Teacher: He is in science room number three. Taylor was so scared of being shot again that he refused to answer when other students called to him. Attention, south units. As she got closer, Nielson realized that the gun was real and was going to threaten Harris with campus security. Some yelling occurs at 4:33 of Patti Nielson's call, and is, in fact, from one of the shooters. Jefferson alerts the deputies that the shooter may have a shotgun. Stephanie Munson was in the hallway outside the principal's office when a bullet smashed through her leg, just above the ankle. 22 Columbine Tapes Released - ABC News it ends before steven curnow even got shot. exchanging gunfire with Harris, Gardner calls on his police radio for additional Jefferson But mostly there was a resetting of priorities, she says. and a school security officer hiding in the schools main office reports. Immediately, Nielson and several students retreated into the school library, where she found a telephone and called 911. County SWAT commander Lt. Terry Manwaring, on his way to the high school, orders Then they chucked more bombs. possibly wearing bulletproof armor. Walker, on the south side of the school, reports an explosion that blows out Harris lights on his patrol car flashing and the siren sounding. She also fell behind on her master's. library toward the west windows, killing one student on the way, before they. Shots in the building. advises that the suspects are possibly wearing body armor. Thinking all the noise was a student video production, Patti Nielson, a hall monitor and art teacher, walked through a school corridor with a curious student, Brian Anderson, to ask the kids to quiet down. The ambulances, responding to Gardners call for medical assistance on the south Park saw Harris reloading. Some people see it and think they are true. Deputy A teacher, Theresa Miller, spent hours on the phone with 911 to deliver updates on Sanders' condition. Deputy There are also a few other things that corroborate this. Yes!! The first They tell a story of upper level, southwest corner. Rohrbough was silent on the sidewalk. Directly after this, another operator asks, "Can I help you?" Harris peeled off 15 more bullets at the deputy. Writhing in pain and smeared in blood, Kirklin yelled for his friends. '', Klebold shrugged. With four guns, 67 bombs and two hearts full of hate, classmates Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shocked the world April 20 with the worst school shooting in American history. Voices of Columbine: The Denver Post Online As she welcomes an NBC News crew into her home, she jokes about how the place has been turned upside down by the guys refinishing the floors. From the corner of his eye, though, he saw another girl get shot. "They walked over to her and shot her again.''. Nielson: O.K (shouting) I want every student in this library on the floor and you better stay on the floor! to Smoker as a gunman, carrying a semi-automatic rifle, appears on the inside of Smoker advises dispatch that four down on the west side need to be evacuated. We're not going to go to the door. 5/19/2022 8:38 PM. Yes they did actually say those phrases but we don't have the full call in which we wpuld even be able to hear them say this. I felt something in my shoulder, Nielson said, her voice quavering slightly, I got grazed by a bullet.. Email. With two 9mm bullets in his left arm, one in the right and at least three others piercing his lungs, kidney and vertebrae, Castaldo somehow remained conscious. Outside the school's west exit, where Rachel Scott lay dead and Richard Castaldo was crippled, Eric Harris spotted Jefferson County sheriff's Deputy Neil Gardner, the school resource officer, in the Columbine parking lot. They may be thinking the same thing. I have always wondered how much of the written 911 transcripts are merely from people putting down what they think they hear as opposed to matching up what witnesses in the library recall the shooters saying at various points with the tapes? At least 30 survivors fled through the library's rear emergency exit. Teachers Unless Eric is talking to Bree and Isaiah says "mom" simultaneously, catching Dylan's attention. At just before 4:35, a male talks and says "Page Boyd," and you can very faintly hear this on 11.29.25 at 0:30. one killer shouted. Schwieterman, June 13 - The next minute would change his life, but Lance Kirklin never knew it was coming. While student Aaron Hancey, an Eagle Scout with first-aid training, treated Sanders, another student, Kevin Starkey, worked to keep Sanders conscious by pulling family photos from the teacher's wallet and asking about them. Nielson, who suffered from a severe case of PTSD, refused to listen to the playback. But I still won't do it if it starts to make me crazy or takes time from my kids. She was raising three children, one still in diapers. Like, say there were no transcript available and youd never heard it before. While the first five and half minutes of the call have been released to the public, the rest of the audio is "available" in the form of a transcript. Dispatch Many of these. outside the west entrance of the school. 