The attack from Lightning Blast has been upgraded further, making it into a beam twice as wide as before, and much more damaging. Description: Charging electrical chakra throughout the Cloud-Nin's entire body the shinobi makes his skin light up giving it a bright glow that can allow him to see it a night. However, it swerves as it flies through the air, making it difficult to aim and making it more likely to miss the farther the user is from the target. Name of Jutsu: Peircing ArrowsRange of Jutsu: 50 YardsDescription:This jutsu was created by Yokai Hasamoto. The attack from Lightning Blast has been upgraded further, making it into a beam twice as wide as before, and much more damaging. If anything from outside attempts to enter this radius, the rings will shoot a blast of electricity potent enough to knock back a person and completely deflect any projectile. Dendou Hebi no Jutsu (Electric Snake Technique). Some who have claimed to of seen the move in action say that a human sized flying snake can be seen wrapped around Nagai and then flies high into the sky, never to be seen again. Descripton: A more powerful version of Lightning Release: Four Pillar Bind, the user creates sixteen giant pillars, which then form a giant oven-like structure to trap the enemy. Major problems with this technique is that by severing the strings you break the connection between the target and the Cloud-nin, also the maximum range the controlled body can move from the original body is 50 feet, otherwise the strings will break.Raiton: Shich Shibari (Lightning Release: Four Pillar Bind)Description: Four giant rock pillars are summoned around the enemy, then shoot bolts of lightning, immobilizing the target and possibly doing damage to them.Raiton: Jiten Rakou Dangan (Lightning Release: Spinning Lightning Shot)Description: Bring forth lightning that is compressed into a ball that sends forth shots of lightning, that spin through the air that has slight drill qualities, allowing the shot to partially get into the opponents body, giving them a powerful shock to the system, that can render the closest organ it attacks paralyzed for a few moments.Inbikiri Ekido no Jutsu (Lightning Rage Technique)Description: After making the necessary handseals the user slap the ground (as many times as one wants) for everytime they slap the ground a blast wave of lightning radiates outwards 50ft. for anbu)(100ft. Targets hit head-on with this jutsu will experience a fantastic amount of pain and be stunned after the jutsu ends. Obviously the catch is however that one has to be hit by the palm strike to fall victim to this immature tactic. Range Description: A move believed to be forever lost in legend, but technically possible had one the ability to manipulate enough electrical chakra to do so. An additional time of being hit by this any other time during the battle will cause on-site second-degree burns, partial blindness, and an inability to breathe. But unless the opponent felt the weak current as they walked through the strings, the opponent will usually never know the strings were there. The kunai that are developed are made of pure, concentrated lightning, heated to the point that with the amount of power that they are thrown it it could go through most forms of metal and still do some damage.Rensa Raikou no Jutsu (Chain Lightning Technique)Description: A useful technique generally used in an attempt to take out a group of enemies by surprise. Name: Lightning Release: Spider Web. [4] When Lightning Release is combined with other natures, certain kekkei genkai are produced: lightning and water make Storm Release; lightning and earth are suggested to make Explosion Release. The user can than toss this forward, where it will hit the target and electrocute them. One example is Indra's Arrow, an attack where Sasuke Uchiha launches Tailed Beast chakra at a target using a bow and arrow created by lightning chakra. Storm Release ( , Ranton, Viz: "Gale Style" or "Storm Style") is a nature transformation kekkei genkai, a combination of lightning and water. As long as the Cloud-Nin has his hands his fingers buried into ground the target is ensnared. Lightning Release is strong against Earth Release, which might shock people, but according to the Naruto novels, the impurities present in the earth conduct electricity, which allows it to overwhelm any Earth Release techniques. The user may be able to use another jutsu, but it should be only a C or lower. If done by method of Kirigakure no Jutsu, the technique still occurrs and the mist is still very debilitating but it is unable to maintain the charge for the jutsu to be used via the Kirigakure again, and as such, fog must be created for the user to perform the jutsu again.Sai Sen no Jutsu (Rewire Technique)Description: Making physical contact with an enemy shinobi the Cloud-Nin shoves Static Strings into his opponent and himself, by hotwiring the electrical impulses of the target's brain he disables the target and assumes control of the opponent's body. This technique is extremely fast and at the same time, cannot be countered. This little wispling of cloud is now controlled by the nin who has lost consciousness it hears and sees all that is near the cloud. Game Also, nearly missing with this jutsu also has some effect. This jutsu can be ended prematurely by the user.Dendou Bakuhatsu no Jutsu (Electric Detonation Technique)Descriptions: Flashing a number of Hand seals the user causes all lightning bunshins that are under his specific control to explode into a burst of electricity, shocking anyone that happens to be near them.Raiton: Yusuburu Kasugai no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Jolt Clamp)Description: The user turns their chakra into electrical current and grab the opponent, sending a jolt of electricity into the opponent, temporarily paralyze an area of muscle.Denki Hifu no Jutsu (Electric Skin Technique)Description: making a simple couple of handsigns the user makes sparks travel along their skin to power up lightning type jutsu's for 5 minutes (posts) (7 for jounin)(10 for Kage/sannin) this move also makes it very difficult to make contact with the user for the danger of being severly electricuted. The attack from Lightning Blast has been upgraded further, making it into a beam twice as wide as before, and much more damaging. Dendou Hari Hirogari no Jutsu (Electric Needle Spread Technique). Now powered by chakra the cloud will begin to strike random nin with lightning, the power of this lighting has the ability to cause massive third-degree burns, majorly constricted breathing, and possible fibrillation. The user can utilize the Voltaic Arts, a specialized system of techniques based around electrokinetic (electricity or