It makes a woman feel like she is just a release person and she is of no other value to him. My best sex was when I was still lost. Even if your wife doesnt say it she will show you if shes not pleased. These people are my great friends, hes met almost all of them, and he knows that I feel no one measures up to him anyway. Thatd get predictible and thats what we dont need! A big thing he does is he listens to me which makes me feel so loved and is a turn on. I do not know if we will survive. Thinking lustfully of your wife is not a sin, but be mindful because your fantasies can wander into sinful territory. ^^^ I cant see this person above which means hes one of two people Ive blocked - because his posts are trolling redpill crap in which hes unkind and doesnt add anything useful to the conversation and just spews at people with different opinions. She had a massive stroke in Jan 2002 and that was the end of intimacy. Interesting marriage question. He admitted he has watched porn but not since the time I saw it on his computer. Weve been divorced 16 years now. I told her that I have no right to be upset and that I trust her. I have spent a lot of years with an overwhelming urge to cheat on my wife. I pray this is encouraging to you. Types of Giving in the Bible, Examples What is Giving in the Bible? You say you don't like to dance because you don't know how. John Brannon, above, calls attention to the attacks by some women on Christian women marriage bloggers. My husband and i make love at least every second day..mostly twice a day.I took up yoga and keep fithe has a wife and vixen in me..we both enjoy love makingi agre that God wants us to do so and as wives we must honor our husbands in this was as well. Dont know how to give a hand job? Quit thinking you are godly; you're anything but. Is it a sin to fantasize about your own spouse and masturbate? But what is the Bibles perspective? I pray she will be moved to give you the love and intimacy you need. In the last two cases, the women believed . It will only enhance the experiences. That way, we can help eliminate some of this false pretense by which people are getting married and we can get back to teaching how serious of a commitment marriage is. Dancing seems to fall under the same category of Christian liberty as a number of other things we have discussed on this site such as: drinking, getting a tattoo/piercing, gambling, men having long hair, etc. Are you that insecure? Note that I say denial because only intercourse was painful, but I was denied in every way, including kissing. And if you are a wife who struggles with climaxing, consider the posts Ive written about orgasm on my orgasm page. If your brother or sistersins,go and point out their fault,just between the two of you. Build a fort. That was 100% His idea for a husband and a wife. Over the years Im sure I became difficult to live with, gruff, grumpy and short fused. but I think it is much more true today than at any other time in history. CHRIST OVER CULTURE. Call them. 175 First off, you will not find anything in the Bible saying that dancing is sinful. Not avoid sex and pretend to have a headache. However, in the Greek language the English verb "to lust" is epithymeo. Ive been married and with my husband for about 20 years. I'll go ahead and add something that I was holding back on. Do you occasionally take the lead in bed and let him be on the receiving end of all things sexual? Hope this is helpful! But that will change knowing God is good with your invitation. And I feel warranted to say that and to apply that because of the way Paul amazingly takes that command. dont take it personally as attraction has nothing to do with looks. John writes to the Christian in 1 John 2:15-17 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Praying works! In my journal I wrote that what I was doing was unfair to him and it was. Make some blanket forts, fill it with pillows and blankets and add some string lights to make it even more romantic. Stop being selfish. We can even contribute to winning them over in Christ, not by our words, but by our behavior- being Godly women. We need to be conforming to Christ and He continually thought of others. First, we need to understand the directive: Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I waited him to come to me for a long time. I was never sexually pleased! Invite Him into your bedroom. I read a lot of comments from men saying the wife never initiates, says no more times than yes and avoid foreplay, kissing and only want missionary when they do give in. Their was a group of us including a few of her female friends from school (she is going for an RN) and her mother and sister. Wives, in the same way submit yourselvesto your own husbandsso that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won overwithout words by the behavior of their wives,2when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 1 Peter 3. So a little while later a song she likes comes on and she goes to dance with a few of her girl friends. The best answer we can give is "perhaps." Having your spouse's permission would mean the principle of 1 Corinthians 7:4 would not apply. Dont let these feminists run you off (and one of your closest friends ) just because of their anger that you tried to address the truth. He is fantastic and loving but I need to get rid of my fear and express myself more freely as well as initiate sex. I have told her that I want her to go if she wants. Get a make-over Are there any seduce your husband ideas that would be easy? How you just have to show up naked and bring food. This drove her further away obviously. These things include lasciviousness, revellings, and banquetings. Your "advice" was have a talk. