new students like you, they should have known better than to not give us assigned seats when they were supposed to. Principal Ramirez: As eight graders, it's your responsibility to lead underclassmen to the right path and set a better example of them, if you lead them down that path, they will achieve great success and a brighter future for them, but take them to the wrong path and there will be consequences which could lead them to bad choices in their future. To end his miserable life. School Officer: >to Seventh Grade Boys< It's okay Boys, I'll let you two off with a warning this time, now head to class, >to Lynn< And as for you, while you are not Hall Monitor anymore, I'm just glad you took it serious, so I'll let this slide for a while, don't be harassing students anymore.
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