lightning) power. Raikiri or Lightning Cutter is an S-rank jutsu that was created by Kakashi Hatake. - substitution jutsu now has 10 second cooldown between activations - lava release jutsus damage increased - wood prison now only forms the sides and top, max size 40 - changed lightning paralysis effect: entity is slowed but can still move - updated byakugan jutsu usage requirements from vanilla experience to ninjaXp This can be dangerous for both parties.Raiton: Seiteki Chikara no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Static Force)Description: This jutsu utilizes electricity in order to create static electricity within the hands, this static electricity can have nearbye things float to the users hands or repel things away with their hands.Raiton: Denshi no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Electron Technique)Description: After the hand seals are completed, a crackling, sparking sphere of yellow electricity appears in the user's hands. This is a simple bolt, akin to a fireball, as opposed to being a continuous stream. Less commonly, users can instead take control of natural lightning, as Sasuke does with Kirin; because natural lightning can be difficult to come across, he uses Fire Release in order to produce ideal weather conditions for lightning. The Third Raikage's Hell Stab, usable with his own Chakra Mode, is so powerful as to referred to as the "strongest spear". Whatever area is struck the muscles immediately begin to constrict and twitch in extreme pain and causes the limb to be unable to move.Dendou Hari Hirogari no Jutsu (Electric Needle Spread Technique)Description: Generally used as a ranged defensive maneuver when a Cloud-nin wishes to hit multiple targets in front of him. Lightning Release Class Offensive Range Mid to Long range (5m+) Other jutsu Parent jutsu Tailed Beast Ball Users Gyki Killer B A smaller version of the Tailed Beast Ball that has been infused with lightning chakra which Killer B or the Eight-Tails can use to bring down a target's defences and inflict major damage. There are five main nature releases in Naruto, but only a handful of ninjas have mastered all five. Description: Four giant rock pillars are summoned around the enemy, then shoot bolts of lightning, immobilizing the target and possibly doing damage to them. Concentrating enough chakra to just the hand one could place it on the opponent's chest and regulate the heart to beat slower then the human body needs to survive. However, the shocks are only a little bit stronger than static electricity, and usually do no damage at all. Kyuutai Tate no Jutsu (Sphere Shield Technique). One time of being hit by this technique causes minor burns, chest constrictions, blurred vision, and overall pain. However, it swerves as it flies through the air, making it difficult to aim and making it more likely to miss the farther the user is from the target. The user forms the necessary handseals and, by focusing his chakra, creates a pair of rings of electricity around himself, that spin about like a gyroscope, maintaining a constant electric field throughout its radius, which is half a meter from the user. The fog in itself is not very thick, one could essentially see through it and very much fight as if they were not in fog at all. If done by method of Kirigakure no Jutsu, the technique still occurrs and the mist is still very debilitating but it is unable to maintain the charge for the jutsu to be used via the Kirigakure again, and as such, fog must be created for the user to perform the jutsu again. Teikou no Kuntou (Electricity Resistance Training). While ensnared the nin is unable to move his legs but is still able to use his arms and hands, however for every minute the user has been ensnared he receives an electric shock.Shinkou Arashi no Jutsu (Rising Storm Technique)Descriptions: A defensive technique that covers the immediate area of the Cloud nin from a large degree of angles. Due to its rapid movement, the technique can be used against multiple opponents at the same time. The incredible destructive power of this jutsu can reduce an entire Hidden Village and everyone within the area to nothing but ash. While this attack is used to attack a single target, the range can be increased by incorporating it with Water Release. Most jutsu in the world ofNarutoare created by some form of chakra release. Yurayura Ranpu no Jutsu (Flickering Light Technique)Description: Charging electrical chakra throughout the Cloud-Nin's entire body the shinobi makes his skin light up giving it a bright glow that can allow him to see it a night. While these 20 seconds, the user cannot move, if he does, the jutsu will be dispelled, and he shall be paralyzed for another 10 seconds (1 post). The original number of targets this jutsu can initially hit is three.Dendou Kaitengi no Jutsu (Electric Gyroscope Technique)Description: This technique offers the user both offensive and defensive capabilities, presenting some interesting strategic options. Chidori is a very popular attack that has been used many times throughout the series. The downside of this is that the user is unable to move while the shield is active. Description: A two part technique that can cover a large amount of area or hit one person specificaly, first performing a few hand seals the shinobi blankets the area in a natural, cloudy fog ending his first post. A third case of exposure will cause a third degree burn on the spot that the hands touched and will cause major orificial hemorrhaging cause by internal bleeding, and unconsciousness. Black Panther is different from the regular Lightning Release techniques as it requires the use of black lightning instead of the regular one. Description: Sends a create dragon to smash into the opponent, sending forth an incredible shock through the opponents body. Because of the fast speeds associated with this skill, the user will feel dizzy, confused, and often nauseous for some time afterwards.Note: This technique can be used in conjunction with other jutsu, such as the Call of Lightning Technique, or the Lightning Clone Technique, to confuse the opponent. Now powered by chakra the cloud will begin to strike random nin with lightning, the power of this lighting has the ability to cause massive third-degree burns, majorly constricted breathing, and possible fibrillation. (75ft. The blade is very thin, and depending on the user's chakra, anywhere from 8 inches to a foot long. It is an A-rank technique used by Lightning A and Killer B. Anyone who is attempting to break the shield with a taijutsu attack will be given a shock capable of leaving a third degree-burn and pushed back, any type of thrown weapon is immediately blocked as well.
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