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. I will recommend this link to my Friends. Touching feeling and enjoying anything there innocent minds could come up with. Being too rough, quick and fast jumping up and down all the time not only is a turn off but its selfish and there is no pleasure in that for a woman. How about just saying yes more than a few times a year. I tried to make dinners that she would be excited about, in hopes that she would be eager to come to the table, maybe even help or have the kids set the table (instead, I often had to sit at the table I set, waiting for her and the kids to arrive). Neither one of us were Christians when we got married. The words of Jesus that we do unto others what we would have them do unto us is profoundly significant in marriage ( Matthew 7:12 ). The modern dance is a social function. This, among other things, caused our sex life to be virtually non-existant. I am not saying that if you have a physical issue that it is wrong to withhold sex. Its really an interesting thread if you read through it and see the reactions. All you have to do is call them in the middle of the day when they are least expecting your call, say that you love them, and cut the call with a chuckle. It is kind. Im not trying to paint a picture that it was me doing all of the work and being mistreated. Julie, what happened to your original pages/blog about WHY you started this blog? Scroll through my past posts and I know you will find ones that will help:, I am curious in your thoughts on women dressing seductively, i.e. I got to the point where I could get him off in under a minute. I honestly don't care though. A comment referring to Lyn. Hes my husband and Im his wife so there is nothing sinful in doing so although it might feel like it at first. That involved me telling her how much she has hurt me, etc. Click HERE. I always feel like Im going to disappoint him especially when it comes to oral sex. Our intimate life is actually even better 11 years into our relationship because we know how to please each other. He could not be more wrong. As a woman I feel the need to enlighten some of the men here whos wives are withholding, or making it feel like pity relations. I did realize it after a lull in our lovemaking that we both needed each others affections and that sometimes life had to wait. The only thing weve done together is get married. And he insists on trying to turn me on. The question is, why has it gotten there. My husband has no issues, and shouldnt. Your situation had 3 possible outcomes, and you chose what I would consider the 3rd option. They generally had other factors, including: husbands porn use; sex feeling terrible (never orgasming); sexual pain; relationship issues. Just my irritation at being asked to join the counceling is going to be evidence enough (to some strange woman councelor) that Im the problem, or all of the things I need to work on. Costi Hinn as well. Ask your husband to help you understand what is arousing to him. here is my problem.been married 40 plus wife has never once intiated sex sober or drunkthe last 14 years we havent sexual intercourse .everything i tried was meet with thats sick and pervertedif we had sex i think that it was pity sex or duty sex.if we had sex its only on her other way..i help around the house both inside and out.i feel that i have a roommate instead of a wifei would her to dress sexy even if only in the bedroom..flannel is the norm..i bought her sexy things to weari ended up throwing everything i bought her away.after 20 years of not wearing anything..i went to marriage counselingshe would notshe said that she doesnt have a problemi no longer touch her at allno hugs..kissing.cuddlingetc.she says im being mean to her.really..this just didnt just happen..its been that way all of the time we have been friends said always on that i should have divorced her after the first couple of years we were married..i dont know if i should end it and move on with my life.i wonder sometimes if she is asexual or has ISD.she says that she didnt get raped or anythingi wonder if there is something from her past that she wont admit to..otherwise she is a good person. Now I am not asexual at all. When my current husband touches me or even looks at me my skin gets hot with desire. Even the secular state, grounded in Christian tradition, states that not fulfilling this marital duty can be grounds for divorce. It is an effort on the part of those who organize and participate within it to bring members of the opposite sex together in a social way so as to stimulate sexual attractiveness. God sees all we do good and bad. Hi Steve, Your comment makes me want to help you after reading how your wife has treated you. He says he know he has a problem, but I dont feel he actually excepts it, because he is always making comments about taking care of his wife meaning sexually and I have expressed to him that the sex is for him because Im not getting any gratification from it. Do