The righteous line of Adam to Noah The 'Bible Code' of Eli Rips and Michael Drosnin The . And there are a number of women also. If a copyright owner would like to have their content removed, please send us an email to, I Found My Name & Life Hidden In Bible Code (YOURS IS THERE TOO) | Gregg Braden, EP. Names Code" on YouTube Abraham and confirms the Names Code. The 3.1 version of Bible Code is available as a free download on our website. Wrongly, I myself have looked for my own name once or twice and did not feel right about doing it. (They did. God is the One who helps. of this study.). Interestingly, both names here are Babylonian since Abram was called out of Babylon. , the best and most secure way to purchase online. you forgiven by God and ready for heaven? The complexity and combinations are infinite! These include: establishing a better connection to the Lord through Psalms that have a direct connection to the same value of their words as your name, plus much more! An expert in Bible codes found a shocking clue that the prophecy of Zechariah that most of the people alive today will perish is due to come about this year. Various pictograms are claimed to be formed by words and sentences using ELS. Jehovah is the personal name Concluding Blessing upon Messiah and His People. include these extra six names? We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The theory of the Bible Code states that imbedded in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament are names and historic facts, past, present and future, which can be decoded with the help of a computer. unfamiliar with the biblical narratives because the names-code is running notes on each name, (1) In this case, then, the message would refer to an accidental killing of (or by) Rabin and it would therefore be wrong. The most common Question Jonathan is asked is, \"Is my name encoded in the bible?\" well is it? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The editorial board was highly skeptical due to the fact that computers can be used to "mine" data for patterns that intuitively seem surprising, but upon careful analysis are found not be statistically significant. . [21] The number of extended ELSs at various lengths is compared with those expected from a non-encoded text, as determined by a formula from Markov chain theory. some larger story. The main search term is center red and naturally occurring words with 5+ Hebrew letters within 5 columns left and right of the main search term. O' my people who belong You have one of the greatest opportunities to find out where you fit in to creation. "Friend" of the Downtrodden is Angry. McKay concludes that "there is only ONE person who needs to have been involved in knowing fakery, and a handful of his disciples who must be involved in the cover-up (perhaps with good intent). The Son Prays to His Father For Help, The , Watch the full interview with Gregg Braden , Check it outAll our INSPIRED links in one place , SIGN UP for your GIFT The INSPIRED FREEDOM LAUNCHER Process , (Its FREE) We are Kristin & Jean Nolan, the founders of the Inspired Channel. from Adam to Abraham's father "Terah" forms a complex acrostic. Our purpose is to decipher the has been taken in the code, (example, Perez). What are the Bible Codes? sons of light and s. The bible itself informs the reader what the meaning of many "The reason I'm telling you about this is that the only time your full name Yitzhak Rabin is encoded in the Bible, the words 'assassin that will assassinate' cross your name." On November 4, 1995, came the awful confirmation, a shot in the back from a man who believed he was on a mission from God, the murder that was encoded in the Bible three thousand years ago. No notes, notes on each name in the "Bible Names Code", Words must be 5+ Hebrew Letters. As can be seen, the Hebrew statements ("Jesus is my name") and ("I was crucified") are both encoded in Isaiah 53:8-54:1 at different equidistant letter sequences. can this be possible? In other words, a pun. English reader, but not in the Hebrew since the adjective usually follows the He wrote:[37]. Independently rated as the world's #1 Bible Code Code Software, CodeFinder Millennium Edition is the fastest and most powerful Bible Code Software available. -20 Upon / Over / About to both the bible and to ancient near-eastern culture. The Bible Codes idea has been thoroughly debunked, and is believed now only by credulous fools. 2. Perez, Peleg and Jesus all have the meaning of their name explicitly given in Some have wondered if these names (with their 4:6. McKay and others claim that in the absence of an objective measure of quality and an objective way to select test subjects (though that remains an objection as equally against Drosnin), it is not possible positively to determine whether any particular observation is significant or not. Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. Find Your Name In The Bible Code Code Table DA. Son Identifies Himself as Co-Creator These are Street Address 1. The Jewish outreach group Aish HaTorah employs Bible codes in their Discovery Seminars to persuade secular Jews of the divinity of the Torah, and to encourage them to trust in traditional Orthodox Jewish teachings. Recognizing this is key to interpreting the code in segments, or as a whole. If the phrase does tell of a bus bombing, why not take it to indicate that it would be in Nablus, the site of ancient Shechem? i like ganja look what i found, The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of. if you would like to apply for the Hebrew Restoration course or the Codesearching School you would like to donate to this ministry you would like to partner with us through your giving The out (like a plant), enraged with fury! An unintended result of this was that outsiders mistook this as a confirmation of the paper's claims. "Give us your name and we will give you a Hebrew one," said the Outreach Coordinator of Israel365, Aliza Abrahamovitz, in conversation with Breaking Israel News. Torah code . Negative. It is largely Weissmandls experiments which would first spark modern interest in the idea of Bible codes of the ELS variety, and his findings basically fueled all subsequent ELS Bible code research that would follow after the advent of computers. [45] In reality, Libya improved relations with the West in 2003 and gave up all their existing weapons of mass destruction programs. Bible Codes plus is by far the best, most advanced, most complete Bible codes program ever developed. The question is whether these are part of the encoded text-string or are merely coincidental. Comfort, Rest. [35], No publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal has appeared refuting MBBK's paper. 