Did some cross-referencing, looks like its her blog but I cant gather from her writing that shes for sure using again. that was a series on nat geo called drugged. She was living in a squat on Chicagos West Side.). I saw Karissas story and felt some connection to her since I live closeby. Heres what were going to do, lets get some folks that are at rock bottom, expose all their dirties secrets and put the under the pressure of having the whole world watch the hardest thing theyll ever do. Any updates on John from season 8 or Anthony from 5? Intervention also mean getting someone the right help and/or steering them into the right direction so they wont turn to alcohol or drugs anymore. I spend quality time with my husband, daughters, mother and grandchildren. He was on an episode of Intervention. But most of all I have my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to help me stay strong. I will pray for you all (even though this is 3 years after your post) for continued strength and comfort. Addiction is evil and an unfair disease. I just watched Megans episode, but I read on here beforehand that she died last year, and that made watching it even more heartbreaking. Updates on individuals can be seen on their pages. I am re-watching the episodes on LMN and there are so many questions! Zac Reeves from Heroin Triangle died from an overdose on April 16, 2020. New poster to this board. For those on here saying things about failure and the percentage of long-term success, if you SAVE even ONE addict, if this show helps PREVENT others from following these footsteps, if it EDUCATES ANYONE on addiction, THEN IT IS 100% SUCCESSFUL!!! Im so sorry to hear this. I was shocked to hear that Taylor, that beautiful young woman with a long life ahead of her, had passed away. Air date June 20th 2013. The bit where it suggests other popular searches , Facebook, Twitter, and many last names. He and Vanessa have been scrubbed everywhere, though I wonder if maybe its really due to Vanessa as there was a followup to Gabe. Thats why addicts have nothing to do in prison. I was truly worried about him. He was a beautiful soul through and through, http://www.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/san-franciscos-first-homicide-victim-was-on-reality-tv-show/Content?oid=2190208. Im late to watching the show and work third shift in mental health and have been binging episodes during my overnights. And marrying JD? So sad. I do understand the need to transition tho. Now its just me. Sad that most of them didnt en up the best but i hope that by now or at least in the near future everyones life will get better! Antwahn is doing well as best I can tell but I can find nothing about Billy whose story so closely resembled my own (heroin). girlfriend had red hair if that helps. This is Kimberly and I have fallen and am very ill. (Hopefully were talking about the same one. Brad, I am so sorry for you. Luckily were still in control but pray constantly we dont lose it. Ben was addicted to DXM short for Dextromethorphan, not DMX the rapper. Steve thank you for your comment. I wish the government would do something to provide hope in a society where addiction is thriving.this includes everyone not just military as a society we have got to do something that does not numb pain but help overcome it.my heart goes out prayers for who struggle with this and hope that I can find myself and maybe help others. Does anyone know who Im talking about? Im so glad to hear Tiffany is doing so well. Try Teen Challenge USA (417) 581-2181. Eyes that show they are not long for this world at the rate they are going. He had years of alcohol addiction that he fought and when he finally stopped his body basically shut down. Sadly, it wasnt meant to be. Yes, Brooke was in pain, she had been in and out of rehabs when we got to the point of the show. The show gives the addict the opportunity for paid treatment, as a last chance effort to save their life. We lost so many people from the Heroin Hub season tragic. There is no mention of Brittanys death anywhere but I asked Ken on Facebook and he said he knew about it. I felt so sorry for his live in girlfriend who was pregnant with his child. Im just curious if anyone has herd of AMY P, she sufferd with bulimia, i herd rhumors that she had passed away but not sure if they are true. I have been clean for 24 plus years and have seen my share of successes and failures in recovery. He must have seen her Intervention episode. Tragic stories. I feel awful, can only imagine what their families and loved ones must be feeling. I am currently watching the episode with John the diabetic. Then he walked about of rehab and got a beer? What confused me was the person on the video that they had listed as his brother. I too have grandchildren and am very close to having one of them graduate high school. Just checking on her for a friend that knew her and is now 12 years sober. It was Lawrence from Episode 60 He did go into rehab but was kicked out went home and passed away from alcoholism. I cant get those poor babies out of my mindi know it said husband kicked her out and has sole custody of kidsbut then what? He offers some proof as to his identity and also has several interesting stories and anecdotes regarding some of individuals featured throughout the seasons. I have told my family that I would rather be dead than be a pain riddled invalid. Im not 36, thankfully not living with them but they are still drinking and popping pills. I pray she was clean. Did Brooke pass from an overdose of methadone or