tell. Nothing a married couple does in the marriage bed is sin as long as it is mutually acceptable and it doesn't involve anyone else (for example, porn movies or fantasies . Instead of being a passage to encourage sexual fidelity to one another, to convince a church that thought that sex was purely carnal and that singleness was the only way to please God, and to let people know that sex inside marriage was right and that a husbands true care and concern for his wife was righteous and the same for the wife it didnt make them less Christian, we get this question of should we drag a spouse before elders to bring up their sexual problem. It is an effort on the part of those who organize and participate within it to bring members of the opposite sex together in a social way so as to stimulate sexual attractiveness. A couple of weeks ago, she said God revealed to her, after 20 years, that she should apologize for not trusting me with sex I when we got married. My "awful" advice fell within "any feedback." Amazon Like Topper, when you do all you can to the best of your ability through council, pastoral advice, life change and others. Amazon, Go to company page This is sad. I dont like the birth control pill and much prefer NFP. This is not how we are to be as Christian women. When I bring the topic up, I get a sounds good, but then he rarely follows through. strip teases and those lead to lap dances and those lead to well, you know. For those of us in the older crowd, particularly guys, most can remember getting pretty excited about school dances, especially when it came time for the slow dance. Well, look at what is happening today! I have injoyed all lessons,send me more and more. Your email address will not be published. I often drift off to the just imagine zone. It can be translated as "to desire" or "to . If you are not sure how to grow in your sexual confidence, the good news is you can learn. Here are 5 ways to be sexually playful while clothed. I always made eggs two different ways, meaning two different pans to season and wash because she preferred scrambled. Pray for your husband and over your sex life even during sex if its not feeling the best or youre feeling sinful in your heart. The attire at a modern day dance usually has young women exposing a large part of their body in a suggestive and sexually attractive way. But your marriage bed? Add to this, the grinding and twerking, and I think you can envision an even bigger problem. Wether its restoration with my ex or another marriage down the line, I hope whole heartedly that I will find someone who believes in this..and will work together side by side.thanks for the honest posts.again like Topper commented, it sureal for me as well to see that there are those out there like this.actually gives a hopeThanks. Here are two places in the Bible that address this: (1 Tim 2:9-10)(NASB) Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, (10) but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. She never come by and kissed my lips in her own discretion. But wow, you really nailed it. And the line can be drawn at dance or no dance; or at something else. Its at this point that we get into what was lighting up Married Christian Twitter this past week, when @RegReformedGuys asked whether or not a wife or a husband should bring their spouse before the elders if they were not getting enough physical intimacy. What does the Bible say about dancing? What is the Marital Duty Husbands and Wives Have to Each Other? And unrealistic in most marriages. Check your heart to see if it is aligned with God's Word on what it means to freely and passionately enjoy sex with your husband. Similarly in marriage. So, this is some cause for concern. As far as a husband wanting to climax during oral sex, I think this is very common. 46 1/2 years of marriage and not once did she show any affection to me. God seems to be willing to share your focus with a spouse. Marriage is the one place where sex is not a sin. Interesting marriage question. He doesnt live in the same house as I, he built one of those tiny homes connected to a work shop, garage for his beater truck and other devices he uses around the house and yard. From just the medical point of view, abortion is not the safe and simple procedure it is made out to be. If he learns to dance, will she go to deer camp with him next year? If you thought going before the elders of your church because a husband or wife was not fulfilling her conjugal rights, what about going before the state?! Yes, what your wife is doing is inappropriate by most people's standards. I have always kept myself in great shape which is probably put me in the situation of having the higher drive. Awaken your husband's sexual desires by showing him that you are deeply craving sexual intimacy with him. I asked my wife to slow dance once at a wedding and she suggested I dance with someone elses date instead. As much as the union is one that is firmly rooted in Islamic practice, people do get carried away by the worldly ideals of "love" and "romance" to a point of sometimes being unable to consider practical reality. It's just that simple. Is it OK? And, at dances still being held, the chaperones are simply overwhelmed trying to keep things in order. We were high school sweethearts and I was 16 years old. So, not having sex with them to punish them or to teach them a lesson, to be selfish in laziness or to hold onto anger is sin. Sex is not the purpose of marriage it is the result of the oneness of a man and a women. Is your dance of choice doing this? Faced every day with temptation for nearly 2 decades, I had an affair. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him. In our survey of 20,000 women, we found that sexless marriages werent caused by women just deciding not to have sex. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I want to tell you more about me and this blog. Their marriage ended in divorce and their children separated from mother and father. As you can see, the first question about the man bringing his wife before the elders for not being intimate with her husband got a whole lot more activity than the second one about the wife doing the same. Instead, lets get to the high calling of sexually pleasing our husbands. Now, I know just how much I loved her! Dont wait until your defenses have been broken down by time, like I did. Come from a painful experience and will speak from that and want to make excuses for not obeying Gods commands 3. When you deny sex to him, suggesting with your actions or words that he is an insensitive animal because he wants to make love to his wife, you are hurting him. We act much like apartment dwellers coming and going. Ok. My husband pull the picture and website up and it was a lady with lingerie. So the first thing that we need to ask ourselves in answer to this question is this: am I going to have an attitude that seeks to avoid any questionable decisions in my life and the appearance of impropriety? Yes, you read that accuratelyjealousy is not always a sin! I realize he still have needs for sex and I allow him to enjoy himself even though I am not getting any gratification. I started to give my hubby amazing (at least I hope so ?) OK, this post scares me. In those moments, I would not want to have sex because it can be excruciating. This post is speaking to women who use sex as a punishment or withhold from laziness or selfishness. DO NOT FEAR OBEYING THE LORD. I said this because I don't want what I thought was my insecurity pushing her away because of possible resentment by her. Yeah. What I need to do to satisfy her changes daily. If a wife doesnt want to swallow, maybe she can remove her mouth right as her husband is about to climax and then finish stimulating him with her hand. Men can control how they respond to the reaction, but they cannot control the reaction itself any more than one could control being scared. (Our daughter, from her first marriage, was eight years old when we got married.) Dont know how to perform oral sex? We are seeking mainly to please the other. I wish she would care enough to put in even that much effort. On the contrary, there are a number of places that speak positively about dancing. The basic answer is that it's impossible to sin by lusting after your spouse, because within the covenant of marriage, God gives us an enormous amount of freedom to express our desire for one another. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Once we were married, she told me that she had to have sex with him every day and that would not be happening with us. I actually figured out to pretend to enjoy the act with him because it was over a lot faster if he thought I was excited by him. Youre not alone. With Gods help I have gotten my sexual urges under control and I am totally committed to my husband and have never cheated. At a recent party which, I and my husband both attended, we both entered the dance floor together. We can get caught up on whether or not God is saying that a woman should always say YES to her husband if he asks for sex OR we can not automatically go into self-preservation and trust that obeying the Lord is always the right thing to do! See, I am into cars and she isn't so I go out with my friends and talk cars and go to the races and she goes out with her mom and sister (which are both single). It would be sinful, however, if he were to go to lust after strippers in a strip club. She is wrong for withholding her body and affection from you. What I Learned About Sex After My First Marriage Failed - The Forgiven Wife, Sometimes it is just mentioning how grateful I am that God has given me a beautiful wife in and out of the bedroom. With Gods help I have gotten my sexual urges under control and I am totally committed to my husband and have never cheated. Things like that. I wont even go into the internal, mental struggles with masculine failure I go through. Once you start kissing you can only move forward and go deeper. What are the natural ways of dealing with Premature Ejaculation? Fast forward to today. The truth about modern dancing is that it can create lust and lead to temptation, is often the very definition of the sinful behavior called "Lasciviousness." Modern dancing between two people who are not married encourages sexual desires and intimate caressing that belongs only in marriage. It is too bad to see meanness win out. I am not going anywhere. There are Godly men who speak to these things. The dictionary states that marital duty is (euphemistic) The duty to be available to ones spouse for sexual intercourse. Catholic websites agree: Namely, the marital duty remains to render to ones spouse the conjugal act, to which they have a right