You will no longer be able to issue a refund even if you qualify to issue partial refunds under our seller protections. On our second correspondence the buyer replied, "unfortunately doesn't work for me. Many sellers have a no returns policy, which is perfectly VALID on Ebay, b/c their category gets a lot of returns for fit, changed mind, didn't like the color, etc. If you have not had to deal with this in the past count your blessings as you got away with something that almost nobody else has except the Chinese (who they have so many partnerships with they will NEVER do anything to hurt them) and the select few very large . 01:47 PM. Proof of delivery for returned items Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Tip. If the seller hasn't responded, or hasn't issued a refund after receiving the return, or if the buyer and seller can't reach a resolution, either party can ask us to step in and help. You can also open your Returns dashboard and select View return details from beside the case. It's really gotten to the point of embarrassing on their part and they don't even realize it (or just don't care). Some returns may remain open for up to 35 business days. Here are some other helpful pages: When you create a listing, you'll add areturn policy, which will determine your options if a buyer wants to return an item for "change of mind" (or "remorse") reasons.