method amphetamines???? I found this site and seeing the photos and reading the stories of all these people who passed away, its heart-wrenching. Are you talking about Ryan the chef? At the very least. We ask that you care for the ones you love this season and stay safe. I think that when her father left the family it truly damaged her, and I hope against hope that shell get free of her attachment to her scars, AND wish that more parents realized how painful their divorces are for their young children. I hope he is at peace and my thoughts are with his family. . Just watched the 7/11/13 episode w/Kaila who was suffering anorexia nervosa. My condolences . RIP, Elann. And she seems to be with Jason still. Im really curious about them! Article and semi-recent update on Jennifer (Allson) of Arizona. ((( HUG ))). Oh yeah, and what about the once competitive Bicycle Racer? RIP. Ive been on a Intervention binge these last few days and some of the videos that Ive watched are of those who sadly are in this category. May she rest in peace. I feel like the majority of deaths were alcohol related. She is one that sticks out in my mind, her and Cristy (season 2, episode 18). I am a recovering alcoholic, with 10 and 1/2 years sobriety, and though I have no interest at all in drinking again, I have to admit sometimes I miss the promise of (false) magic that the first drink of the afternoon gavebut not enough to ever go back, I pray. I can see how it would be. In my opinion you guys never came off in way other than a family who wanted a loved one to live longer. There are often updates in the comments. Thanks for letting us know Megan. She had the teeth removed and the dentist did give her antibiotics for it. They have never dealt with the things Ive seen and dealt with. I had the pleasure of knowing Charles Weimer when he was in treatment at a facility in Riverside Ca. if not, that would have killed him. They now know that people who have family members who have taken their own life are more likely to kill themselves. Ill update again when Tiffany runs the death notice. If you have another source confirming alcohol as a cause of the wreck then please post. I saw the man Donald who was a boxer who broke up with his grlfriend because he relapsed. He had a loving wife and 5 children that looked like they all really loved him. They should def update the ending to show she has since passed away. One other note to anyone who reads this: almost every single show involves a divorce and although it may be completely necessary, if there are children involved, ALWAYS put their needs first. He was mumbling his words and talking about people being after him. Take care, stay safe, and may Brooke rest in eternal peace. He is about to go to jail for the 4th time and probably for a long time. Gone to soon. That was very sincere Dizz- and to Mrs Bittler, Very sorry for ur families loss. She is still living with her grandmother and attending college again. Grandfather was smart enough to keep alcohol on hand before he had anything done. Once the person accepts or declines the gift of treatment its up to them, and the family bottom lines, to determine the direction their life. Dizzy, I love how you keep this site up to date and respectful. the natural pleasure/pain zone from use, we will prevent the vicious addiction cycle. Eventually I was graced by the opportunity and the will to get out from under it. Brooke died and our family is forever broken. Is this page still being updated? So yeah just my two cents. As a mom I just wanted her to get better. I hope you accept the apology. I wonder if theres any more people we just dont know what theyre up to, because the show, and perhaps they themselves, like Courtney, have decided NOT to go public or allow their families to share. She is no longer in pain and thats what matters. Words can never express how devastated we are. He lost his poor dog , the girlfriend left , jail He seemed like a ton of street kids I see and know . Her family has been on my mind and Im wondering if she got sober and is living better?? Her daughter is beautiful and looks happy and thriving, that is all amazing news Karen, thank you! Im so scared for him and only watching to see how it ends because I want him to live so badly. If anything, it is a story that needs to be told even if it doesnt have a happy ending. Ok thanks Bruce. It made me cry. Definitely his family. Just curious. Megan Wood has an official obituary and a news article of how she was found which is all made public. Heres his obituary: http://ironcountytoday.com/view/full_story/9456284/article-Michael-K-Fisher, Heres her fundraiser page: http://www.youcaring.com/tuition-fundraiser/moving-on-with-living/80065, I found her fb page after I wrote that. Indeed. She just seemed so sad and close to death at the time of the show. AA, call your county social services, if you have insurance, call them. Any updates? That was Tyler, Season 7. https://intervention-directory.com/2011/12/23/episode-116-tyler/. Rip Ben Lowe. Omg Courtney I remember thinking, this girl needs serious help and she just slipped through the cracks, but I do wish best of condolences to her family, friends and loved ones. The episode was dedicated to her also. Living in constant pain is a horrible way to live! I was introduced to a few drugs and drank a lot in my 20s and early 30s. I want to say her name was Megan but dont think it was the same Megan who is listed as deceased from the show. Addiction affects the entire family and families who have never been through it will never