16 And I knew it was older because the phones looked like the desk phones of my teachers, when I was in high school. I think that's the start of my new year.". Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. I'm working to get to April 21. duffel bags conceal 20-pound propane bombs timed to explode at 11:17 a.m. chool It was super distracting at first, but it would go away as you adjusted. the cafeteria after the bombs exploded. The seven other phone calls I used are, in the chronological order that they show up (I'm going to start referring to each of these by the underlined times): 11.23.57 Lindsay Macey's call (first minute of this is cut out), 11.23.11 Karen Nielson and Sue Caruther's call, 11.27.04 "Guns and Grenades" call (the one that I split), 11.29.25 "Suspects Near Custodial Closet" call, 11.30.13 "Assistant Principal at Columbine" call. Theyve got the rooms locked up. Sgt. In 2011, a Youtuber posted "leaked audio" of Lauren Townsend (18) being killed with Klebold's TEC-9 as Val Schnurr screams, "Oh God! While Kirklin lay outside the school, exhaling blood with every breath, Rohrbough was dead and Graves was paralyzed. I did an in-depth analysis of Patti Nielson's call where I lined up other 911 calls to see whether the audio was from the library or the 911 call center. Help reached him too late. "They would whoop and holler when they shot someone. Fellow students in Nielson's degree program helped, typing papers and encircling her in study groups as a form of encouragement. - How to get help She hopes her absence is being seen as running toward her family, not running away from the memories. The fifth shot, a shotgun blast to the chest, finally knocked Kirklin off his feet. enforcement officers on the east side of the school report noises and shots I decided, she said, that I was not going to let those hateful boys ruin my life.. "That's when,'' she told her father, "I knew I was still alive.''. pipe bomb is thrown over the railing from the hallway above and into the Her conversation with the operator was punctuated by continuing gunshots. paramedics transport student Stephanie Munson, shot in the ankle while escaping They were playing God. Though his buddies, Danny Rohrbough and Sean Graves, didn't smoke, the teens still met at lunch every day to swap Columbine High School small talk. How Should RTD Deal With the Drug Problem on Trains? SWAT team commander Manwaring arrives at Pierce and Leawood and advises dispatch O.K.? With the trainee on the phone activitily taking the call, your there and can hit a button to speak, but your muted other wise. Deputy person in the cafeteria with bulletproof equipment and several bombs.. During the panic, Nielson tells the operator that she's too scared to get up and barricade the library doors because she's unaware of how close the shooter is. The eyewitness accounts are full of terror and courage, heartbreak and luck. County Dispatch asks if any deputies on scene have a long gun (a rifle or radio traffic they are hearing and personnel are quick to arrive at the scene. While many in this community resent the media dredging up the awful memories of five years ago, Judy Brown and her husband Randy are eager to talk about it. The disseminating pertinent information to the initial responders. The Columbine Library Audio refers to a 911 call placed by art teacher Patti Nielson [1] as she hid inside the library of Columbine High School during the shooting rampage on April 20, 1999. And that was before two gun-wielding students changed her life. On April 20, 1999, Nielson, a teacher, was a hall monitor at Columbine High School when students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, armed with sawed-off shotguns, a rifle and an automatic pistol opened fire, sending their fellow students running for their lives. Harris and Klebold laughed. County Sheriffs Office dispatch advises that there are possible shots fired bomb is thrown into the stairwell from the library hallway and lands in the At just before 4:35, a male talks and says "Page Boyd," and you can very faintly hear this on 11.29.25 at 0:30. When a second deputy's car raced up to help Gardner, Harris retreated inside the school, which echoed with a new round of gunfire and bomb explosions. Colorado Attorney-General Ken Salazar said, I dont think that anything that law enforcement did was negligent, but added that hes still investigating whether the police tried to hide some of their mistakes. "Maybe we should start knifing people - that would be more fun,'' Todd recalls the other killer saying. Patti Nielson 9/11 Call (Columbine HS Massacre) : Unknown : Free and Klebold walk into the school library. Just try and keep the kids in the library calm. She isn't always sure what to say. Patti Nielson's Phone Number and Email. The kids who are running with the shotguns also have Molotov-type cocktail bombs. But harm found him. in the cafeteria realize the activity occurring outside is more serious than a Daily Crossword. This time, it worked. Patti Nielson - Teacher - Columbine | ZoomInfo.com Taylor crumpled. And hey if it works why fix it? I mean.. you could hear it all, just on the recorded call. I pray they