They frequently travel between streams, even over low ridges, and may be found in almost any habitat. Fisheries and Game section 26-40a. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. Venomous and nonvenomous snakes eat countless disease-carrying rodents each day, and those rodents are often covered in disease-carrying fleas and ticks that spread diseases to humans, pets, deer, squirrels, other wild game animals and even farm animals. Genus: LampropeltisSpecies: Lampropeltis elapsoidesAdult Length: 30-60 centimeters (1-2 ft.)Category: Mimic Snakes. Florida Administrative Code sections 68A-.001, et seq. Indiana does not specifically forbid having any animals as pets. A permit is required for certain exotic animals, including: Washington does not specifically list any allowed exotic pets, but does list pets that are prohibited. Department of Wildlife Conservation. Fish and Wildlife Service to prevent the accidental or intentional introduction of, and the South Dakota will let you keep a bear on your property, but domestic pigs are prohibited. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! The dorsal scales are smooth, and count to a total of 15 rows. The dorsal scales count to 13 rows, and are smooth. Physical Characteristics: The color above is a dull shade of tan, while the head is a darker shade of tan; the undersides are pinkish. Delaware Code Title 3. Physical Characteristics: This snake has a brown or tan coat with diamond-shaped markings all over its body. Genus: SistrurusSpecies: Sistrurus miliariusAdult Length: 40-60 centimeters (1.3-2 ft.). Vermont Statutes Title 10. It is a patch of sensory cells in the main nasal passage that detects heavy, moisture-borne odor particles. The dorsal scales are slightly keeled with occurring in 27 rows. Montana Title 50. Genus: PantherophisSpecies: Pantherophis spiloidesAdult Length: 99-183 centimeters (3.2-6 ft.)Category: Constricting Snakes. The non-venomous snakes are mostly water snakes, small garden snakes, or rat snakes. Residents may take, by hand or hook-and-line, up to 4 species with a total of 8, native amphibians other than snapping turtles or bullfrogs. Yet the color was something different. Genus: VirginiaSpecies: Virginia valeriaeAdult Length: 15-33 centimeters (0.4-1 ft.)Category: Small Garden Snakes. Genus: CarphophisSpecies: Carphophis amoenusAdult Length: 20-30 centimeters (0.6-1 ft.)Category: Small Garden Snakes. The following animals do not need a license to be kept as pets: Some imported birds must have legal import documentation, which then excludes them from requiring a license, including: A Noncommercial Wildlife Breeders License is required to own any wildlife that is not specifically allowed as pets, including: Some exotic animals are not considered to be wild, and thus can be pets with no permit required, including: Oregon lists some wildlife as Noncontrolled, and thus these pets do not require a permit: Oregon prohibits "exotic animal" pets unless the owner obtained a valid Oregon exotic animal permit prior to 2010. Home to several venomous as well as non-venomous snakes, Louisiana has been a constant attraction to snake enthusiasts who visit the area to study these reptiles. These stories of what could be record-breaking snakes are impossible to substantiate. Because they have no venom on which to rely, these species use different methods to subdue their prey. Georgia Code Title 27. Oregon Revised Statutes Animals sections 609.305 et seq. Title 5 Fish and Game. Genus: StoreriaSpecies: Storeria dekayiAdult Length: 30-40 centimeters (1-1.5 ft.)Category: Small Garden Snakes. Agriculture sections 19-34-1 to 19-34-9, West Virginia Code Chapter 20. Physical Characteristics: Color ranges from dark tan, to brown, or nearly black, with pale black or dark brown crossbands. Copperheads frequent forested and wooded areas. I had a long conversation about green anacondas with Scholle one morning while he showed me the live 15-foot specimen in his own collection. Physical Characteristics: The snake is gray in color with a row of dark gray/brow/orange spots running down the back; and a similar series on each side. Genus: PantherophisSpecies: Pantherophis guttataAdult Length: 63-165 centimeters (2-5 ft.)Category: Constricting Snakes. Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 37. It measures between 15 to 55 inches. Genus: RhadinaeaSpecies: Rhadinaea flavilataAdult Length: 25-33 centimeters (0.8-1.8 ft.)Category: Small Garden Snakes. Virginia valeriae valeriae. Genus: ReginaSpecies: Regina rigidaAdult Length: 38-76 centimeters (1.2-2.4 ft.)Category: Water Snakes. Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. Also, if you spot any of these or have seen them in the past, dont hesitate to leave a comment in the section below. 4 sections 1-8, Nevada Administrative Code. Tennessee considers all native animals not listed in any other class to be Class II animals. The email address cannot be subscribed. "Dangerous wild animals" may not be kept as pets, including: Dangerous wild animals were grandfathered in. Turtles limited to one, must have at least a 4-inch carapace, and be caught with a license. "It's a big snake. Majority of these are non-venomous, and the venomous ones count to a total of just 7 species discovered till date. Contact us. Genus: Lampropeltis calligasterSpecies: Lampropeltis calligasterAdult Length: 76-102 centimeters (2.4-3.3 ft.)Category: Constricting Snakes. Certain exotic pets are allowed, such as: Animals that are specifically not allowed include: An annual animal hobby permit is required to keep more than six animals (exotic or not) larger than a guinea pig and over four months old. Waiting. Import, Possession, or Release of Wildlife section 207:14. Montana Title 81. Seven of those species are venomous, though most are not The