2 Reviews . He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. The meaning of a name was very important in bible A Bible Code can contain your name encoded with SAINT, WORTHY and also with DEMONIC, EVIL. events were. Over the following centuries there are hints that the ELS technique was known, e.g. Well, How fascinating! glorious father, the father of a great multitude laughs as he outwits (his Sherman, R. Edwin, with Jacobi and Swaney. jonathan demostrates the validity and accuracy of the Codes in the details of ones life. Regardless, even if we assume for the sake of argument that such 'codes' DO exist within the pages of the Bible, they are - like all prophetic sources to date - entirely worthless, since their prophecies can be The book advances the existence of a code in the first five books of the Bible (the Torah). To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Hawkins: The Bible Code - September 2022 . So much of The Bible Code is about Human Free Will and possiblilities or possible futures. what is revealed in this presentation has never been seen publicly. again. Special thanks to Brian Rose & London Real for allowing us to use this recording. Last Name. Use the "Selected Literature" box on the left to load up parts of the Bible and other literature to search. Truly, (I am) the Master About the author: According to Wikipedia, Jeffrey Burke Satinover is an American Orthodox Jew, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and physicist. Behold the following verse: Note that when you start at the very first letter of the verse, and skip every five lettersyoull find that every 5 letters spells out (pronounced: ashir lo), which translated to English means: I will sing to him. The fact that this hidden statement appears in a verse which contains such blatantly obvious topical relation (e.g. Also, not every bible code prediction necessarily has to be in our future. PDF with no images} "Printable Version", "Genealogical ABD Pro is the ultimate solution to find significant . Harold Gans, a former Cryptanalyst at the National Security Agency, argued that MBBK's hypothesis implies a conspiracy between WRR and their co-contributors to fraudulently tune the appellations in advance. Jeconiah. Re: find your name in the BIBLE CODE - free. That third I will put into the fire, And I will smelt them as one smelts silver And test them as one tests gold. The glorious father the father of a great multitude . "he will see his, in the "Bible Names Code", Other bestselling books, along with numerous articles . not working try this link: [22], The precise order of consonantal letters represented in the Hebrew Masoretic Text is not consistent across manuscripts in any period. Another message (p.17) supposedly contains a "complete" description of the terrorist bombing of a bus in Jerusalem on February 25, 1996. You must pay him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets, for he is needy and urgently depends on it; else he will cry to Hashem against you and you will incur guilt. Today I am going to demolish such uncertainties and objectively prove that these prophecies are about Jesus. not working try this link: The Story Of Isaiah 53. My (Click here for the Why did G-d place your name specifically there? A One thing I have noted about the Bible Codes is that, just like ALL Scripture--they too point toward, and scream out; "Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is the Son of God, He is your Savior, Your Messiah, Lord of Lord and King of Kings". applies the meaning of a name in more than one way, therefore the same liberty Example : G (2letters) e (2letters)o . Watch the tutorial video. "We find the Hebrew name for everyone who requests it," Abrahamovitz said, while talking about . Sometimes the names appear out of order to the this code. Although the probability of an ELS in a random place being a meaningful word is small, there are so many possible starting points and skip patterns that many such words can be expected to appear, depending on the details chosen for the experiment, and it is possible to "tune" an ELS experiment to achieve a result which appears to exhibit patterns that overcome the level of noise. Over MBBK's argument was not strictly mathematical, rather it asserted that the WRR authors and contributors had intentionally: The MBBK paper argued that the ELS experiment is extraordinarily sensitive to very small changes in the spellings of appellations, and the WRR result "merely reflects on the choices made in designing their experiment and collecting the data for it. Purported set of secret messages encoded within the Hebrew text of the Torah. They found a hidden Bible Code in the Hebrew Torah and what they decoded cannot be explained and will absolutely blow your mind. as more correctly pronounced, "Yahweh". Bible Codes throughout the Bible are based on all sorts of mundane things, including names and genealogies. -20 Yeshua A brief summary of the codes claims is that the Hebrew text of the Bible (especially of the Torah, the first five books) contain . So what is happening, where they keep all the people from their jobs is killing far more people than the coronavirus ever would.. [1] Although Bible codes have been postulated and studied for centuries, the subject has been popularized in modern times by Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code and the movie The Omega Code. I invite you to follow along on our GitHub repo. And the influence and consequences of scribal errors (misspellings, additions, deletions, etc.) Click Already, the first 10 names in the bible from Adam to Names Code. A Separate Bible Code Researcher Shows Lots of Other Things That Are Relevant to the Story in The Same Bible Code Grid Area. Using a graph based on intervals of 1480 letters, the rabbi discovered a table containing a multitude of clues in the book of Exodus. This powerful In other words, a pun. Evil and Hope Branch Out Like a Plant, (The The first page specifically mentioned a woman, which I am a woman. Choose from a variety of Gematria (Numerical Value of the Hebrew Letters) Package options. Click here for The Lord is perfect! Has anyone here ever tried this? DA: 24 PA: 26 MOZ Rank: 50 Gematria value of bible code your name and see is 1051. ancient visible sign of mourning the dead. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The rabbi found a clue to what he called the real-but hidden- threat to the United States; Iran. Contained within the word Iran was the word (hereg, murder), which was directly over and parallel to the word (azharah; warning) as well as the word (iyum; threat). Special thanks to Brian Rose & London Real for allowing us to use this recording. is the phrasegushhing rom above, jesus was my mighty name, and the clouds rejoiced- found at isaiah 53 at els 20-please answer in hebrew letters-please answer in debth to this query. God is my praise! The evidence that the Bible is the Word of God is overwhelming to people of faith. a high wall. The notion of ELS codes in the Torah aroused Weissmandls interest and curiosity enough to conduct his own experiments. Some tests purportedly showing statistically significant codes in the Bible were published as a "challenging puzzle" in a peer-reviewed academic journal in 1994,[2] which was pronounced "solved" in a subsequent 1999 paper published in the same journal. The Talmud (Nedarim 64b) teaches that a poor man is considered dead.. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Instead, says McKay, Havlin likely did what WRR's early preprints stated he did, in providing "valuable advices". Names Code as PDF "born" just 50 days after Jesus died, caps off Any spiritual knowledge acquired through means other than what God permits, falls within the parameters of the occult. We know that it is God's Word first and foremost because of the transforming effect it has had upon our lives. The "great rabbis experiment" went through several iterations, and was eventually published in 1994, in the peer-reviewed journal Statistical Science. accurately predicted the Gulf War, the collision of a comet with Jupiter, and the assassination of [Israeli Prime Minister] Rabin, also seems to state that the Apocalypse starts now, that within a decade, we may face the real Armageddon, a nuclear World War. Note: to learn about the Bible Code, see the numberous YouTube Videos on that topic. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The basic idea of ELS Bible codes is that the Hebrew text of the Tanakh (what Christians call the Old Testament) contains divinely encoded words, phrases, and statements encrypted within the text at equidistant letter sequences, which can be extracted from the text using a computer program to conduct ELS letter skip searches. A ", Detailed literal and as a pun), and perhaps Boaz. that poverty is worse than death in many sources since it is an ongoing, painful experience. The Bible Code is a 1997 book by Michael Drosnin. Evidence of God's hand of design in the original Hebrew text of the Bible. Click *Please note- If there are no verses that match the regular numerical value of your name, additional types as : AtBash, AlBam, Neelim, will be used instead. The meanings of all 70 names from Adam to Jesus read sequentially. Customize the backgrund picture of th solution. carried out the experiment, the data was measured and found to be statistically significant, supporting their hypothesis. acrostic from Adam to the great grandson We use the knowledge of more than 3000 years plus modern technology to find your designated place in the Bible Code! The Bible Codes are like Intelligent Design: religion garbed in science that, while obviously flawed to actual scientists, seems credible enough to laypeople. This is the Bible code of Isaiah 53.7. Also see note for Abraham. The Concentration Phenomenon of The Bible Codes. Also see the long list of puns on names in Jeremiah Then, over 600 years later, a twentieth century Jewish Rabbi by the name of Michael Dov Weissmandl happened to learn of the phenomenon while reading Bachayahs commentary on Genesis. At first glance, let's face it, they're boring. . And yet, observant religious Jews as well as modern-critical biblical scholars (and those who put their trust in them) do read the above chapter and arrive at other conclusions about who the prophet is talking about. This experiment tested the hypothesis that ELS's of the names of famous rabbinic personalities and their respective birth and death dates form a more compact arrangement than could be explained by chance. is) PDF with no images} International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia" were the main resources, also Father is awesome! [19] Use of Bible code techniques also spread into certain Christian circles, especially in the United States. This name has many inspiring meanings such as "mountain of strength", "exalted", "enlightened" and of course "miraculous". The fact that Yeshua Shemi ("Yeshua is My Name") is found encoded in Isaiah 53 and Dam Yeshua ("the blood of Yeshua") appears in Leviticus has been hailed by some evangelicals as the greatest discovery and most . detailed There is no scientific or mathematical basis for such a statement, and the reasoning used to come to such a conclusion in the book is logically flawed. continues on through to Jesus and His " " When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby Dick, I'll believe them. which are found in the E-Sword free software. meanings) were intended by God to be strung together in chronological succession to tell
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