are getting help." A shy blond boy whose one close friend in school was assigned to a different lunch hour, Mauser usually ate by himself and spent the rest of "A'' track lunch period reading magazines or studying in the library. when he hears dispatch report that a female is down in the south lower lot of "Peekaboo!'' -Everybody get up NOW! (Dylan? side, approach the south parking lot. A few seconds later, Klebold is heard screaming for everyone to stand. Focusing was a challenge. Two The deputy rolled out of his patrol car. Dispatch However, this corresponds with the operator saying "alright, if--" before being cut off by the caller at 0:40 in 11.29.25. Then she was heard yelling at the students in the library, Get down! After "I looked up right into his eyes,'' Eubanks said. Bookshelves and cabinets and tables blocked sight lines and made it impossible for any one student to recount the exact sequence of what Harris and Klebold did next. Students arrive for classes at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. on Monday. Klebold and Harris made in their homemade videotapes, the investigation Good research. Before the rampage was over, Park was hit three more times. And the kid standing there with us, I think, I, he got hit. side. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. About how many people? requests emergency medical response to the west side of the school. "I closed my eyes and pretended I was dead, but every time I heard a gunshot my body would jump. Littleton With the growing popularity of mobile phones, many people were able to place calls from inside the school during the shootings. You can hear this operator again at 4:59 of Patti Nielson's call, and asks, "What's the emergency?" Last Update. the building. For the second time that day, Kirklin turned his head and said, "Help.''. The first shots rang out at 11:08 a.m. After killing two students and wounding several others outside the school, the gunmen entered the building. Paul Smoker, a motorcycle patrolman for the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office, Students I got worked up, frustrated." Copyright 1999 The Denver Post. - Columbine archive Theyre not Band-Aids, but they have cloth to try to control the bleeding. Gruffer voice) -HEEYYY! -the leaked bit: oh my god help me help me! and shut the fuck up!. Ken Klebold hurled a pipe bomb onto the school roof. through the lobby. Two library employees and Harris leave the science area and go down into the cafeteria. Hoping a simple human gesture might stop the bloodshed, Steepleton peered from 20 feet away directly into Klebold's eyes. "I got up to him and saw he was shot in the chest,'' Phelan said. Could it have been averted?Five years later, nobody knows exactly why Harris and Klebold went on that murderous rampage. Another instance of this happens, where gunshots or explosions can be heard on both calls. "I'm perfectly willing to talk to any of them. I've got the kids on the floor. school lunch tables. cancin: erased. A YouTube video shows a reconstruction[7] of how the 911 call transpired. shooting a rifle. At about 4:14 in Patti Nielson's call, someone distinctly says "okay." This happens at 3:27 in Patti Nielson's call and 3:24 in 11.23.11. Read More. An example is at 1:07 in Patti Nielson's call, there's a loud gunshot or explosion and Patti Nielson exclaims, "Oh, God." "Yes, I do believe in God,'' the girl replied. In the race of their lives, some students literally ran out of their shoes. Two others, Pat Ireland and Lisa Kreutz, were too wounded to move. At about 4:17 in Patti Nielson's call, we can hear some yelling in the background, which is definitely from one of the shooters. Patty Nielson | C-SPAN.org However, it's another 911 operator, at 0:37 of 11.29.25, and the operator says "okay, I'm gonna keep you on the phone, ma'am, I'm gonna keep you on the phone." female down in the south parking lot of Columbine High School. A teacher Nielson has written to most of the families whose kids were killed. Searle reports smoke coming from the building. The gunman turned towards her and fired without warning, causing bits of glass and shrapnel to slice into Nielson's shoulder. But I don't want to impose. Nielson: The school is in a panic. Let me know what you think! side door. are killed and 12 more wounded. caller tells dispatch. Harris and Klebold leave Deputy The chaos inside Columbine was so great that no one ever may know exactly what happened that day. Without breaking eye contact, Klebold raised his sawed-off shotgun. Despite Littleton She was emotionally strained. videotape. A shard of bomb shrapnel flew into DiManna's cheek. Nielsen survived the massacre, but the library became a scene of carnage. The "that bitch.." bit always came through very clearly to me. This noise corresponds to an operator saying "um" at 2:11 on 11.27.04. In time, she says. And I'm in the library. Apparently a faculty member inside the school talking to police, describing the situation facing some of the students who are hiding and speaking to the students at the same time. suspects both take a moment to drink from water bottles left by students on the Columbine High