U.S. government has made effective provisions to protect the biodiversity of this state by the means of national parks and forest services. Its side of head is black with a white line from the eye to the angle of the mouth. Chapter 207. Alabama Code Title 9. This rattlesnake is considered one of northern Americas most dangerous venomous snake species. Dangerous animals may be possessed if they are assistive animals. Physical Characteristics: The color being deep marshy green with a tinge of gray, these snakes love to rest in large water bodies. Louisiana prohibits pet ownership of certain potentially dangerous All venomous reptiles in the Crotalidae family, including rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths. The bottom line is, if you like to hunt and fish, you should want to see snakes to know that they are there to help keep your area healthy. Code sections 48.1-09, North Dakota Century Code Title 36. Genus: HeterodonSpecies: Heterodon platirhinosAdult Length: 38-106 centimeters (1.2-3.4 ft.)Category: Harmless Non-venomous Snakes. Natural Resources section 20-2-51, Wisconsin Statutes Police Regulations (Chapters 163 to 177) section 169.01, Wyoming Statutes Title 23. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Unless an animal is specifically banned in West Virginia, it can be kept without a permit, so long as it isn't considered a wild animal or wild bird. Pet owners must have papers providing the supplier of the wildlife and date of acquisition. Constrictors bite and wrap their prey with their bodies, squeezing tighter and tighter until blood flow is cut off to the brain and they can no longer feel a heartbeat. In Arkansas, you can own bobcats, but not more than six at a time. However, even if you're allowed to own a certain type of animal, you may still beliable for any injuries or damagecaused by your exotic pet, which can be severe. Their body is patterned with broad dark-brownish, crossed bands, while their heads are solid without patterns with a faint orange tint on the top and pale yellowish on the sides. Eastern Earth Snake 4. Genus: ThamnophisSpecies: Thamnophis sirtalisAdult Length: 38-114 centimeters (1.2-3.7 ft.)Category: Diurnal Snakes. You may possess a "dangerous wild animal" so long as you register it with local law enforcement. Tips for summer fishing and beating the heat. Normally an animal stung by a fire ant will flee and survive. I met Shealy and Scholle while I was on an expedition in February to hunt invasive Burmese pythons in the Everglades. New Hampshire does not require a permit to possess "non-controlled" wildlife, including: Some animals are prohibited as pets, including: Some animals may be kept as pets without any permits, including: Permit required for certain animals, including but not limited to: New Mexico does not specifically list any exotic animals that can be kept as pets. It is between 14 to 45 inches long and usually beige, tan or pale gray. You can possess numerous domesticated animals, including: Minnesota bans "regulated animals" from being kept as pets, including: Other animals prohibited as pets include: You may have a pet "regulated animal" if you qualified and registered the animal, or the animal's parent, before 03/02/2005. Department of Agriculture. Physical Characteristics: Its body is covered with a series of red and white/yellow rings with black borders. South Dakota Legislative Rules Code section 12:68:18:03, Tennessee Code Title 70. No more than one alligator snapping turtle may be taken out of the wild per day. The snake often has a dull pink or orange tint above, with broad, darker brown, hourglass-shaped crossbands that is slightly paler on the lower sides. Fish, Wildlife and Parks, section 12.6.2205. Physical Characteristics: These snakes, as their name suggests, have a glossy coat, the colors are either dark olive, dark gray, or complete black with yellow or tan stripes running down the lowermost portion of the sides. AnimalSake provides a list of species of Louisianas snakes, and a brief description of each. For example, in Vermont you'll need a permit to own an anaconda, but not to keep a pet alligator. Non-native reptiles and amphibians that are not listed as forbidden, Diamond-backed terrapin, not taken from the wild, Felines and domestic hybrids over 30 pounds, Poisonous snakes in Hydrophidae, Elapidae, Viperidae, and Crotolidae families, Up to three diamondback terrapins are allowed with a permit. WebAre there anacondas in Louisiana? Rick Scholle, who runs the campgrounds roadside zoo, examined the snake and realized that he was looking at a juvenile green anaconda. There are tiny black dots near the head, and a faint line may be present along the back. 6 in total of any other turtle, snakes, and lizards, with the caveat that you are limited to 4 turtles. Like most non-venomous snakes, they will flatten their head into a diamond shape when threatened, as the one pictured has done. Genus: FaranciaSpecies: Farancia abacuraAdult Length: 63-203 centimeters (2.5-6.6 ft.)Category: Harmless Non-venomous Snakes. The scales are keeled and in 19 rows. Captive-bred coatimundi may be kept as pets, but proof of legal acquisition is required. The snake has keeled dorsal scaling in 21-25 rows. They feed on frogs, cicadas and rodents, and give birth to from 4-16 young. Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 54. The scales are keeled and comprise 15 rows. Green anacondas in the Everglades: The largest snake in the Five subspecies of the North American racer can be found in Louisiana. The undersides are a dull yellow with gray-colored spots. Louisiana is located in the southern end of the United States of America. At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. Their underside is grayish white, or light tan, and they have approximately 23 rows of keeled scales. Genus: AgkistrodonSpecies: Agkistrodon contortrixAdult Length: 50-95 centimeters (2-3 ft.). Tornadoes were also sighted in southwest Shreveport, Louisiana, around 5:40 p.m. local time (6:40 p.m. Vacillating Wildly From Dispiriting to Exhilarating, recently became notorious for jumping into the water. Carphophis amoenus helenae. Anaconda navigatorThere in aninstance of Anaconda Navigator already running License required for keeping falcons or raptors. Some venomous reptiles must have permits starting 07/01/2021. Endangered Species Act. Oregon allows disabled people to own service monkeys as pets. Physical Characteristics: Yellow, brown, tan, or reddish brown with a series of large reddish or orange spots running down the back lined with black borders; similar smaller pattern on the sides. Garter Snakes 12. Garter The underside is whitish with brown spots. Physical Characteristics: The body coloration is grayish brown, or tan on the anterior, and pale yellowish to off-white below. Physical Characteristics: Its skin color is usually light tan or beige, with dark brown or black crossbands, and a brick reddish strip running down all along the back. The underside is pale white, yellow, or gray, with crescent-shaped dark spots. There are similar but dull stripes on the sides, with a whitish underside. They vary in color from nearly black without much of a visible pattern to pale brown, yellowish, or even orangeish with black or brown blotches. Genus: NerodiaSpecies: Nerodia cyclopionAdult Length: 40-127 centimeters (1.3-4.1 ft.)Category: Water Snakes. Louisiana is home to 48 species of snakes in Louisiana, only seven of them venomous. Permits are required to have pet native frogs. Like any good gladesman, Shealy has a substantial portion of his brain wired to recognize snakes in places where the rest of us would see only leaves and shadows. Burmese pythons are sometimes at a similar disadvantage. The following article describes some of these state laws in more detail. Green anacondas havent gained much attention as an invasive species, but the state of Florida has become concerned enough about them that photos for identification were included in the study guide that I was assigned before participating in the Python Challenge hunting contest. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Please enter a legal issue and/or a location, Begin typing to search, use arrow This places the pythonand her leathery eggsat risk of attack by marauding ants. Lets spend a little more time discussing some of the snakes you may see in and around where you live, hunt or fish. Cats, including hybrids with wild felines. These snakes have 25 rows of keeled scales. These snakes strike when disturbed, but are non-venomous and harmless. The symptoms include intense pain and bleeding in the bitten area, intense internal pain, weak pulse, swelling and discoloration of the affected area. You will need a permit for any other "inherently dangerous" animals. Conservation and Development, section 4709, Importation & Possession Rules Unrestricted Wild Animal List. Ohio Revised Code Title IX. To see all snakes in Louisiana visit: Cougars, panthers, or cheetahs acquired before August 27, 2009 are allowed. The scales appear in 21 rows, and are keeled. The ever popular and beloved king snakes are next! Snakes, in general, arent aggressive, except in cases of self-defense. Whether you already own an exotic animal, are thinking about purchasing one, or have been harmed by someone else's pet, contact apersonal injury attorneyto get a better handle on your state's exotic animal laws. Unlike ribbon snakes, garter snakes typically have the dark vertical lines along the side of their mouths. Washington Revised Code Title 16. Louisiana has about 47 species of snakes. Kentucky Administrative Regulations 2:082 sections 1 et seq. They can also be found at LA Snake Boyz on YouTube. Often confused with garter snakes, which are in the same genus, ribbon snakes side stripes are located on the third and fourth row of scales on each side of their body. Animals and Livestock section 16.30.005, Washington Administrative Code section 220-400, West Virginia Code Chapter 19. Lemurs, marmosets, squirrel monkeys, and capuchins require registration. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Shealy did something that comes naturally to the family. Conservation and Ecology sections 49-8-1 et seq. Although he has fought bans on the import and commerce of constrictor snakes, Wyatt admits that pythons and anacondas are a problem in the Everglades. Indiana Code Title 14. You may possess a chimpanzee if you owned it before 1/31/2010 and obtained a permit before 7/1/2010. ET), and McKinney police said four 18-wheeler trucks had been Felines, except mountain lions and bobcats, Wolves that are lawfully acquired and bred in captivity, Nonvenomous, nonindigenous reptile species and subspecies, Albino forms of indigenous reptile species, Old World species of pheasants, partridges, quails, francolins, peafowl and jungle fowl, except Chukar partridges, Hungarian partridges, snow cocks; and ring-necked and white, winged pheasants, Saltwater fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, Nonindigenous species of amphibians, except bullfrogs. On a muggy day about 10 years ago in the Florida Everglades, Jack Shealy was riding his bike along a dirt road leading into the Trail Lakes Campground, where he has worked for decades. Youll hear stories about people being chased by racers because they often flee in the same direction of humans while trying to get to their safe spot, which can be misinterpreted as chasing. Sometimes theyre incorrectly called blue racers, though that subspecies is actually found in northern states near Illinois.
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