understand. May Taylor rest in peace. bad hip and deteoriation problems. I do not think he got better or even wanted to . My condolences to all the families. He LOVED to drink. Whether the situation was drug related or not, they have most likely removed the unsuccessful interventions from their website. Steve, you stated, Her obvious desire for attention does not qualify her for any specific mental illness. please let me know if you can which season and episode. My brother (31) passed away 8/14 from complications of alcoholism and Dad (48) passed away in 5/08 from similar complications. My prayers go out for them & their families. Also my brother committed suicide a little over four years ago. I was dillons girlfriend and the kid they are referring to as his brother is actually his cousin that looked up to him as his brother but yes he was an only child. Doing good stuff, back in school, moving on with her life. I know she wasnt a cast member, but I always felt so bad for Dea. How one could confuse the two is beyond me, but Kailas disorder stemmed from being bullied and her suffering went unnoticed until it was beyond repair. Has anyone heard anything about Courtney from miami? Her story touched me for a lot of reasons I hope shes ok.. We have done and said very similar things. The opposite of addiction is not necessarily abstinence/recovery, its connection. You can do it dear! Gosh I really hope it says he lives and is okay. Hopefully she found peace with herself and her life and was able to sober up before her illness had set in. He was in for heroin and had to be hospitalized several times for severe seizures. I was also blessed to spend the last few months with my mom sober. She got arrested on the show for pushing him on the chest after she broke up a fight in her house between Ryan and one of his friends. My father and mother was an alcoholic. What was his last name? You can get hooked quick, wether you want to or not. Brookes story is so similar to mine.Same disease,same pain,same things that she said and she was going through.Watching her episode made me THINK and scared me about what I was doing with my pain meds.I briefly abused them to find some relief,but as soon as I realized I was going down the path of addiction,I decided to flush them down the toilet and never take meds ever again.I prefer the pain and being crippled,than end up killing myself with drugs and tear my family apart.I want to thank Brooke for her example;she tried to beat her addiction and deal with the pain, and she has been as strong as she could.Im sorry it didnt work out,I understand why.Your story has been an eye-opener and will be my strenght during my battle with the disease.My thoughts and prayers go to her and her loving family every day.So sorry for your loss,brittany. I am praying for all those addicted. I read on Brooks episode that Ian passed away. Hello, so I watched the new season premiere earlier tonight. This particular episode truly haunted me for a long time. I always felt like they should have offered her treatment, like they did with the red headed eating disorder girls friend. Chyna, the late former wrestler, was apparently almost on Intervention. I just had my pain meds reduced and it was really hard to deal with, but I got through it and my pain level isnt any worse than it was before. Seeing someone as beautiful as Taylor struggling with addiction and shooting up really hits home for some families- Thank You for sharing ur story. Im also wondering about Gabe V. I saw his update and which stated he relapsed once but was attending meetings again with his dad. Im fucking heartbroken. When I watch Intervention I cry often and pray for all of our comrades in the trenches. Blessings! Pray. As a child, Kaylene was physically abused by her father. Im an alcoholic struggling with the recent loss off my mother. I would love to hear good news about him. I wonder how true that was, that he got sober on his own after refusing treatment. Its common knowledge when youve been around there. I understand you all and truly have empathy for what you went through and what you loss! I feel bad for her daughters. Basically, a 45 min show cannot possibly tell the story of her abuse of drugs. Taylor had a ton of infections in her mouth so her death could have been from those. Jackie Wooten is listed above. From the condition of her apartment it looks like she really had given up. This was a kid (then kid, or young man) who didnt want to stop -i think he refused treatment or accepted, but left and then bought a 40oz right after release. I go through withdrawals everyday. Look on drphil.com it tells all about it. Also , anyone know Adam, Alissa s bf from the Alissa and Brian ep? I couldnt find an obituary, but came across a youtube video of his funeral. I pray that she has made some progressshe had a very hard road to travel, it seemed. Does anyone know what happened to Katherine? She is working as an aid at a rehab facility. Actually, I believe that certain networks pull the episodes due to the families request out of respect for their deceased loved one. Hope I answered some peoples questions! He was clean though. What episode was she ? I recall posting on this site a while back about her, but now I cannot locate the comment. Just my 2 cents here. Youre asking about Kelly F and Chad. Katherine, thank you for correcting me on this. I just finished watching the episode about Elann. That validates treatment to me! Im sorry that people were rude to you because of your portrayal on the show. We only get a small piece