to, anytime it is reasonably requested. Our you following my gist here??? Honestly, at times, the only reason I didnt was because, over the years, I had put on a lot of weight and was very embarrassed of my body and not likely to be successful finding to the kind of woman I was attracted to, who would be interested in me. I have to agree with IAgree as well. If its anything worth responding to, someone else let me know. I once knew a Christian couple who would go to clubs with the intent of picking each other up at these different establishments. Hes already there, but I imagine would be happy if you acknowledged it. We specialize in all the partner ballroom dances and help you build confidence and comfort on the dance floor for cruises, weddings, latin nightclub dancing or any event that has music. I dont have a problem with it anymore and havent for years. She passed away Sept 23, 2017 and I still miss her to this day even though she was a very cold fish. The reason we need good Christian marriage bloggers (both wives and husbands) is that many Christians are struggling in their marriages on a number of issues. As far as the bedroom as far as I am concerned that is not and has not been a problem. though, once I got her to church, she said she felt like she was home. This is well written. Here are 5 (practical) things you can do to fall back in love with your husband: 1. And be sure to join mymore than 9,000 followers on my Facebook page and 10,000 followers onTwitter. I find Pauls comments in 1 Corinthians 7 to be some of the most perplexing statements in the Bible. My husband and I have been married for 13 years, together 14 years, and have three wonderful children together. Posts may contain Amazon affiliate links. I do have a page about what I believe, And also a page on why I started the blog My wife didnt cook, so I made breakfast (Im talking about Eggs, bacon and hash browns, not cereal or Pop-Tarts) every morning and made everyones lunches. But if this is one sided, youre not praying but youre counting wrongs or you just dont want to do it, and you have no plan of when it should return if it ever will then you are not in the bounds of Pauls exception. I will continue to pray for my husband and myself. Why would a Christian want to place oneself into such a situation? 1st husband is a very clean person bty who showers twice daily. We have both always worked outside the home. The modern dance places a single man and woman together in a very close and intimate way in a very public setting. But I am worn down. Wives Who Want More Sex and Arent Getting It, Yes! In fact, jealousy can sometimes be good. He took great care of me. Another time I withhold it is when Im fertile and doing NFP (natural family planning). It is impure to withhold sex from your husband. It also keeps no record of wrongs. And you cant fake that. It is therefore the whole situation about which I am discussing in answer to this question. I did get some weird stares from others who later walked up to my wife to ask WTF and she told them she was the one who suggested it. The girl wanted to know whether it is a sin to use a vibrator. Yes, the Bible is clear in teaching against this practice. July 4, 2022 July 4, 2022. Since you are so terrified it says that you have reason to not trust your spouse. And the counsellor said that Christians should not use these things. No, I dont do the same dance every time, nor do I dance every single time. The modern dance is also one of those things. Comfortable trying this, Lyn its more then OK God loves a cheerful giver.We often times think of money when we hear this bible partial verse but it can be applied to married sex as well. The sin would have more to do with obstinate and unreasonable rejection of one of the purposes and functions of marriage. The typical father-daughter dance is with girls up to age twelve. 238 35 Quora User Former Retail Sales (1976-2003) Author has 33.5K answers and 116.6M answer views 3 y Related Sermon on Ingratitude - Overcoming Ingratitude*, Sermon on Ecclesiastes 10 - The True Meaning to Life #12, Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God Sermon Outline (Part 1), Naaman Sermon - The Sabotaging Attitudes of Naaman the Leper, Sermon on Infant Baptism | We Don't Practice Infant Baptism, Sermon on Giving to the Lord - Better Attitudes Toward Giving, Sermon on Zacharias | 3 Powerful Lessons You Need to Know. Some examples of this are: We should give no appearance of evil in the things we do (1 Th 5:22). So much time and hurt could be saved if women really understood why clear and direct communication is just a better way to go, especially in relationships. There are options natural and healthy ones. Fleshly lusts are evil desires that come from a love of the world and not a love of God. We cannot enter into a marriage when God says our bodies are no longer only ours and then hold them captive from our husbands. I dont know how to get through to him that I am fine where we are. Google and read 2010 amazing oral Christian sex. Don't underestimate the power of sin in your life. After having employees not show up and having to pull an unexpected shift at the restaurant after church yesterday, I had hoped that our talk would have made her resolve to figuring out how to be a wife who pleases her husband sexually.
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