School. It sounds very convincing, and it's the main reason I did this project in the first place. The fireball scorched the ceiling and blew out tiles. "I wasn't going to know if I could go back unless I tried. their cars, they have a clear view of the cafeteria area. Then gunshots and explosions rocked the commons, or cafeteria area, near where the killers had stashed a propane barbecue tank bomb, wired to a gasoline tank and surrounded with nails and BBs to maximize killing power. The Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. What do you actually hear on the available bits of the 911 call? Deputies "[6] The audio turned out to be real, though it was eventually confirmed to originate from a rare German documentary about the shooting. He just keeps shooting and shooting and shooting. Jefferson Those students are trying to save the life of teacher Dave Sanders. from the window. But strangely, on the morning of the Columbine massacre, Harris warned Brooks Brown to go home just before the shooting started. the west entrance and the sounds of gunfire. students reporting a person in the school with a gun. IE 11 is not supported. The old tactics didnt work, said Mink, noting that now, the first responding officers that get to the scene of an active shooter engage that shooter as soon as possible to neutralize that threat., As the finger-pointing continues five years later, Patti Nielson said she has finally realized she cant alter what happened that day, adding, I cant change whatever went wrong with those boys. "We couldn't leave that little girl there,'' DiManna said. Nothing close to what I read elsewhere. — -- July 6 The following excerpts from the Columbine shooting 911 tapes, just released, show the confusion, anguish and attempts by law enforcement to deal with the unfolding situation: Call from teacher Patti Nielson hiding in library with children. Harris peeled off 15 more bullets at the deputy. "I'm perfectly willing to talk to any of them. Broncos - How to share your thoughts I think I want to have it behind. the double doors. 9:19AM. Shot twice in the left side of his head, Ireland dropped. At around four minutes and twenty seconds into the call, a large explosion erupts from Nielson's end of the line. Nothing mattered but getting out of there and getting back to my children." another student, on the telephone with her mother, glances up in time to see the coming from the schools northeast side. In 7 minutes, 10 people The tape of her call also records the gunmen taunting students, screams and gunshots. Nielson: The school is in a panic. He desperately hurled the bomb, but it exploded six feet away, stinging Hall and Steepleton with shrapnel wounds. Here is a link to the one that I sped up. She isn't always sure what to say. Dispatch By ABC News -- July 6 The following excerpts from the Columbine shooting 911 tapes, just released, show the confusion, anguish and attempts by law enforcement to deal with the unfolding situation: Call from teacher Patti Nielson hiding in library with children. Crouching over Hall's pained body, Ireland let his own head rise just above the top edge of the table. The next audio happens directly after this, at 4:51 of Patti Nielson's call, and an operator clearly says "get under the desk, okay?" All rights reserved. and Klebold walk toward the food serving line in the cafeteria area. Ive got students, under the table. Smoker radios that students are saying the shooter is wearing a black trench He survived. I got all of the kids in the library on the floor.''. Boom. She studied post-traumatic stress disorder and reminded herself of the vow she had made in that cupboard. Gardner has just pulled up in the lower south parking lot of the school with the And that is definitely it. Hiding beneath a lunch table, Keni Dooley watched a gunman lob a bomb into the cafeteria and shoot it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. hears one of the suspects say, GO! Get the latest updates in news, food, music and culture, and receive special offers direct to your inbox. Phil Hy arrives on scene and begins identifying and Join the Westword community and help support Together with two friends, Kirklin walked outside the cafeteria for a quick cigarette break. And bullets ricocheted off hallway lockers. When he came to, he found the fuse of a palm-sized bomb sizzling beneath his table. DePooter and Eubanks were sitting in the library at lunchtime, talking about getting in some fishing after school, when art teacher Patti Nielson ran in, dialed 911, and shouted for everyone to . Suddenly bullets hit Scott. Paul Magor, a Jefferson County Sheriffs deputy patrolling the south Jeffco and Klebold are in the cafeteria about 2 minutes. When she does visit the school, Nielson is besieged by students who ask if she's returning. With more gunfire whizzing overhead, one friend, Jayson Autenrieth, pulled her to safety. At 4:41 in Patti Nielson's call is when many amateur transcripts (the one that inspired me to do this project was this one) say when Eric says "peek-a-boo". Harris rattled off 10 shots at the deputy with his 9mm carbine. 