of the story and make judgments based on 45 minutes. Lets hope hes clean. DIZZY: What evidence is there that Derek M died from a drink-driving accident? As far as I know her and Mikeal havent had contact since the show, but I could be wrong. Im not sure what season he was on. I wish I had a choice though to get off them. Its comforting to know that I am not alone in this. My doctor keeps on saying the pain wont kill me.. I was so pulling for her,and Im glad she had fought to conquer her demons. Glad to hear shes doing well because her photos on her Facebook page showed her to still be very emaciated and pale; if thats recovery for her, she needs to find another program. Shame on every single one of you. I thought wow I want to see how she is doing and was wondering if there was some way to help her and then this , the search reveals she is dead. However, there are things you can do to help yourself without taking more meds. So Rachael is still alive (although her boyfriend at the time has passed), Kaila is alive and doing great things. Her comment broke my heart, What if it doesnt work? Ive been wondering about Dallas, too! People make mistakes. I was on powerful pain meds for many years after a crippling spinal cord injury devastated my life ( and my families) but thank God I never got addicted and was able to come off them when the pain got better.. but I think watching intervention has filled me with compassion- so many of the addicts seem to deal with so much so young often and then have to deal with it all again when they get caught up in the cycle of addiction. They hurt everyone who loves us too. Its something addicts have to fight everyday for the rest of their lives. We are the same height and weight and had such a similar story so I felt like I was looking in a mirror. While she does not seem to have gotten over her eating disorder, she has not died. Courtneys mother has commented on her post here: https://intervention-directory.com/2012/03/06/episode-161-courtney/. I wonder about the blond haired guy (then younger). THE FACT YOUR JOB WAS TO INTERVENE INSTEAD OF FILMING HER SHOOTING UP WAS BAD ENOUGH BUT THIS.. May she rest in peace! Its a different Kimberly, not the one on Intervention. Im breaking inside. A lot of things died with him. Michael Dillon Brewer. Does anyone know what became of Michael of the Brooks , Ian and Michael episode? http://community.aetv.com/service/displayDiscussionThreads.kickAction?as=119137&w=267410&d=567509. I also want to thank Dizzy for this site! Kristen is alive and well. Just wanted to leave an update: according to Katies Facebook page, shes been sober for 18 months! I have a question about Brittany (S18E14). Thank you! Looks like she is doing well, great for her! Fondly, Zsuzsi. I have tried to find an update on the woman who fell (I forgot her name) and came across this page. Also, I have many members in my family who are mentally ill and sometimes I know they are sick but they are so selfish and I hate having to just accept it! Someone commented that Nicole (eating disorder) passed away but I was unable to confirm that and several people responded that she was alive. Hi Cynthia. I remember his mom had MS and dad was diabetic too, prayers to his family. I havent seen a lot of Intervention yet (Amazon Prime only has Seasons 10-14), but I feel like of the ones I have watched, she was so hellbent on ending her life. The recent post on Corrines profile sounds like her death was also related to her diabetes. Its almost like fetishizing peoples suffering for monetary gain isnt the best way of helping them. Sean from columbus,ohio passed on Jan.4.14 about 2:30 pm. https://www.facebook.com/katie.shapiro.338?fref=ufi&pnref=story. Whats the latest? The last thing I found yesterday about her that she was arrested in 2015 and that she could release in 2017! https://www.canadianobituaries.com/hamilton/46910-megan-morgan-glass-november-28-2016. Jessie has done a lot better. Just saw her blog Thats unbelievably tragic. Very sad. Know which guy Im describing? Soooooooo sad. Nik from season 5 just passed away this last Saturday. Wow awesome!!! I cried when I saw her fragile 80 pound body. After so many years of neglect, can Kaylene's family finally step up and help her get the live . No she didnt. A lot of people commenting here know the people involved, others figure out how to do a search based on location, police reports, etc. I so hoped she would pull through. Ive struggled for years with drug abuse, and my story is far different to anyones on Intervention to date. Gotta say, she quiet in treatment, but had a very narcissistic air. I was really rooting for him. There are people who can help. I hope shes still fighting the good fight. You may find updates there. Shes certainly talking a lot of the talk in saying shes moving on and getting better but she still appears so ill. Looks like she just found another family member to help fund her existance. Its super weird and creepy that some of you search them out on Social Media. Doctors just dont up meds unless a patient is telling them that they are suffering. Prayers your way, Melody, Brad I am so sorry. L you know I am watching an episode now with this beautiful young woman with a beatiful voice and talent who is addicted to heroine , Meghan . I think people will be able to relate to Taylors story and some of the things she went thru. But I never needed an intervention. It has the highest mortality rate of any psychological disorder. She has yr half clean is 3months pregnant with her second child she has a wonderful fiance she met at treatment that had convinced Sober Way to let her come back after a brief relapse and now her fiance and her moved back here to WV From AZ IN DEC both have jobs and getting ready move out get their own place she will be 23 this year and l honestly never thought she would of made it this far she was one of the worse of the worse in Heroin. Cutting off money, setting boundaries, and kicking someone out of the house makes the user recognize the consequences of their actions. I just watched the episode of Dillon. I also just watched the episode with Dana and am wondering if shes still alive. I am trying to find information about her, as the cooments have me guessing she is dead. I had hoped the news of her death was wrong. Lastly, it wasnt Kailas mother who treated her poorly throughout her life, it was Ginas; the other young lady featured in the same episode. For three months we shared a room at a half way house two years ago. Im not one to post, just wanted to show my appreciation for your diligence. Karissa passed? God bless your pain free soul and God bless your family (I also know the pain of losing a child). She was one episode where at the end I felt angry at her instead of sympathetic..sorry. Brittany please know that I as well as my family, did not think badly of your family. Vanessa Marquez, the compulsive shopper who was an actress on E.R. Watched Kimberlys episode last night and it broke my heartespecially hearing the letter that her son wrote about her addictionI found her blog and she said last month she is very ill, has Hep C and cirrhosis and the doctors told her she has 6 months to live and needs a new liver. So sad. Im stupid, stuff like that. I hope he turned things around. I hope shes doing well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4XmZ70R7yA. For all the people who I happily thought would make it, I just feel so much sadness to see that they have passed, I am so sorry for the families that had to go through this God Bless you Rest in Peace. Lets take are life back starting now doing it one second at a time. Do you guys know anything about Katie,the blonde girl with alcohol problems/bulimia? Your post is the most recent I have been able to find anywhere. The thing is, you can LOVE someone, and not accept or support their behaviors/continued use. I just saw (for the second time)the episode about Christy, the dancer/alcoholic/meth addict, and I saw from some of your posts that she was pregnant and doing well. Most of the people I listed I didnt really find updates,just people were asking each other about the addict but there were many that no one knew anything about thats why I commented here! IAmA Cameraman for A&E's Intervention, I have worked on the show for over 6 years. I get blank looks from my husbands side of the family if the topic is brought up. He leaves behind a 12 year old son. I always feel touched and saddened by these stories but then left in the dark when they dont give updates. At least now their at peace. He was a really bad alcoholic and was really bad off. Doesnt take long to become dependent. I just submitted my friends name Jesse W to INTERVENTION, he NEEDS HELP.. The episode just aired tonight? Pretty sure if Kaila or Dana had died, Intervention would have told us at the end. Comments at the end say that Ivan relapsed after 5 months and resumed using PCP. Kimberly Carr July 22, 2015 at 8:55 AM this really saddens me damn. She was the one who lost 3 kids in a fire. Hold on to that part of her. I grew up with nik he was a great guy and will be missed by all. Do not worry about how your family was portrayed and what people think. The only solace is to think many of them, who completed treatment got a gift of a sober and hapier life for a while! I am a now a twinless twin. Its sad some people take valuable rehab seats if theyre not ready, but getting help even against their will sometimes by family members and bottom lines can be important when someone has truly lost their way and mind. I guess no one can be abed until they want to be saved we tried and tried clinic after clinic. It was about a lady named Melanie. It looks like Conrad Dubois cause of death has been confirmed by his family as an overdose. http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/im-watching-intervention-right-now-and-its-too-real.250114498/, http://www.bluelight.org/vb/archive/index.php/t-384085-p-7.html, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110719174059AA5mXW6. I see 2 Facebook pages with his name but dont see any public comments, I meant his page on this site: https://intervention-directory.com/2011/12/episode-67-derek/. My gather died in 2015. Anorexia isnt something that just goes away, it takes care of itself. Donations can be made through Paypal to [emailprotected] and will go toward cremation as we think he would prefer that to a burial. I am looking into volunteering with this organization as well. I hated the way people spoke about your family. Are you talking about John T? Its a tough place to bewatching your addicted loved one spiral into the abyss because you love them or love them enough to make them help themselves. Just watched the Ivan and Dorothy episode. Dear Michael, You might consider this site a Master List. You can search for people by addiction, name, season, etc. Im so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. Addiction is disease indeed and she is now free indeed and have to believe is in Gods arms . Hubert was one of my favorites.
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