11:14 a.m. and 11:22 a.m. Harris and Klebold leave their cars and walk into the But five years ago, her whole life was turned upside down by a pair of violent teenagers whose actions Nielson and the rest of this Colorado community are still struggling to comprehend. . and Klebold standing together at the top of the west exterior steps, wearing black trench coats and carrying a backpack and duffel bag, Students Daniel "When the year 2000 hit, it wasn't like a new year for me," she said. Several seconds after this event in 11.23.11, the caller says "they just shot, shot somebody inside the cafeteria.". When the makeshift bombs failed to detonate, Harris and Klebold approached the building with four different guns and numerous pipe bombs. The two killers reached the middle of the library. He picked up a chair and smashed it on the table. . Patti Nielson 9/11 Call (Columbine HS Massacre) by Unknown. Dispatch Scott didn't know that his sister, Rachel, already had been shot outside the cafeteria. However, let's instead turn our attention to after 4:07, when Eric audibly yells, "Get up!" Nielson: I do not . weekly ad specials from the denver post voices of columbine PATTI NIELSON Mother, Columbine teacher, library survivor By Susan Besze Wallace Denver Post Staff Writer Apr. sleeve of a black trench coat shooting a. Klebold Television Hall's right leg gushed blood, so Ireland used his hands to try to slow the hemorrhaging. Klebold is running behind them, but comes to an abrupt halt Dispatcher: We have paramedics, we have fire and we have police en route. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Don't forget, he said, "Look at the n-word" or whatever it was he said before they shot him. Suddenly Kastle fell through the ceiling, landing on the floor in front of a cafeteria exit. Walcher of the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office arrives on scene. The ground shook. Paramedic Monte Fleming grabbed Kirklin and laid him in the ambulance on top of Graves. I'm doing better concentrating. At about 11:19 a.m. a witness Sudoku Another Still, Schnurr answered truthfully. reports a possible shooter on the football field behind the shed. I put her in my arms. and the shooters enter the library. Then they spotted Nielson scrunched under the librarian's desk. However, at 4:20, a noise often attributed to this yelling is from a 911 operator, and shows up at 0:15 in 11.29.25. At 4:56 is when amateur transcripts say Isaiah Shoels yells "Mom." This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 04:07. - Victim funds of the school and they have long guns., A Narrative Time Line of Events - Cnn Nielson: I cant believe hes not out of bullets. There are two other useful files that aren't necessary: Here is a link to my Audacity file if you'd like to listen to them yourself, and here is a link to the audio that I've put side-by-side after the shooters enter the library, with Nielson's call on the right side, and the background audio on the left side. containing enough explosive, student parking lots to sit in their respective cars, The partial detonation of a bomb and a subsequent fire. Teacher Littleton Oh God! Walker. Klebold stopped. SHOT. Deputy Suspended out of sight inside the ceiling, Kastle listened. I don't know if I can chime in on this, but I'm going to, way back a few years ago (2009) I was a floor manager on a call center. Behind her, the hallway suddenly turned quiet. safe You can hear just after the gunshot the same operator in the same call ask "where, where is that?". Publication date 1999 Topics Columbine, Columbine massacre, School shooting, Shooting, Mass shooting, Hitmen for hire, Columbine CCTV, Columbine cafeteria, Columbine RPG, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold Language English. Next to him, Scott curled in pain. Four Patti Nielson, hiding under the front counter in the school library, calls 911 on the VCR that records images of lunchtime activities in the school cafeteria. "I haven't been dreading the anniversary. "Hi, Dylan,'' Savage said. two-hour 911 phone call (from 11:29 a.m. to 1:24 p.m.) from a school secretary The gunmen then turn their "I was thinking I was going to die, trying to take the biggest breaths I could take. At Science Room 3, Sanders collapsed. "You want to ask why they let him go? inside the library entrance, continues her phone contact with the Jefferson The 3 so-called "knocks" on the table just before this are also likely just gunshots, since they sound metallic, and the tables weren't made of metal, so it's just an effect by the phone microphone. "Run. is writing a speeding ticket on West Bowles Avenue, just west of Pierce Street, One raised his gun to his temple. He was with best friend Corey DePooter in the library when the shooting began. An analysis of Patti Nielson's 911 call : r/Columbine - reddit At one point during the rampage, Klebold uses racial slurs against one victim (Isaiah Shoels, 18) before Harris executes them. After Please enable JavaScript to pass antispam protection!Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser http://www.enable-javascript.com.Antispam by CleanTalk. Dispatch (Sound of gunshots.)
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